In Naraka: Bladepoint, Matari is a very mobile hero who uses stealth to catch enemies off guard and attack from invisibility. Her abilities allow her to teleport a short distance and become invisible, letting her attack enemies unpredictably and escape easily. If players do not have the right glyphs, it can be much more difficult to unleash the potential of this powerful hero. This guide will cover what glyphs and abilities to use to maximize her potential and dominate the battlefield.

RELATED:Best Takeda Build in Naraka: Bladepoint

Best Glyph Build for Matari in Naraka: Bladepoint

Matari in Naraka: Bladepoint

To maximize the effectiveness of Matari, it is worth improving her grappling hook capabilities and energy, as well as reducing her cooldown on her abilities. The following glyphs will help with this:


  • Spirit x 4 – For faster Energy recovery and more dodges during combat.
  • Savagery x 2 – Helps recover Rage faster for the Ultimate.


  • Agility x 4 – Makes Dodge consume less Energy.
  • Tether x 2 – Increases Grappling Hook speed, allowing better mo.


  • Mind x 4 – Increases max Energy, allowing to perform more dodges in a row.
  • Rampage x 2 – Increases starting Rage to get the Ultimate ready faster than the opponents.


  • Flight x 2 – Increases max Grappling hook distance to travel further.
  • Genius x 4 – For reduced skill cooldown.

Best Skill for Matari in Naraka: Bladepoint

Matari in Naraka: Bladepoint

For Matari, the best pick is the second skill.

Second Skill: Flash Repeat

Second Skill: Flash Repeat

The second skill allows using the flash twice, significantly increasing Matari's mobility and allowing her to strike enemies from behind with an increased attack buff multiple times in a row. With this skill, Matari can easily perform various combos and deal a lot of damage to enemies with the ability to escape with a second flash easily.

Best Ultimates for Takeda in Naraka: Bladepoint

Naraka: Bladepoint - invisible assassin

As for Matari's ultimate, it's worth taking the first one for solo and the third one for trios matchmaking. The first ultimate has an increased duration, which will allow Matari to stay in stealth for an extended period, as well as have a reduced cooldown on her skills. With a reduced skill cooldown and multiple flashes, Matari will be able to strike the enemy in the back several times, which will allow her to deal massive amounts of damage.

Naraka: Bladepoint - invisible assassin restore

The third ultimate is a must-have for Matari in trios because it allows the teammates to regain health during attacks. This will give allies an advantage during the battle and thus help them win in Naraka: Bladepoint.

Naraka Bladepoint

PC , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PS5
August 11, 2021
24 Entertainment , Thunder Fire Universe X Studio
NetEase Games Montréal
Battle Royale , Action-Adventure