Temtem is filled with dozens of creatures of various types for players to capture, train, and battle. In the new MMORPG creature collecting game set in the vast world of Airborne Archipelago, there are no limits for players and a massive amount of content for them to engage with. To become a powerful Temtem tamer, players will need to search high and low for the most powerful Temtem to be a part of their team.

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There are many different directions that players can take to form their team by focusing on a single type or collecting the most powerful of multiple types in Temtem for one super team. However, to truly find the best fit for a player's roster and become a formidable opponent, they must try all different types of Temtem. The Mental type of Temtem are strong fighters and have a wide range of abilities and effects that players can use to their advantage. Mental type Temtems are great creatures to collect and can make a significant impact as part of a tamer’s team. Here are some of the best Mental type Temtem, ranked.

5 Adoroboros

adoroboros temtem

Adoroboros possesses both the toxic and mental types. Its design is similar to that of a dragon with pink scales and a pair of black wings. Adoroboros is composed of liquid gas and floats rather than flies, which is one of the most unique design concepts in the game. Adoroboros can be found with two very useful traits that make it a smart pick for any tamer when paired with a strong offensive Temtem or a solid tank.

Toxic Skin is the first Trait Adoroboros can be found with, and it applies the poisoned effect on targets that strike it with physical techniques. The poison status can be a great pressure tool as it adds more damage than rival players were expecting. The second trait that Adoroboros can be found with is Synergy Master, which increases the damage of all synergy techniques by 25%. Adoroboros can only be found in two areas: the Xolot Resovoir in Tucma and Braeside Castle in Arbury.

4 Tental

tental temtem

Tental is a pure mental type Temtem with a very unique design that will give players Dragon Ball feels. Tental is an upright walking Temtem with grey skin and green coloration around its hands, feet, eyebrows, and horns. It is the second stage of evolution for Houchic and the previous evolution of Nagaise.

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Tental has high DEF and SPATK stats, making it a good aggressor as a part of a team. In addition, Tental’s Avenger trait boosts its SPATK and SPD when its partner is knocked-out. The Water Affinity trait is the other trait Tental can be found with and this boosts the water techniques that Tental knows by 35%. Unfortunately, Tental can not be found in the wild and can only be obtained by evolving a Houchic at level thirty.

3 Barnshe

barnshe temtem

Barnshe has both the Mental and Wind type in Temtem. It has a design similar to a bird with pink and white feathers with an eccentric hairstyle. Barnshe evolves from Towly at level 10 and can be found with the Neutrality and Air Specialists Traits. Neutrality completely protects the Temtem from several adverse effects such as Sleep, Burned, Cold, Frozen, Exhausted, Isolated, and Poison.

The Air Specialist trait increases the damage of all wind techniques of the user by 35%. With high SPATK, SPD, and SPDEF, Barnshe is more than a welcome partner to any team. Players should search Windward Fort in Deniz and Mac Aed's Crags Arbury for a chance to find Barnshe in the wild.

2 Myx

myx temtem

Myx is a Crystal and Mental type Temtem with one of the most interesting designs in the game. Myx has a black body with a glowing blue center and is cloaked in large tentacle-like growths protruding from its upper torso making it similar in appearance to the Pokemon Tentacruel. Myx benefits from the Rejuvenate and Puppet master traits, which make it great at crowd control and self-fortification.

RELATED: The Best Crystal Type Temtem (& Where To Find Them

The Rejuvenate trait replenishes 8% of the user's HP after using a special technique, while the Puppet Master trait allows the user to redirect rival Temtem attacks to the rival ally if the user is below a certain threshold of HP. Myx benefits from high SPATK and SPDEF stats and a long list of unique techniques. Myx can not be found in the wild and must be obtained by the evolution of an Occlura.

1 Kinu

kinu temtem

Kinu is a Nature type and Mental type Temtem with a design that resembles a giant tadpole. It has green skin, large ears, and floats instead of walking. In terms of stats, Kinu has high SPDEF and reasonably high SPD and STA stats. Kinu is also a single-form Temtem without an evolution.

The traits that Kinu can benefit from are Protector, which grants an ally Temtem SPDEF and DEF boost, and Benefactor, a particularly strong trait that heals the user whenever they are damaged by a technique by a base percentage. Kinu is something of a rare Temtem and can only be found in the Giant Banyan in Omninesia but will more than pull its weight once added to a team.

Temtem is available to play on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Temtem: Which Starter Is Best For You?