The Marvel Universe has a long history filled with legendary and unforgettable characters. Their characters come from all different kinds of backgrounds and each has their own story to tell. There's no shortage of fathers in the Marvel Universe, something that's sometimes forgotten.

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A father can be a very important role in someone's life which is why it's important to look at how some of these fathers choose to parent their children. Some of these dads are incredible role models to their kids and others want nothing to do with children. It's time to see which Marvel characters are the most iconic of dads.

6 Luke Cage

Luke Cage And Iron Fist In Marvel Comics

Luke Cage, also known as Power Man, is a loving and respectable father. He has a daughter named Danielle with his superhero lover Jessica Jones. Danielle was named after Luke's best friend and Heroes for Hire partner Danny Rand, aka Iron Fist.

Danielle doesn't possess any super abilities yet but that doesn't stop Luke from treating her with love and care. Since having a child, Luke has slowed down a little and chooses to focus less on risky hero work. He's still willing to answer the call when needed though. Luke Cage is the epitome of balancing work as a superhero and work as a father.

5 Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Ant-Man And The Wasp In Marvel Comics

Scott Lang basically became Ant-Man because of his fatherly duties. He was an ex-convict who became overwhelmed with bills and a daughter with a rare medical condition. Because of this, he decided to seek out a doctor who could help his child. While pursuing the doctor, he discovered that they had been abducted and taken to Cross Industries.

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At this moment he chose to return to his life of crime and break into the building. There he discovered the Ant-Man suit, learned its abilities, and rescued the doctor. This doctor saved his daughter Cassie and since then Scott has dawned the title of Ant-Man, all because he's a great dad.

4 Hulk

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Hulk is a complex character with a lot of emotional baggage. At one point in his comic history, he was chosen by Earth's mightiest heroes to be launched into space so that his unpredictable and unstoppable power wouldn't destroy the planet. After drifting through space he eventually landed on the planet Sakaar. On Sakaar he met a woman named Caiera, and they had a child together. The child was named Skaar and turned out to be eerily similar to his dad.

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He possesses his dad's green skin, incredible strength, and most importantly, his short temper. Unfortunately, Hulk didn't teach Skaar how to control this anger, and he turned out to become even more savage and barbaric than his father.

3 Wolverine

Wolverine close up

Wolverine is known for being a loner and very emotionally distant, not the best traits for a father. With that being said, he has still conceived a few children, both biologically and not. His two most known children are X-23 and Daken. X-23 was a clone created with his DNA and inherited his iconic claws and accelerated healing ability.

She was created to destroy Logan but eventually became an X-Man just like her father. Daken is a biological son and also has claws plus healing. Daken, unfortunately, chose to follow a darker path in life. He has sided with the Brotherhood of Mutants, Dark X-Men, and Dark Avengers. Wolverine isn't the greatest dad, but he certainly had an impact on his children.

2 Odin

Thor, Odin, and Loki in Thor

Odin is very famous for being a ruthless father both in Norse mythology and Marvel Comics. Odin is the All-Father and ruler of the Nine Realms. He had a son with his wife Freyja and named him Thor. His parenting style with Thor is very tough-love and filled with discipline. While Thor was a child, Odin adopted a baby frost giant as a spoil of war. This child was of course Loki and formed an unforgettable brotherly rivalry.

Odin is responsible for creating Thor's superhero career when he exiled him to Midgard (Earth) to learn how to become worthy. Unfortunately, his parenting is also partially responsible for creating Loki's jealousy of his brother and evil thinking.

1 Mr. Fantastic


Reed Richards is not only the world's smartest man, but he's also a caring father. He had two children with his fellow Fantastic Four member/wife Susan, named Franklin and Valeria. Franklin is quite possibly the most powerful being in the Marvel Universe. Franklin has the ability to warp reality, create new realities, and travel through time. Franklin has grown to create many universes and become an extremely powerful force of good.

Reed should be thanked for raising Franklin to be a hero because if he didn't, existence itself would be in danger. His other child Valeria didn't acquire any incredible abilities, but she did inherit her father's unbelievable intelligence. She had a very traumatic birth due to being conceived in the Negative Zone. She almost didn't make it until Doctor Doom saved her with his knowledge of science and magic. Because of this, Valeria was named after Doom's mother and now Reed and Doom's relationship is much less hostile. Reed is possibly the greatest example of a father in the Marvel Universe because he knows what makes a healthy family.

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