
  • League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games, dominating Twitch rankings and esports events.
  • ARAM is a popular game mode in League of Legends, where players are given random characters and face off in the narrow lane of the Howling Abyss map.
  • Ranged champions tend to have an advantage in ARAM due to the map layout, but there are several strong champions to use in this game mode.

League of Legends remains to be one of the most popular MOBA games in history, consistently dominating Twitch viewing rankings and frequent competitive esports events, with millions of gamers playing it every day.

League Of Legends: Best Champion Combos For Arena

Arena is a chaotic game mode in which League of Legends players form teams and fight. For those hoping to win, here are the best duos to consider.

League of Legends features several game modes for its players, whether they are casual gamers or ones wanting to climb up the ranks in the competitive mode. One of its most popular game modes is ARAM (All Random All Mid), which gives players random characters from the champion pool, with players occasionally given re-rolls. Here are some of the best champions that players can use in ARAM.

Updated December 25, 2023, by Joe Grantham: League of Legends is a game that is constantly evolving with an ever-expanding champion pool and patches every two weeks. With regular updates to champions and ARAM-specific buffs and nerfs, the best ARAM champions are constantly changing. ARAMs, which take place on the Howling Abyss map, a bridge in Freljord, favor different champions who can take advantage of the narrow lane and lack of recalls. Ranged champions tend to come out ahead in ARAMs due to the layout of the map, but many of the strongest ARAM champions receive damage nerfs. For players eager to explore this gameplay mode, here are even more of the best champions to use.

20 Dr. Mundo

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends, Dr Mundo
  • Combines Well With Radiant Virtue & Heartsteel

The LoL 2023 pre-season patch released some new items, including Radiant Virtue and Heartsteel. The latter is a powerful Mythic item, perfect for Tank champion builds and a must-have for Dr. Mundo. He is a strong ARAM champion, as his passive ability resists the first CC ability that hits him.

Heartsteel grants the wearer 800 bonus Health and synergizes well with Mundo's reworked abilities. His Ultimate Maximum Dosage increases his maximum health, regeneration, and movement speed. He becomes virtually unkillable without the enemy buying anti-healing items to apply Grevious Wounds on him.

19 Tryndamere

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends Tryndamere
  • Great Range

After the increase to Tryndamere's range, he quickly emerged as one of the strongest champions in League of Legends, and his newfound power extends to ARAMs as well. With the extra range, Tryndamere can get in range of those pesky ADCs even more easily now.

Naturally, his Undying Rage Ultimate, which allows him to avoid death for 5 seconds, is extremely powerful in ARAMs, which are all about fighting. And with his inbuilt sustain, he doesn't suffer from the loss of the ability to recall as much as others do.

18 Singed

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends, Singed
  • Movement Speed & Useful Ultimate & Q

Singed can use his passive to boost his movement speed from other champions and boost into the opposing team. Furthermore, Singed can cause havoc with his powerful Ultimate and his Q, Poison Trail, to damage enemies consistently.

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His E ability allows him to Fling an enemy in whatever direction he chooses, sending them careening into his team to finish them off. Singed can fling opponents into his Mega Adhesive, rooting them for a short duration.

17 Illaoi

Difficulty: Hard

League of Legends
  • Strong Tank

If players land Illaoi in champion select, the enemy's game is over before it's even begun. She can be an absolute powerhouse if played right. She can build Tank items while dealing tons of hard-hitting damage.

Illaoi's passive, Prophet of the Elder God, allows her to spawn a tentacle that attacks any enemies she hits with her W, Harsh Lesson. Coupled with her E, Test of Spirit, Illaoi can decimate enemies from a distance, with her tentacles dishing out serious damage to the enemy. She can also self-heal per enemy hit, making her harder to kill.

16 Lillia

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends, Lillia
  • Great Close-Quarters Option

Lillia can be fantastic for ARAM in the right hands. All of her abilities apply her Sleep Dust passive. This can be immensely strong paired with the Liandry's Anguish and Demonic Embrace, applying ticking damage over time. She also gains movement speed when attacking enemies with her abilities, allowing her to catch up to any escaping opponents.

If players get Lillia in the champion selection, they should pick the Snowball Summoner Spell. Lillia can be devastating up-close, using her Q and W abilities before popping Lilting Lullaby. Her Ultimate sends enemies to sleep and stuns them until they are damaged.

15 Mordekaiser

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends, Mordekaiser
  • Flexible Builds

Mordekaiser is a versatile champion, able to build towards Ability Power or Tank items depending on what is required. He works best with Linadry's Anguish and Ryali's Crystal Scepter to slow enemies and burn them.

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Where Mordekaiser shines is through the use of his Ultimate, Realm of Death. He can pull enemies in using his E, Death's Grasp, before pulling them into the Realm of Death. Here, he can take a crucial enemy champion out of the fight before it even begins, allowing his team to decimate any stragglers.

14 Sylas

Difficulty: Hard

sylas the unshackled
  • Steal Ultimates

Sylas is one of the most fun champions to play in League of Legends due to his ability to steal enemy Ultimates and use them himself. With five enemies always close on ARAM, Sylas can choose whichever Ults he wants and put them to use in the constant teamfights that ARAMs are known for.

With high damage that can be AOE, innate sustain, and solid Crowd Control, Sylas is easily one of the best champions for ARAM, especially in the right hands.

13 Neeko

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends, Neeko
  • Can Use Snowball Summoner Spell

ARAM gives players two game-mode-specific Summoner Spells: Clarity and Snowball. Snowball allows players to aim a snowball at the enemy. If it hits an enemy unit, the player has several seconds to reactivate and teleport to the struck enemy's position. Snowball is an exceptional Summoner Spell for champions who want to go all-in.

Neeko is a great candidate for Snowball. Her Ultimate Pop Blossom takes several seconds to activate. Neeko can aim a Snowball, unleash her Ultimate, and swoop straight into the enemy team as her Ultimate lands. It will stun them in place, and when coupled with her E, Tangle-Garbs, it's almost a guaranteed Penta-kill!

12 Janna

Difficulty: Very Easy

League of Legends Janna Splash Art
  • Top-Tier Enchanter

When it comes to enchanters in ARAM, Janna is easily the best. Any team will benefit from having her in their backline. Her constant shields are always useful, and ADCs who excel on ARAM benefit from the bonus AD too.

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Janna's Q tornadoes can be hard to dodge on the narrow map of Howling Abyss, either acting as poke or annoying CC. Janna can use her Ultimate to either dispel enemy engages or to heal her whole team.

11 Twisted Fate

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends Twisted Fate
  • Blue Card Is The Way To Go

While Twisted Fate has been traditionally picked on Summoner's Rift for his utility and cross-map potential, players can build him full AP on ARAM and poke with his buffed Q damage. After so long of players being told to prioritize his gold card for the stun, they will be surprised to find out just how much damage his blue card does, especially when built full AP.

Twisted Fate's Ultimate can even be used to teleport into enemy towers after not taking damage for a while, letting him execute and spend his money without giving gold to the enemy.

10 Blitzcrank

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends, Blitzcrank
  • Reliable Support Or Tank Champion

Blitzcrank is a great Support champion no matter the game mode, either in Ranked, Draft Pick, or ARAM. Blitzcrank belongs in the frontline, as his entire kit revolves around displacing the enemy with his Q ability, Rocket Grab, followed up with his E ability, Power Fist.

Blitzcrank can be a good Tank for his team and is also great for an all-in team composition with Snowball. His Ultimate Static Field can deal some hefty damage and silence the enemy, so they cannot use any abilities.

9 Brand

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends, Brand
  • Perfect For ARAM

ARAM takes place on the Howling Abyss map, which features one wide lane and four turrets for players to destroy. As a result of the small space, both teams often find they are grouped together in clumps.

Brand is an excellent champion for ARAM due to his burning damage output. Coupled with the Dark Harvest rune and Liandry's Anguish, this firey champion can burn through his opponents in one fell swoop. His Ultimate Pyroclasm provides ticking damage over time and bounces to grouped-up enemies.

8 Veigar

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends Classic Veigar
  • Maximum AP

Veigar is one of the champions who scales infinitely, and he does this by gaining AP each time he hits enemies with his abilities or by killing targets with them. On ARAM, he always has enemies nearby to hit, meaning he can reach ludicrous AP numbers with ease.

His cage is also great for trapping opponents, which his whole team can then follow up on. Veigar's fantastic burst Ultimate is also always a huge threat, and on this mode, he will never be short of targets.

7 Thresh

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends Unbound Thresh
  • Shines In ARAM Mode

While Thresh is difficult to master, he isn't that hard to pick up and play at a basic level, especially on ARAM. With how tanky he's able to get on this mode due to how gold is spread out more evenly, Thresh happens to be very strong, providing plenty of CC and a surprising amount of damage.

With five enemies pretty much always in front of him, Thresh is more likely to at least hit something with his hooks. Players can also try out AD Thresh for fun, as he can crit for big damage with the passive on his E.

6 Morgana

Difficulty: Very Easy

League of Legends Majestic Empress Morgana Splash Art
  • ARAM Powerhouse

Any form of stun or crowd-control (CC) ability works great in ARAM, as they root the enemy in place. Morgana is a perfect champion for ARAM and a must-pick for any team if she is available.

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Morgana is the queen of denying and applying CC. Her Q, Dark Binding, roots enemies in place for a long duration. This can be devastating when paired with her W Tormented Shadow and her Ultimate, Soul Shackles, to stun multiple enemies. Morgana can also deny CC with her protective E ability, Black Shield, preventing any disabling or immobilizing effects.

5 Caitlyn

Difficulty: Medium

Officer Caitlyn splashart
  • Skills Complement ARAM

Caitlyn is the longest-ranged ADC in League of Legends, so it makes sense that she would excel on the narrow lane in ARAMs where it is harder to get flanked. She can auto-attack pretty much anyone who walks up, and her traps can be deployed on the heals or in a line covering half the lane.

Caitlyn has two choices when it comes to builds on ARAM. She can either go the traditional crit build or opt for lethality, which is great for her Q and Ult.

4 Jinx

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends Ambitious Elf Jinx Splash Art
  • ARAM Minimizes Jinx's Weaknesses

Jinx is one of the best scaling champions in League of Legends, which means she has a fairly weak early-game to compensate for her late-game power. In ARAM, however, a weak laning phase doesn't matter much and Jinx can scale safely.

All of Jinx's abilities are also great on the narrow bridge where ARAMs are played, with her W and Ultimate both being long-range abilities. ARAMs are also about teamfights, and Jinx is arguably the best team fighting ADC, making her perfect for the mode.

3 Lux

Difficulty: Very Easy

League of Legends, Lux
  • An All-Around Stellar Champion In ARAM

Lux is by far one of the best LoL champions players can roll in ARAM. She has a powerful and devastating combo with her Q, E, and R in quick succession that can one-shot multiple enemies when she builds enough items.

Lux has amazing poke capability, proving annoying for the enemy team and whittling down their health. Since ARAM only has one middle lane, Lux's Ultimate Final Spark takes up half of the map with a large range, so it is virtually impossible for players to miss this skill shot.

2 Ezreal

Difficulty: Medium

League of Legends Battle Academia Ezreal Splash Art
  • Ultimate That Rarely Misses

With four ranged skill shots that are fired in straight lines, Ezreal has always been good on ARAM, no matter his current strength. His job is very simple, to fire everything he has in the direction of the enemy while staying safe with his E.

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Ezreal traditionally builds AD, but in ARAMs in particular, players can mess around with AP builds, which will mean his Ultimate deals colossal damage. Ezreal can fire his Ult down the single lane pretty much whenever it is up.

1 Jhin

Difficulty: Easy

League of Legends Dark Cosmic Jhin Splash Art
  • Great Fit For ARAM's Narrow Lane

Marksmen and ADCs are pretty much always strong in ARAM and always popular. Currently, one of the best ADCs is Jhin, who happens to have a kit that excels on the narrow map of Howling Abyss. With his long-range W, Jhin can follow up on any of the other damage dealt by his opponents and root enemies.

Naturally, his greatest strength in ARAM, however, is his ultimate, which covers the entire lane, giving enemies nowhere to escape. With good range and bursts of movement speed, Jhin is notoriously good at staying alive in the backline, making him one of the best champs for ARAM.

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League of Legends

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October 27, 2009
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