Many types of supernatural creatures appear in movies of various genres. Vampires, werewolves, and ghosts are probably the most common ones. However, those viewers who are looking for something less usual should try movies about fairies. Not all fairies are good and help people, but they often leave a strong impression.

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They appear both in movies for children and in those oriented toward adults, in live-action pieces as well as in animated ones. Some movie fairies have become truly iconic over the years and their fans like to return to them over and over again. They have the power to interest new viewers as well, though, since they're often truly magical.

6 Flora, Fauna, And Merryweather

Sleeping Beauty 1959 Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather

Technically, they're three faeries, not one, but since they work together and help the main heroine as a team, they can be counted as one. Just like the Fairy Godmother, the trio Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are closely linked to another iconic fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty.

They play a notable part in the 1959 classic animated movie Sleeping Beauty and were portrayed in live-action movies as well. They're the ones who make sure that Sleeping Beauty overcomes the curse in the end as they wish good things on her, creating a balance between their good wishes and the evil ones Maleficent casts on the unfortunate princess Aurora.

5 Fleur Delacour

Harry Potter Fleur Delacour

Technically, Fleur is only partially a fairy which allows her to live freely among other wizards and witches. Still, her fairy ancestry ensures that everyone who meets her pays attention to her beauty. Men often fall for her and women get jealous, as Ginny and Hermione did. Fleur is much more than just a pretty face, though.

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She's capable enough to compete in the Triwizard Tournament and even though she doesn't win, she also performs more competently than the Harry Potter movies would like the audience to believe. She finds a solid job and forms a stable relationship with Bill Weasley. She cares about Bill's injury, proving she's not shallow. Fleur has a lot of positive traits and despite not having a lot of space in the movie series, she manages to shine in every scene she appears in.

4 Maleficent

maleficent disney angelina jolie

Every good fairy tale needs a proper villain. And for Sleeping Beauty, no other villain could be as effective as Maleficent, the evil fairy who cursed the princess and ensured that Sleeping Beauty fell into a sleep that would be almost impossible to break. The story is well-known, and in older movies, most notably the 1959 Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent is an impressive villain, nothing more.

Yet as the more modern live-action movies Maleficent with Angelina Jolie in the titular role showed, there might be more to the supposed villain than meets the eye. The first movie took the world by storm in 2014 and ensured that from now on, many people would consider Maleficent more of an antihero than a downright villain.

3 Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy 2010

A general rule is that most fairies are women. But as the 2010 comedy movie proves, sometimes exceptions happen. Dwayne Johnson plays the hockey player Derek Thompson who pushes others' wrong buttons and as a punishment, he's transformed into a Tooth Fairy for a week. The story idea might sound over the top, but the movie manages to sell it, and it's a lot of fun.

Of course, many viewers will prefer a more traditional portrayal of the Tooth Fairy, such as the one who helps the heroes fight evil in the well-rated animated movie Rise of the Guardians (2012), which brings together multiple fantasy and fairy tale beings, such as the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Jack Frost, and, of course, the Tooth Fairy voiced by Isla Fisher. Funnily enough, Fisher herself got another fairy, a Fairy Godmother, in the 2020 comedy movie Godmothered.

2 Tinker Bell

Tinker Bell

Whether she appears in an animated movie or a live-action one, Tinker Bell is easily one of the most iconic fairies. She and Peter Pan are friends, yet Tinker Bell doesn't always act like such a good friend. For example, when Wendy shows up and accompanies Peter on his adventure, Tinker Bell gets jealous of Wendy and isn't afraid to let her true feelings show.

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She's not the chattiest of characters, to put it mildly, but she livens up every scene she appears in. Tinker Bell went on to have a series of her own adventures, proving she works just as fine as a stand-alone character as she does in the Peter Pan movies.

1 Fairy Godmother

Where would Cinderella be without her Fairy Godmother? She would still be cleaning after her stepmother and stepsisters, no doubt. It's thanks to her Fairy Godmother that Cinderella gets to go to the royal ball in a beautiful dress and a carriage, which, of course, later turns into a pumpkin. Most fairy tale fans know the scene very well, so even though the Fairy Godmother isn't the main character in Cinderella, she's still instrumental in the plot.

The concept of the Fairy Godmother has appeared in other movies as well. For example, Shrek 2 (2004) turns the character around and introduces a Fairy Godmother who isn't as nice as she pretends to be. Just like other iconic movie faeries, the Fairy Godmother got her chance to shine in both animated movies and live-action ones, such as in the 2015 Cinderella where she was portrayed by Helena Bonham Carter.

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