Given the huge narrative focus that most games have developed in modern times, it's not surprising to see that romances have become quite popular in games. After all, romantically entangling the main character with another person adds a ton of emotional weight to every scene, and makes events even more engaging when said romantic interest is in peril.RELATED: Fallout 4: Every Romance Option, RankedOf course, some games go above and beyond, getting players caught in a love triangle that raises the stakes even more. Many games have experimented in this area, with varying degrees of success. The following games are notable successes in this regard, featuring some of the most iconic love triangles in gaming history that fans remember fondly to this day.

10 Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, & Chloe Frazer (Uncharted)

Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, And Chloe Frazer (Uncharted)

The Uncharted series is one of the most iconic narrative games of all time. The lovable Nathan Drake has gotten into his fair share of battles over the series... including ones of the heart.

He meets Elena in the first game before breaking up and having a fling with Chloe in the next installment. However, it was clear that he and Elena were meant to be together, and they marry by the start of the fourth title.

9 Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, & Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy 7)

Tifa, Cloud and Aerith from Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy 7 is notorious for the love triangle it features between the main character and two notable party members. Final Fantasy 7 Remake is well aware of this, and adds even more weight to this love triangle.

Of course, all fans of the series know that Aerith dies before she and Cloud can actually have their relationship materialize. This allows Tifa to become the main focus of Cloud's affections by the end of the game.

8 Shepard, Liara T'Soni, & Kaiden Alenko/Ashley Williams (Mass Effect)

Mass Effect 1 Shepard with squad members Liara and Kaiden

It would be impossible to talk about love triangles without mentioning the iconic sci-fi series that is Mass Effect. The first game features a love triangle between Shepard, Liara, and either Kaiden or Ashley, depending on the player's gender.

RELATED: Mass Effect: The Best Romances In The Franchise, Ranked

While players can play both fields for a while, sooner or later both love interests will force them to make a choice. If this wasn't bad enough as is, later games have so many other romanceable options that this love triangle turns into a pentagon.

7 Mario, Peach, & Bowser (Super Mario)

Mario holding Peach with Bowser in the background

Mario is one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. So, it's no surprise that he's also in a love triangle of its own... even though the third member pretty much forces his way into things every time.

For some reason, Bowser is hell-bent on kidnapping Peach and making her his bride in every Super Mario game. It's up to the lovable plumber to show that he won't stand for this, no matter what, and rescue his damsel in distress.

6 Male Player, Silk Fox, & Dawn Star (Jade Empire)

The player, Silk Fox, and Dawn Star in Jade Empire

Jade Empire is a forgotten game in BioWare's library that more people need to talk about. The game's combat and story are pretty great, even though it might not break any new ground.

If the player chooses a male protagonist, they'll find themselves at the center of a competition between Dawn Star and Silk Fox. Unlike other games with a love triangle, the player can actually realize his romance with both characters at the same time, if they wish,

5 Male Grey Warden, Leliana, & Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Leliana and Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Another BioWare game that features a love triangle of its own is Dragon Age. Leliana and Morrigan are two of the most iconic characters in the series, so it's easy to see why they make this list, especially considering their romantic angle with a male protagonist.

While Morrigan can be romanced early on, Leliana takes a bit of work. In fact, the latter will refuse to interact romantically with the Warden after a point unless they cut off their relationship with Morrigan for good.

4 Cecil Harvey, Kain Highwind, & Rosa Farrell (Final Fantasy 4)

final fantasy 4 character artwork with official logo cecil

The Final Fantasy series has dabbled in its fair share of romance, and Final Fantasy 4 is no exception to this rule. That being said, one person in this triangle is more of an afterthought, causing him to go down a dark path.

Without the intervention of his friends, Kain would have become a character consumed by his hatred for Cecil and the love Rosa has for him. Thankfully, he snaps out of this and becomes a valuable party member in the quest to defeat Golbez once and for all.

3 Shepard, Tali'Zorah Nar Rayya, & Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect 3)

tali and garrus mass effect

Mass Effect 3 has a rather engaging love triangle, which most players won't notice unless they think of Tali or Garrus as a viable romance option. After all, both of them are considered the best characters in the game, and most players hated the idea that they couldn't romance them the first Mass Effect.

RELATED: Mass Effect: Romanceable Characters (& Who They Should Romance Instead of Shepard)

In the third game, players could finally romance both Garrus and Tali in the third game as the female and male Shepard respectively, which was a welcome change. Of course, if Shepard ended up with someone else, then these characters would end up together near the end of the game instead.

2 Vincent Brooks, Katherine McBride, & Catherine (Catherine)

Katherine and Catherine

Catherine is a rather unique game released by Atlus, focusing on the dreams of a conflicted man as he tries to avoid dying in his nightmares. The game feels like a test for the engine that Persona 5 would ultimately be developed on.

Vincent, who dreads taking a major step in his relationship with Katherine, meets another seductive woman who ends up causing a ton of trouble for him. To make things worse, her name is Catherine as well!

1 Billy Lee, Jimmy Lee, & Marian (Double Dragon)

Billy and Jimmy from Double Dragon Neon

One of the oldest and most iconic love triangles in video games comes in the classic beat-em-up Double Dragon. This game featured the twins Billy and Jimmy Lee as they strove to rescue Billy's girlfriend Marian.

However, things didn't end after the final boss, with both characters actually fighting against each other near the end to decide who ends up with Marian. It's one of the most bizarre ends to any video game ever... but such weird endings were the norm with classic video games, so all is forgiven.

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