Given the increased anticipation for the release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and the announcement of Marvel's Wolverine at Insomniac Games, many fans have assumed more of Marvel's popular characters will appear later down the line. With the high levels of success of Marvel's Spider-Man (2018) and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and the wish by fans for Insomniac Games to create their own Marvel universe akin to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the chances for these character appearances are undoubtedly present.

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While fans await more information regarding both of Insomniac Games' upcoming titles, the existence of the two is enough to suggest that fans could very well see the studio expand its titles by linking stories and plot lines together, introducing some of Marvel's heavy hitters.

5 Daredevil


Considering Marvel's Spider-Man's (2018) approach in terms of its combat and gameplay system taking inspiration from Rocksteady's Arkham games, Daredevil is one of the most requested characters by fans. From suggestions to have the character as a main focus in a new IP or a character who tags along with another, many have called for this to be Insomniac Games' next focus. With the large skill set and combat capability of Daredevil, and the story of balancing his life between being a vigilante and a lawyer as Matt Murdock, it would give way to an interesting title.

With the "Nelson And Murdock Attorneys At Law" reference and building being present in Marvel's Spider-Man (2018), this creates an even greater opportunity for Insomniac Games to either have the character as a cameo in a future title, or a title focused on him. As the aforementioned hand-to-hand combat template is already present for the developers to work from, Daredevil is one of the perfect candidates to choose from for this among Marvel's mightiest.

4 Captain America

Captain America First Avenger outfit

Very much like Daredevil, Captain America is centered on hand-to-hand combat and fast maneuvers but at a far more powerful level. Just as there are multiple references for many other heroes and the inclusion of the Avengers Tower in Marvel's Spider-Man (2018), the opportunity for the character to be introduced in Insomniac Games' titles in one form or another is present.

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Despite the character's presence in Square Enix's now-abandoned Marvel's Avengers, fans have been anticipating a new and fresh take on Captain America to provide elements players have yet to experience within games. Going off of what Rocksteady Studios were able to produce with DC's Batman within the Arkham titles, and the brutal and realistic combat players were able to indulge in, Insomniac Games could most certainly provide a similar experience in a new Captain America IP.

3 Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange & Spider-Man

Despite the huge departure from the established combat system that Insomniac's current games have provided, a Doctor Strange IP could turn out to be a successful and unique one. With his interactions and relationship with Spider-Man already present within the MCU in the Avengers movies and the recent Spider-Man No Way Home hit, it would not be uncommon grounds for fans to see redone within a game. While some fans would suggest that a Doctor Strange IP would be unlikely, the character could still be implemented in a supposed Insomniac Marvel universe.

In light of this being the case, the perfect opportunity would indeed be Marvel's Spider-Man 2, especially with the presence of the Sanctum Sanctorum in the 2018 title, and the speculation of Wolverine being introduced in the sequel. While none of Insomniac Games' Spider-Man titles include any cameos for other heroes, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 could be the game to change that with Doctor Strange.

2 Iron Man

Tony Stark Endgame

Arguably the biggest and most popular of all the Marvel characters, Iron Man is one that could work very well in the hands of Insomniac Games' developers. Both of their Spider-Man titles are mostly known for their incredibly impressive traversal mechanics, which manage to capture the web-swinging feeling to its greatest level, unlike any other Spider-Man game. Taking this into consideration, an Iron Man game could take this to a completely new and enhanced level and help provide fans with their first full-fledged Iron Man game.

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While titles such as Anthem and more specifically Square Enix's Marvel's Avengers captured Iron Man's flight to a great extent, neither of those titles was successful in the eyes of fans. With a mix of Insomniac Games' traversal template and the mishaps of the aforementioned titles, the introduction of Iron Man within the studios' roster could result in huge success.

1 Black Widow

Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova in the Black Widow movie

While not particularly one of the more wanted and popular potential additions among current suggestions for Marvel heroes within Insomniac Games, seeing Black Widow appear alongside Peter Parker would be a great sight to see. Given the lack of screen time the pair have shared within the MCU, this could be a good way to do so considering their dynamic within comics and the opportunity to flesh out Natasha Romanoff's character to a greater extent.

In the idea of Black Widow being a playable character, the groundwork has already been laid as her combat skills involve hand-to-hand engagements and acrobatic maneuvers that players of Marvel's Spider-Man are already familiar with. With the presence of one of her main villains Taskmaster in Marvel's Spider-Man (2018), there is even more reason for Insomniac Games to create her introduction.

MORE: Marvel's Wolverine: Characters That Need To Appear In The Game