
  • Monster Hunter: World may lack new events, but a thriving modding community on PC keeps the game fresh and engaging.
  • From better skill descriptions to increased monster drops, mods enhance gameplay aspects for a more enjoyable experience.
  • PC players should explore various mods available to enrich their Monster Hunter: World adventure and make the game more fulfilling.

Since Monster Hunter: World and its developers are moving on to greener pastures, the game has become relatively barren with no new events coming in. However, that doesn't mean Monster Hunter: World is a boring wasteland now, especially for PC players. There exists a healthy and highly active modding community for Monster Hunter: World on PC. Hence, PC players often find ways to keep themselves occupied in the game in the form of mods that do quite a bit to enrich the experience. Anyone who plays Monster Hunter: World on the PC should look into these stellar mods.

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For fans of the latest Monster Hunter title, check out these games for even more excitement, adventure, and epic boss fights.

Some of these mods tweak gameplay in major ways, while others change certain aspects to make it easier for players to understand certain facets of the game. Regardless of the scale of these changes, there's no denying that Monster Hunter: World is a game that benefits from some well-made mods developed by people who understand which aspects of the game need some improvement.

Updated on March 27, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Monster Hunter: World is one of the best titles in the genre, with its release on major home consoles ushering in a wave of new Monster Hunter fans who loved the updated presentation and gameplay. It's easy to see why World became such a massive hit in no time, with the future of the Monster Hunter series looking as bright as ever. Players looking to get into this title on PC can enjoy the benefits brought about by mods that tweak various aspects of the experience, letting them enjoy everything from improved combat to various QoL fixes that long-time players of this amazing game would appreciate.

24 Useful Event Quest Descriptions

Downloads: 16,402

Useful Event Quest Descriptions mod for Monster Hunter World

There are various Event Quests in Monster Hunter: World that are a treat to check out, with the rewards and bonuses achieved from completing the same being quite enjoyable. However, there are times when the descriptions of these quests can be rather puzzling to understand, with some details left ambiguous to a fault. Most players wouldn't mind reading through a description that details the task and reward without anything left up to interpretation.

This is fixed with a simple mod that adds more details to each Event and Challenge Arena Quest without cluttering up the UI. It's a simple and much-welcome change that fans of Monster Hunter: World will love, especially if they've clocked in many hours in the game and could do without these vague descriptions that do nothing to clear out any doubts players have about certain quests and the rewards they harbor.

23 Balanced Rewards Gain

Downloads: 11,998

Balanced Rewards Gain mod for Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter: World is a game where loot plays a major role in dictating what a player can get during their adventures. As a result, it becomes important to hunt down monsters and get as many resources as possible, letting players craft better equipment and dish out as much damage as possible against some of the most imposing threats they have to hunt down. So, it can be very frustrating if RNG works against them, leading to a lower haul of rare materials that they need to craft better gear.

With this mod, the frequency of rare drops and their quantity increases in the game, which is a boon for players who've been experiencing this grind for a while and just want to enjoy the game instead of worrying about the loot they get. Some people may consider this cheating, but the sheer enjoyment one will experience by getting rare materials without putting in too much effort can't be stated enough.

22 Better Skill Descriptions

Downloads: 10,047

Better Skill Descriptions mod for Monster Hunter World

There are many skills players can use in Monster Hunter: World that make combat more dynamic and engaging. Players must rely on these skills against the game's toughest monsters if they wish to stand a chance of beating these fearsome foes without tearing their hair out after multiple failed attempts. Unlocking a powerful skill that aids in this goal is pretty rewarding, but there are some people who feel like the descriptions of these skills are a bit too convoluted for their liking.

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Monster Hunter Wilds has a perfect opportunity to include a plethora of underrated monsters from the franchise.

For these people, the Better Skill Descriptions mod is the way to go. The name of this mod is pretty self-explanatory, giving players more confidence in the skills they use instead of just hoping for the best or outright ignoring certain skills. It's a small change, but experts of Monster Hunter: World know just how invaluable this information is. Not having to guess the effectiveness of a skill is something that can help players take on tougher monsters without breaking a sweat.

21 All Jewels In Shop

Downloads: 22,012

Jewels in Monster Hunter World

The trickle of jewels that players get in the game is certainly well-balanced, but that won't stop veterans from being irritated by the lack of quality gems early on when they start with a brand-new character for the umpteenth time. It may be balanced, but that doesn't make the grind to acquire better gems any less frustrating.

With this mod, players can access high-level gems from the shop regardless of how much they've progressed with a particular character. It's a mod that only players intimately familiar with the game should download since it does mess up the balance of the title for obvious reasons.

20 All Monster Drops Increased

Downloads: 16,322

Hunting Banbaro

Monster Hunter is a series where players are tasked with hunting down powerful monsters and gathering all the loot they drop to craft better equipment and challenge even tougher foes. This loot drip is managed splendidly in Monster Hunter: World and ensures that players get exactly what they need to progress a step ahead.

Of course, if players just want to enjoy a power fantasy and become immensely powerful in no time at all, then mods can eliminate this grind. This one does precisely what's stated in the title and increases the rate and quality of monster drops, making it easier for players to gain access to high-end equipment without too many issues.

19 Better Input Detection

Downloads: 38,682

Monster Hunter World Bow

Monster Hunter: World and notably a lot of other console ports have this problem. Input lag can be unbearable, especially for players who like to queue up some fast commands and button presses. For those who feel that Monster Hunter: World feels sluggish at times, then the Better Input Detection mod can be a godsend.

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From forgetting the Prayer Pot to not keeping the right Monstie party on hand, here are some mistakes many Monster Hunter Stories 2 players make.

It makes the game read inputs more responsively and noticeably earlier in the frame time. The mod maker prioritized item consumption as a focus of this mod's benefits. This way, monster hunts are less frantic and aren't as demanding. Being able to control a hunter with ease instead of blaming the game for an avoidable death goes a long way in making the experience more manageable.

18 Skippable Cutscenes

Downloads: 158,755

Voice Lines

It took several years before someone added this, surprisingly. A lot of the cutscenes in Monster Hunter: World are unskippable, though it would seem that plenty of players don't mind as they're entertaining enough, and they also allow gamers to see their characters in better lighting.

Still, replaying some missions over and over again can get tedious, especially if some of the cutscenes get in the way of the action and the grind. So, the Skippable Cutscenes mod gives players more agency with their playthroughs. That said, players should note that some cutscenes can't be skipped.

17 Decoration Drop Rate Overhaul

Downloads: 70,612

A Rajang in Rage Mode roaring in Monster Hunter World

Decorations, for many players, are the endgame in Monster Hunter: World. The most sought-after decorations take several hundreds of hours of grinding and repeated hunts before players can complete their min-maxed builds that can take on the toughest hunts with relative ease.

Monster Hunter: 13 Strongest Monsters (That Aren't Elder Dragons)

Elder Dragons may be tough, but there are other monsters that can be just as tough to take down.

For those who are close to losing what's left of their sanity with this random decoration drop chance system, then a mod like Decoration Drop Rate Overhaul might just be the needed salvation. While it doesn't drastically improve or shorten the grind, the rework mod makes it more rewarding by giving some guaranteed decent decorations.

16 Better Palico AI

Downloads: 12,134

A Palico Cheerfully On A Drum

Palicos are adorable and all, but in the heat of the hunt, they tend to slack off in the most crucial moments and then overperform in relaxed moments. Palico AI can be inconsistent as they tend to gas out their most useful aid abilities in non-urgent circumstances, leaving players hanging when the need for these abilities finally arises.

That's why a mod like Better Palico AI somewhat fixes their attitude. The mod promises that Palicos will be less disturbing or harmless to hunts. They'll also help more frequently and will be more persistent in knocking players out of a stunned state. It's a must for those tired of their meowsters.

15 Guiding Lands Gathering Indicator

Downloads: 321,850

mhw gathering mod

One immediate thing that will intimidate newcomers to the game, apart from the gargantuan monsters themselves, would be the unforgiving map. While it does help build up immersion and demands hunter-like thinking and locale memorization from players, the map is quite an eyesore.

Hence, mods like Guiding Lands Gathering Indicator make everything more convenient, especially for players with aging eyes. It's a nifty and small mod that changes or adds icons for gatherable materials so that players can be sure they didn't miss anything or spend too much time looking.

14 Endemic Quality (Iceborne Edition)

Downloads: 139,917

mhw rare creatures mod

Similarly, looking for rare creatures in a particular locale in Monster Hunter: World can quickly become frustrating. Phantom Birds are the perfect example of this, as they can take ages to spawn, and even then, it's easy to fumble or mishandle catching them.

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Endemic Quality (Iceborne Edition) ensures that players get more opportunities and can reduce a daunting side activity into a digestible or even enjoyable one. It makes it so that rare wildlife in the new world spawn a lot more frequently, making catching or spotting them easier.

13 Natural Bone (And Crystal)

Downloads: 112,180

natural bone mod for mhw

While its graphics were once the Monster Hunter standard back in its heyday, Monster Hunter: World has seen better days. It's starting to look outdated now, especially with the newer and shinier Monster Hunter Rise on the PC platform. Some colors look more washed out and make environments a little drab.

Natural Bone (and Crystal) is a mod that can breathe new life into the game's aging color palette. It replaces pale and old textures with something brighter and more vibrant. Bone and crystal in the environment are given more colors that pop out, making the environment feel fresh and somewhat updated.

12 Unlimited Consumables

Downloads: 120,385

monster hunter world unli consumables mod

Some might consider this cheating, but the reality is that finite consumables in Monster Hunter: World usually only serve to artificially lengthen the game's time as it has no bearing on the economy (there's little to no in-game trading anyway). Players can stockpile these consumables for a long enough time period either way.

So Unlimited Consumables cuts out all the grinding and unnecessary red tape involved in acquiring consumables. Once crafted, players can use consumables an unlimited number of times, and this lets them shift to focus on hunting instead of logistics.

11 MHW Quest Loader

Downloads: 73,646

monster hunter world quest loader mod

Were there times when one wished they could play through some tougher in-game content without having to grind first or replay all the initial content? Such is the case when starting a new character. That's why it can be useful to have something like a quest loader that allows players to pick out specific quests and hunt specific monsters.

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Monster Hunter Rise introduced Palamutes, canine-inspired companions for hunters. What do we know about these creatures, and what remains a mystery?

MHW Quest Loader allows this. It lets players queue in custom monster hunts without replacing the main quest. All quests loaded via this mod will be placed under the 10 stars optional category for easier access.

10 Stracker's Loader

Downloads: 4,042,694

monster hunter world guardian set

When it comes to MHW mods, ensuring that one has a backup to keep the main files safe is mandatory. Otherwise, the whole game might become unplayable and might warrant a reinstallation. When it comes to having a kill switch for the mods, Stracker's Loader can't be beaten.

It's a mod that makes all the other mods go away by restoring the original Monster Hunter: World NativePC file. Most mods usually just modify that file or folder to implement the changes. Stracker's Loader bringing the original back in turns the game into a clean slate.

9 MHW Mod Manager

Downloads: 424,746

Monster Hunter World Iceborne Guild Card

Since most Monster Hunter: World mods just tamper with the NativePC folder to get results, managing multiple mods that do that can get chaotic and can quickly turn into a headache. As such, players will do well by saving themselves some trouble with the MHW Mod Manager.

This mod manager is a modest yet effective way of swapping, deactivating, or reactivating mods in the game. It's a nice alternative to Vortex, which is a universal mod manager from the Nexus Mods website, so players should just use which one they prefer.

8 Souvenir's Light Pillar

Downloads: 1,283,593

mhw light pillars

Picking up stuff in Monster Hunter: World can be troublesome, especially for players with bad eyes. The colors tend to be washed out and less than ideally vivid. Souvenir's Light Pillar, for that matter, makes this trifling matter easier to perform.

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As Monster Hunter Rise can be overwhelming for newcomers to Capcom's franchise, these tips will make a big difference in the early hours of the game.

The mod merely adds some categorically color-coded light pillars for any item that can be picked up. This way, they're easier to spot and certainly harder to miss. Some monster parts or components can be hard to find, especially with all the adrenaline and panic. That's why Souvenir's Light Pillar is a lovely quality-of-life improvement.

7 MHW Transmog

Downloads: 725,198

transmog mhw

Apart from being a top hunter with impressive moves and monster know-how, another endgame grind in Monster Hunter: World would be fashion or the costumes. It's a shame that fashion can be rather limited in the game. That's why some benevolent players introduced the MHW Transmog mod. It lets players replace the appearance of any armor.

That makes it more convenient for anyone who doesn't want to sacrifice their stats just to look great while slaughtering the local wildlife. One of the best perks about this particular transmog mod is that it can be used for hot-swapping.

6 Clear Hunter

Downloads: 118,249

clear hunter

It was mentioned earlier that one reason why locating loot in Monster Hunter: World was difficult was its hazy and washed-out color palette, right? Well, there's a mod that fixes this by adjusting the game's colors. It's called Clear Hunter, and it cleans up the game's visual filter, making the items and environment more visible.

Clear Hunter removes the "bleaching" effect of the game's graphics where a white tint or filter seems to be added on top of the usual visuals. It's a treat for sore eyes, and some players can even opt to skip the loot highlight mods once this is installed.

5 Monster Weakness Icon Indicator

Downloads: 545,862

mhw weakness indicator

Flipping books and reading up information on monsters and then memorizing them can be quite the chore in the game. While it does add to the roleplaying aspect, doing that can get old fast. Many players simply prefer to have visual information handed to them once they've done all the necessary investigation about a monster.

Monster Weakness Icon Indicator does that job well so that players don't have to keep bothering the handler for some encyclopedic knowledge about a monster. It adds elemental icons to a monster's portrait according to the monster's corresponding elemental weakness.