It's fairy normal for gamers to get hit with a bit of a power trip when decompressing with some video games after a long day. After being given incredible tools/powers and free choice without any real life repercussions, it can be tempting to go off the rails and kill a few NPCs (non-playable characters) here and there. Because who would even notice, right?

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Video games have come a long way and have created worlds and stories where the player's choices matter; especially the moral ones. Sometimes, being careless and bloodthirsty doesn't pay off and can even hurt a game's experience in the long run. Here are some video game NPCs players should spare during their playthrough.

8 Little Sisters (Bioshock)

Little Sister BioShock

Little Sisters are genetically altered girls that gather ADAM (genetic altering material) from corpses all over Rapture. In Bioshock, they can either be harvested or saved, the decision being completely up to the player. While it can be tempting to harvest the Little Sisters as they give the player tons of ADAM for upgrades, the quick return falls short by the end of the game.

If the player harvests more than one Little Sister, they will be doomed to get the bad ending, leading protagonist Jack to become the next tyrannical leader of Rapture. If the player decides not to kill them and rescue each Little Sister instead, they will achieve the good ending where Jack is seen as a hero and liberator to the young girls, taking them in as his own children.

7 Nil (Horizon Zero Dawn)

Horizon Zero Dawn Nil

Nil may not be a popular among Horizon Zero Dawn fans, but it's still fairly beneficial for players to do their best to protect him. Nil is first and foremost a Carja soldier; he thoroughly enjoys the feeling of being on the battlefield and the rush of adrenaline that comes from taking someone's life from them. Nil definitely comes off as a threat, even challenging Aloy to a battle to the death.

Nil may seem the type to be too dangerous to leave alive, but players may want to think twice before taking his life. If Nil is spared after the battle or rejected altogether, he will be present for the final battle of the game, fighting alongside Aloy and all her friends.

6 The Rachni Queen (Mass Effect)

Mass Effect Rachni Queen

In Mass Effect 1, the player encounters the Rachni Queen who had spawned dangerous brood warriors (worker rachni) that ended up destroying a large part of the Peak 15 facilities. However, when the player meets the Rachni Queen, she is in a state of confinement and was more scared than threatening.

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The player then has the choice to kill the queen or spare her. If she is spared, she will appear once again in Mass Effect 3, where she is once again captured and at the hands of Commander Shepard. If she is once again freed, she graciously will help the player in their battle against the Reapers. If she was killed in Mass Effect 1, the player will meet an artificial queen that either betrays Shepard if saved or will attack Shepard if left behind.

5 St. John Brothers (The Walking Dead)

The Walking Dead St. John Brothers

The St. John Brothers, Danny and Andrew are the cannibalistic family that serve as the antagonists for Telltale's The Walking Dead's second episode. There will be a moment for Lee to put an end to the brothers' cruelty if the player so chooses to kill them. While many players may have an impulse to be vengeful, it's best to show them mercy instead.

In both instances where Lee can kill the brothers, little Clementine is watching. She is still young, impressionable, and most important of all, still in the process of building her relationship with Lee as her new caretaker and parent. Seeing Lee in such a savage and bloodthirsty light makes Clem wary of Lee. If the player spares them instead, Clem will wear a small smile, content with Lee continuing his role as the peacekeeper she knows and felt safe with.

4 "That Dog!" (Resident Evil 4)


The famous Resident Evil 4 dog doesn't have an official name but still managed to become a big fan favorite. On Leon's quest to rescue Ashley, he comes across a helpless dog, stuck in a bear trap. Any players that may be wary of the dog attacking in confusion should put their fear aside and be a hero because saving this little dog is not only good for the heart but also the gameplay!

In both the original and 2023 remake, the dog (if rescued) will come to Leon's aid during the El Gigante fight. In Leon's time of need, the dog will distract and even try to attack El Gigante, giving Leon the opportunity to land a perfect shot.

Luckily for fans, Capcom decided to keep Leon's iconic (and hilarious) line, "hey, it's that dog!" when he makes his big entrance in the 2023 remake!

3 Oswald Of Carim (Dark Souls)

Dark Souls Oswald Of Carim

When exploring the world of Dark Souls, some players may find themselves in a tough situation: perhaps they accidentally swiped a friendly NPC while battling another nearby enemy, or maybe they preemptively attacked an NPC without realizing they weren't a threat in the first place. All of these sins are paid dearly, as those NPCs will respond the only way they know how: by fighting back. Once a sin is committed, the player's name will be added to the Book Of The Guilty and will be put on the Blades Of The Darkmoon Covenant's hit list.

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However, all hope is not lost as Oswald of Carim is an NPC that offers a special service: absolution. After paying a certain amount of souls (player's level multiplied by 500), Oswald will absolve the player of their sins. No other NPC offers this service, so it's best to always keep Oswald alive if players wish to stay off any hit lists!

2 Paarthurnax (Skyrim)

Skyrim Paarthurnax on the word wall

The most memorable dragon ally in Skyrim is fan favorite Paarthurnax. Paarthurnax once served as antagonist Alduin's lieutenant in the legendary Dragon War, but eventually turned his back on Alduin and began to aid humankind by teaching them how to harvest the power of the Thu'um (the Storm Voice).

If the player decides to kill Paarthurnax for the Blades, the player will only receive a potion service from Esbern and open a single quest for Delphine. The Graybeards will no longer help the player locate useful word walls for shouts, nor will Paarthurnax be available to help with word meditation. Keeping the gentle dragon alive is the much better choice for the sake of the Dragonborn's stats and conscience!

1 The Merchant (Resident Evil 4)

resident evil 8 duke

While this feature isn't present in the Resident Evil 4 2023 remake, the original game allowed the player to kill arguably the most essential character to Leon's dire quest. The Merchant is a beloved character, his blue light giving players a sense of relief, knowing they've entered a safe zone where they can stop to stock up on ammo, weapons, and much-needed upgrades. However, if the player so chooses, they can indeed kill their beloved friend, with no other options with an open shop.

While the amateur or normal difficulty will allow him to simply respawn after a quick little nap, players on the professional difficulty aren't as lucky as The Merchant won't come back after being killed, leaving them to fend for themselves.

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