Whilst there are many bosses in The Legend of Zelda franchise, they can sometimes be overshadowed by the delicate and exciting gameplay of each unique fight. This leaves many fans missing out on the most iconic boss music across The Legend of Zelda franchise.

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Like any game, the importance of music is paramount and can be a major contributing factor to the adoration of many Zelda bosses. Within the Legend of Zelda franchise, a few themes stand out above all others, which can enhance the general playing experience dramatically in some instances.

10 Goht - Majora's Mask

Goht boss fight in majora's mask

Goht's theme is constructed in a way to make players feel like they are in pursuit. This theme can be understood and read in a way that insinuates a chase, with the backing track appearing to resemble a gallop with its steady and consistent rhythm.

Whilst the theme itself is not exclusively the boss's theme, many Zelda fans agree that the theme can only be associated with Goht. The boss fight is one of the most memorable fights in the entire series and is a unique battle experience not traditionally explored in most Zelda games.

9 Ghirahim - Skyward Sword

Ghirahim boss fight in sykward sword

Ghirahim can only be described as menacing, and the theme matches perfectly for a boss that Link has recurring battles with. Imbued into the theme is also a sense of slyness, paired with Ghirahim's cocky and outlandish personality as he elegantly strolls towards Link in each encounter.

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Not only is his theme iconic as the first boss in the game, but he also sets the foundations of training for Skyward Swords' motion-controlled combat. His theme sets him up as a fearsome foe, and even in his first appearance in the game, he can be punished by less experienced players.

8 Fyrus - Twilight Princess

Fyrus boss phases with link

After Darbus, the Goron Patriarch is transformed into Fyrus after heading into the Goron Mines to check the status of the fused shadow, Link must then follow in his footsteps to free Darbus from the fused shadow’s power. As a solemn choir begins to sing when Fyrus notices Link, his eye opens, and he ignites himself, freeing his hulking arms.

This theme is extremely fast-paced, and players will find themselves on the edge of their seats as Fyrus attempts to close the distance and deal damage. While Fyrus is not a difficult boss by any stretch, his theme makes the battle intense and memorable.

7 Majora's Mask (Majora's Mask)

Majora's mask three boss phases

With Majora's Mask’s near-apocalyptic storyline and heavy emphasis on time as a major opposing factor, the game sets a bleak atmosphere that is brought to further fruition in the game's final boss fight. With three phases in the battle to save humanity against Majora, each phase has a different soundtrack. The first is the most somber of all, almost forcing players to feel sorry for Majora, lulling them into a false sense of security.

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The second phase is much different, with a fast-paced, heavily instrumental soundtrack that clearly illustrates the disturbing nature of Majora's Mask. The third is the most intense and chaotic theme out of all three. This final phase perfectly encapsulates Majora's desperate efforts to take down Link for good. The mask launches its most powerful attacks and techniques to a crazy theme, and it is here that players can fully realize the devastating extent of power that Majora's Mask possesses.

6 Morpheel and Argorok (Twilight Princess)

Morpheel and Argorok boss fights in the legend of zelda

The boss theme for Morpheel and Argorok is shared in Twilight Princess, and the music for their respective battles builds with intensity from the moment players first see each boss. As the theme crescendos, it transforms into an explosive, low-pitched piece. Players can't dance their way out of this fight.

Enclosed in an arena underwater against Morpheel, or a high peak in the sky against Argorok, the theme is crafted in such a way to make players feel terrified, alone, and small, which makes sense considering the size of Morpheel and Argorok in comparison to Link. With both bosses requiring a similar fighting method and approach to defeat them, it seems fitting that they would share the same theme.

5 Molgera (Wind Waker)

Molgera boss fight

As Link makes his way into the Wind Temples's final room, the sands begin to rain down from above. As the room slowly fills with it, Molgera bursts out of the sand. This theme is frantic, mirroring the intensity of the situation as Link battles Molgera in a pit of falling sand that shows no signs of slowing.

Whilst the boss is not difficult by any means, players feel motivated during the heat of battle as they run with the rhythm of the upbeat music. Players will find themselves bobbing their heads as they slay Molgera in its domain, restoring full power to Master Sword.

4 Puppet Ganon (Wind Waker)

Puppet ganon phases vs link

Puppet Ganon's extremely chaotic theme fits perfectly in cohesion with his multi-stage battle. In his first stage, he is quite literally a puppet on strings that players must cut with a boomerang to attack his weak spot with a light arrow. The theme in this phase perfectly coincides with Puppet Ganon’s puppet movements. In his second phase, he transforms into a spinning spider, and players must anticipate its descent by looking at shadows on the ground, dodging and hitting the weak spot accordingly.

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The theme in this phase is more dramatic than the first, and players will feel the stakes rise as Puppet Ganon has more attacks at his disposal. His final phase, arguably the best and most chaotic theme from the entire fight, sees Puppet Ganon take the form of a winding, snake-like creature. In this final phase, Puppet Ganon’s snake form speeds up after each successful hit, which can make his movement more damaging and unpredictable if players cannot adapt quickly enough to time their shots right.

3 Koloktos (Skyward Sword)

Koloktos boss fight

Not only is Koloktos one of the best boss fights in the entire Zelda franchise, but it also possesses one of the best themes in the franchise too. Immediately thrown straight into the fight with an intense opening to the theme, players need to use the whip to tear off their arms.

In the second phase, and after dealing significant damage, Koloktos pulls itself out of the floor and begins walking on two legs. With this new-found agility, the theme itself becomes quicker, much like Koloktos's speed. With advanced mobility, six swords, and an even faster theme, players get to enjoy a lengthy battle against one of the coolest bosses in Zelda's history.

2 Zant (Twilight Princess)

Zant boss encounters

Zant’s battle can only be described as chaotic. With the theme rotating through dungeons the player has previously explored, they can relive each location. The theme of each location differs, utilizing a more disturbing, intense variation of the dungeons’ original music. Players must also defeat Zant with the dungeon weapon respective to each phase, which makes the battle extremely engaging and fun.

Throughout the narrative of the game, Zant's stoic, chilling demeanor has made him seem an unstoppable force, but it is here in the penultimate battle that players see a completely different side of him. No longer is Zant capable of tempering his madness, and he releases it all at once in one of the most creative boss battles ever.

1 Ganondorf (Every Zelda Game Iteration)

Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors

Few can rival the might of Ganondorf in the lands of Hyrule. His harsh and cruel ambition makes his enemies tremble, and beating him in any Zelda game feels extremely rewarding. Whilst the earliest iterations of Ganondorf gain significant praise, his newer 3D variations are far more popular, with far more depth to his backstory.

Ganon's theme is one of the most iconic themes ever, a track that reeks of despair and almost hopelessness, and there is no iteration of his with a disappointing theme. Serving as the final boss of most Zelda games, his theme is nothing short of badass, and players can feel the increased stakes as they enter the final battle of each game. Ganon will fight until he has nothing left to give, so players must take Link's courage and do the same.

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