One of the most important stages of video game development is the art direction since it allows players to immersive themselves in the world that the developers have created. Games like The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim have dozens of scenic locations, all of which are worthy of a good in-game photo op. Although most games like to take the scenic route, others prefer a more damning one.

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These games often portray a ghastly Underworld full of every sort of ungodly creature (definitely not a contender for most beautiful games), and while the Underworld vastly changes depending on the artist's vision, one thing is certain: it offers players a brutal experience.

5 Minecraft - The Nether

Minecraft The Nether Underworld
  • Release Date: 2011

When casual gamers think of Minecraft, they often think of players frolicking through an open field among cute box-like animals, such as cows, sheep, and pigs. However, veteran Minecraft players know very well how challenging Minecraft can be, especially in The Nether. For starters, getting to The Nether from the Overworld can be difficult since it requires an Obsidian, which can only be mined with a Diamond Pickaxe.

Once inside The Nether, players must be careful not to fall into lava, which covers most of the landscape. Aside from the deadly environment, players will have to fight Blazes, Endermen, Ghasts, Hoglins, Magma Cubes, Piglin Brutes, and much more. That's why one of the most common tips hardcore players tell first-time Nether explorers is to not bring anything that will be missed.

4 Clive Barker's Jericho - The Box

Clive Barker's Jericho The Box
  • Release Date: 2007

Clive Barker's Jericho flew under the radar of most gamers since it wasn't heavily promoted prior to release, especially considering it was banned in some countries (Germany). Nonetheless, those fortunate players who did play Clive Barker's Jericho praised its immersive horror storyline and unique squad-based gameplay. On top of that, each squad member has unique supernatural skills, from summoning a Fire Demon to reviving a fallen squad member.

The Underworld of Clive Barker's Jericho is "The Box," located in the ancient city of Al-Khali. Within The Box, players will have to fight all sorts of demonic entities, some of which are possessed ancient Sumerian priests. By the end of the game, players will have to fight the Firstborn, which is essentially an evil baby.

3 Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - Helheim

Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice Helheim
  • Release Date: 2017

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is one of the few psychological horror games that can capture the mind of a person with psychosis, mostly because Ninja Theory worked hands-on with neuroscientists and mental health specialists. So, while the events of the game are happening in the mind of Senua, the depiction of Helheim allows players to imagine how brutal the Nordic Underworld is.

Throughout the playthrough, players must complete puzzles and challenges, all of which provide valuable information about Senua's past. Players will have to go through several layers of Helheim, from the Sea of Corpses to the gates of Helheim. In terms of combat, players must fight legions of undead warriors while also fighting some bosses like Garm and Surt. The story ends with Senua battling the Nordic god of death, Hela and ultimately freeing herself from guilt.

2 DOOM Eternal - Hell

DOOM Eternal Hell
  • Release Date: 2020

As veteran FPS gamers already know, DOOM is a game that is all about brutal combat, specifically against demonic entities. In DOOM Eternal, however, players can travel to the dwelling of all these demons, Hell. The best part of DOOM Eternal is the near-endless ways of slaying demons, especially since there are plenty of weapons to use throughout the campaign (which adds to the game's replay value).

The depiction of the Underworld in DOOM Eternal is quite vivid and shows a fiery hellscape that very few games have managed to replicate. Aside from the hilarious yet terrifying demons, players must also fight the big baddie of hell itself, The Dark Lord of Hell. Players that enjoyed the overall aesthetic of the campaign can then test out their survival skills in Horde Mode, an endless-type game mode.

1 Agony - Hell

Agony Hell Landscape
  • Release Date: 2018

The minds behind Agony had promised their fanbase that they would deliver one of the most brutal games set on Hell, from nudity to over-the-top dismemberment that would make most games hide in fear. Due to all of these mature elements, the ESRB decided to slap an Adult Only rating (a rating very few games in history have had), meaning that Madmind Studio had to drastically tone down the violent elements. If not, they would not be able to sell Agony in most retailers, which would have meant losing lots of money.

Fortunately, for those ultra gore fans, an uncensored version of Agony was released as a DLC on Steam. Throughout the entire playthrough of Agony Unrated, players will be able to experience everything the Underworld has to offer, minus the suffering part. On top of that, there are rumors that indicate two spin-offs that will further develop some of Agony's main characters.

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