Known for its puzzle-like dungeons, iconic characters, and impressive boss fights, The Legend of Zelda franchise deservingly receives widespread acclaim. One often overlooked aspect within the game are miniboss battles. Minibosses are far tougher than the standard enemy, but not quite tough enough to be an actual boss.

It’s easy for many of the franchise's more forgettable minibosses to fade into distant memory, but many are hard to forget. With brilliant themes, clever attack patterns, and rich lore, some of the best minibosses in the series could have even replaced many regular bosses.

10 Death Sword (Twilight Princess)

Death Sword

As the binds that hold the Death Sword in place are untethered, it shakes and lifts into the air. The Death Sword's true form can be uncovered after Wolf Link deals a small amount of damage to it.

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In its physical form, the Death Sword is a monstrous, growling beast that soars around the room at high speeds. The battle perfectly captures a sense of fear and unease from the moment the player enters the room, and the arena perfectly fits this type of battle.

9 Dead Hand (Ocarina Of Time)


The Dead Hand is one of the most fear-inducing miniboss battles that players have the misfortune of stumbling across. Found in the bottom of Kakariko's Well during Link's search for the Lens of Truth, witnessing the Dead Hand for the first time is almost traumatic.

With a large, bloodied body and an elongated neck, the Dead Hand pursues the player around a small cave, hoping to capture them in one of its many protruding hands. The fear of being frozen by a rogue limb as the Dead Hand approaches is terrifying, and players will feel the adrenaline of the battle as they try to break free from its grasp.

8 Guardians (Breath Of The Wild)

Stalker Guardian targeting Link in Breath of the Wild

Guardians are ancient machines created by the Sheikah. These ancient mechs have multiple legs with extreme versatility. Armed with a laser that hits with devastating precision, attempting to dodge their attacks isn't an effective strategy. If there is one certainty about Guardians, it's that players will know exactly when they're coming for them.

With an indicative theme akin to an alarm or fast-paced siren, once a Guardian has Link in its gaze, he'll need to deflect its laser with a precise shield deflect. Get lucky enough to cut off one of its legs and move in for the kill, or simply run.

Link & Dark Link

The encounter with Dark Link in Ocarina of Time's Water Temple is an incredibly underrated battle. With Link pit against himself, Dark Link mirrors every attack Link makes. For the majority of the fight, players will find themselves at a perfectly even stalemate.

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Players who lock on their camera to Dark Link will throw attacks at him that he can easily predict and counter. However, not locking on to him will allow a more diverse, unpredictable range of attacks that he will struggle to counter. Players can even damage Dark Link with Deku Nuts, The Biggoron Sword, and the Megaton Hammer for a satisfying win.

6 Phantom Ganon (The Wind Waker)

Phantom ganon miniboss

Phantom Ganon’s miniboss fight takes the majority of its inspiration from a previous game, Ocarina of Time. With a first encounter in the courtyard of Forsaken Fortress, players are re-introduced to a familiar combat technique, the Dead Man's Volley.

As Phantom Ganon charges up a projectile to begin the volley, he fires it towards Link. Much like the encounter with Ganondorf at the end of Ocarina of Time, Link must swing back at him with an ever-increasing velocity to deal damage. Players may also notice the theme borrows from Ocarina of Time, A Link To The Past, and the very first Zelda game’s Ganondorf themes. It's s a clever addition that many players might miss.

5 Igos Du Ikana (Majora's Mask)

Igos du ikana miniboss

As the heavy curtains fall and the light in the room is blocked out, Igos sends his two henchman forth to eliminate Link. With a fire arrow, Link can burn the curtains, allowing light to pour back through and aid him in battle.

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Igos has an impressive variety of attacks, with some easier to escape and counter than others. The battle with Igos and the exploration of Ikana Castle that leads up to this encounter makes for a memorable moment. Igos, as a miniboss, can be argued to be more difficult than many of the main bosses in Majora’s Mask.

4 Lynel (Tears of The Kingdom)


When it comes to a miniboss that ticks many boxes, the Lynel is the ultimate killing machine. With the body of a horse to move at quick speeds, ultra sharp claws, and an extremely muscular torso, there is no question where the Lynel stands in the game's creature hierarchy.

Their attacks are capable of killing the player in a few hits, even with the most heavily upgraded gear, and their bodies possess a natural resistance to all elements. They're incredibly tough foes, more so for newer players. Encountering one isn't wise unless players are prepared for the Lynel's diverse skill set.

3 Darknut (Multiple Games)


With an incredible set of armor and a powerful blade to match, the Darknut is one of the tougher enemies players will encounter in multiple Zelda games. Traditionally, Darknuts are heavily clad, with a weak point that loosens their armor, exposing their unguarded body for easy attacks.

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With the freedom of no armor, however, comes increased mobility. Each battle with a Darknut is filled with intensity, more so in their later variants in Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker. The Darknuts are extremely formidable enemies, and should not be taken lightly.

2 Iron Knuckle (Ocarina of Time)

Iron Knuckle

Slower paced but calculated and deadly, few can get close to an Iron Knuckle and withstand their mighty blows. First found in the Spirit Temple and later in Ganon's Tower, there is a reason these foes were left to be found in the late game.

With a thick shield of armor and strikes that can kill Link with ease, players should approach cautiously and plan to counter the Iron Knuckle the moment his swings end. The Iron Knuckle’s loud grunting and overall frustration can easily make players feel intimidated, so be sure to keep a distance and carefully time attacks.

1 King Bulbin (Twilight Princess)

King Bulbin miniboss

Few can compare where King Bulbin is concerned. He plays a major role in narrative events as a miniboss Link must fight four times. He is first encountered in Kakariko Village as he kidnaps Colin, where Link must fight him on the bridge of Eldin. He is met again on the Great Bridge of Hylia, where he can be similarly dealt with.

The third encounter has King Bulbin and Link dueling on the outskirts of the Arbiter's Grounds. King Bulbin escapes again, powering on to his fourth and final encounter in Hyrule Castle. Link bests King Bulbin once more, who falters and ends the fight. King Bulbin then tells Link: "I follow the strongest side! …that is all I have ever known" before he disappears on his Armored Boar. King Bulbin's ability to admit defeat and live another day sets him above the competition. Players are led to believe the King is a savage beast, but when he speaks clearly to Link, he shows that he is actually an intelligent being.

After four encounters with the powerful King, he finally sees Link as an adversary with abilities exceeding his own. His reluctance to keep fighting and choosing to instead follow Link, suggests he views him as more mighty than Ganondorf himself. The location choices for battles, as well as the humanization of King Bulbin, shines a ray of light onto a King willing to do what is best for his people.

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