Pokemon-inspired creature-collection gameTemtem has recently emerged from Early Access on Steam, being released fully on PC, Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and Nintendo Switch. Temtem plunges players into the MMO world of Airborne Archipelago, where they take on the role of a Temtem tamer. Here, they get to take control of their own adventure, from capturing Temtem in the wild to battling NPC-controlled Dojos to advance in the story. There is an unlimited number of things to keep players busy!

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There are currently over 100 different Temtem species, and 13 different types of Temtem in the game, but Melee Temtem can really pack a punch and are really effective against Earth and Crystal types. Here are the best Melee-type Temtem, and how they can be obtained.

7 Saipat

Temtem, Saipat

Saipat is an angry duck-like Temtem, wielding a clamshell helmet and a red coral sai. Saipat is a decent choice, as it has strong Melee capabilities and Water-type Techniques. At level 38 Saipat unlocks its exclusive Nicho Sai Melee Technique, which does a whopping 135 damage.

Saipat is a common early game wild encounter, being found all over Deniz, the starting island of Temtem with decent spawn rates along the Prasine Coast and Gifted Bridges. Saipat does not evolve into or from any other Temtem.

6 Mushook

Temtem, Mushook

With an intricate character design that is literally a mushroom with pointed legs, Mushook can really hold its own in a Temtem battle. It sports a large blue toadstool cap, and its hands are literally red boxing gloves. Mushook is a well-rounded Temtem with both Melee and Toxic typing that will fare well in any team composition.

At higher levels, Mushook can unlock some Melee-only Techniques like Uppercut and Wastewater that can do decent damage to the opposing team. Mushook can be found solely on the island of Arbury in the Sewers of Properton, with a slight spawn chance of 10-20%. Mushook can also be obtained by leveling up a Mushi 20 times after capturing it until it evolves.

5 Gyalis

Temtem, Gyalis

Gyalis is a primarily Crystal Temtem, with Melee typing. It has a design extremely similar to a praying mantis in nature, with a crown of crystals orbiting around its head. It is entirely composed of red crystals, almost resembling Scyther from Pokemon.

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Since Gyalis possesses both Crystal and Melee typing, it can significantly benefit from its Techniques, especially as it has the highest base SPD of all Melee Temtem. Gyalis does not evolve from or into any other Temtem. It is extremely rare, with a slim 10% spawn rate in the Mines of Mictlan on Tucma.

4 Skunch

Temtem, Skunch

Skunch is a squirrel-like Temtem that uses its tail for balance and has brawny fists – perfect for a Melee-type Temtem! Skunch has powerful Melee Techniques, particularly Inner Spirit, unlocked at level 32, which deals a massive 170 damage.

Skunch evolves from Skali after leveling up 17 times and is the final evolution of it. Luckily for players, Skunch is quite a common Temtem and can be found all over the world of Airborne Archipelago. The best examples are on Tucma, at both the Corrupted Badlands and the Xolot Reservoir. Skunch can also be found on Kisiwa in four different locations: Chini Grotto, Kilima Peaks, Mawingu Islets, and Barafu Glacier.

3 Magmut

Temtem, Magmut

Magmut is a Melee and Fire-type Temtem. It evolves from Mosu after leveling up 15 times and is its final evolution. It resembles a large wooly mammoth with curved horns and a flaming orange mane for its firey nature.

Magmut has a high base HP stat, making it a welcome addition to any team. The only way players can get their hands on a Magmut is by evolving a Mosu. Mosu can only be found on Arbury, by Mac Aed’s Crags, or Greenglen Forest.

2 Osukai

Temtem, Osukai

Osukai is a massive insect-like bipedal Temtem, with four arms and a muscular build. It currently has the highest base ATK stat of all Temtem in the game. Osukai is a dual typing Earth and Melee Temtem.

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Despite being found in the wild, players cannot catch an Osukai unless they use a TemcardX. If players have some TemCardX at their disposal, they can find Osukai on Kisiwa by Aisha’s Hearth. The only other way to obtain Osukai is by evolving an Osukan, which can be found on Kisiwa at Kilima Peaks with a 20-35% spawn chance.

1 Seismunch

Temtem, Seismunch

Monkeying around? Seismunch is a firetruck red Temtem most closely resembling a monkey, as with its prior evolutions. Seismunch has good base SPD and ATK stats, great for getting up close and personal with the opponents. Seismunch is a Melee and Earth hybrid Temtem, allowing for it to unlock a wide range of Earth and Melee Techniques. It even has its own signature Earth Technique, called Seismunch’s Wreck, which can synergize with another Melee Temtem to do 120 damage.

Seismunch cannot be found in the wild; the only way players can obtain one is by evolving a Baboong. Seismunch is the final stage of a three-part evolutionary line, which starts at Smazee. Smazee is one of the three starter Temtem at the beginning of the game, which is the best method of getting a Smazee.

Temtem is available on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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