Kaguya-Sama: Love is War is a fun-filled show full of quirky characters tangled up in a confession battle between the two main leads. Kaguya-Sama: Love is War centers around the vice-president of the Shuchiin Academy's Student Council Kaguya Shinomiya and the Council President Miyuki Shirogane as they indulge in psychological battles to see who confesses their feelings first.

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Caught up in the midst of this chaotic war are the other members of the Student Council: Secretary Chika Fujiwara and Treasurer Yu Ishigami. The premise of the show has been executed with style making it one of the most hilarious animes out there. Over the years, Kaguya-sama's love antics have been so funny that there have been plenty of great Kaguya memes made by fans of the show.

6 Messing with Your Cousin

Kaguya-Sama Playing with Chika Fujiwara

Who does not have little innocent-looking cousins, who end up turning one's whole world upside down when they pay a visit? Despite one's best efforts to avoid them, they end up making a scene anyway. They trash bedrooms, play with consoles, and break things and no one can do anything about it because they are guests.

This meme, however, perfectly portrays one's true feelings regarding their little relatives, as Kaguya can be seen squishing the face of Fukawara, while Shirogane (who is depicted as the mother in this case) looks away. This meme is very relatable and quenches the thirst for revenge for many.

5 The Pace of Romance Anime

The Pace of Romance Shows

While other genres take their narratives very seriously and work toward building an intriguing plot, the romance genre doesn't usually pay much attention to the larger story at play. Its main focus lies heavily on the daily antics of the characters involved. Romance shows are overly long because the show would be over if the main characters end up confessing and acknowledging each other's feelings very early on.

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Kaguya-Sama: Love is war is itself an excellent example of a show that prolongs the love confession of its two main stars to keep the show going. The meme above highlights this trope in a very funny way, depicting the pace of the romance show not witnessing any major progression even after 24 episodes.

4 One vs. One's Crush

One vs. One's Crush

The iconic meme of assessing the difference between a person, their crush, and their crush's whole family is genuinely one the most hilarious and recurring meme on the internet. Apply a coating of Kaguya-Sama over this template and viewers will be left laughing for hours.

The meme above takes into account a sickened Kaguya and pits her against her own usual self as Shirogane-San's crush. To further make the sickened Kaguya feel inferior, the creator has also added Shirogane's sister and his secretary into the mix. Alas, a frail Kaguya is no match for the cuteness of the other three characters.

3 Quality Quarantine Time

Quality Time in Quarantine

Back in 2019, when the Covid-19 virus started spreading, the world went into a complete lockdown. Everyone became isolated in their own rooms and houses and had nothing to kill time with. Life became a bore and people were having a hard time adjusting to their new reality.

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This is not to say that there were not any upsides that came with the lockdown, it is just an observation of how hard it was during the beginning. The meme above blatantly pokes fun at the quarantine time and shows Kaguya enjoying the simple act of breathing while being in isolation, because even such small actions became a necessary enjoyment for people back in those days.

2 No More Kaguya-Sama

No More Kaguya-Sama

Nothing quite beats the enjoyment that comes with watching an episode of Kaguya-Sama while one has a small snack and drink on the side. Each episode feels like a retreat with friends, making the viewer laugh and chuckle continuously for its 24-minute run. Whether it be the love quarrels of its two stars, the innocence of secretary Fujiawara, or the creepiness of the heavily misunderstood Ishigami-san, each premise is a delicacy to be devoured.

However, all good things must come to an end, and the meme above portrays the audience's reaction to this simple fact. Over the past few years, fans have been tuning in each week whenever the new season of Kaguya-Sama started airing, anxiously waiting for every episode. The show was always going to end at some point though, leaving fans in disarray and longing for more.

1 Mangekyou Awakened Kaguya

Mangekyou Awakened Kaguya

Kaguya-San is a loving and caring person, but due to her unusual upbringing, she is sometimes incapable of expressing herself correctly. That said, there are times when she just cannot hide away her true feelings and motives at all. The meme above takes into account all the times Kaguya went cold-blooded in the show giving off a truly chilling stare to another person without even realizing it.

What makes this meme hilarious is that the creator has put Kaguya in the shoes of Itachi Uchiha from Naruto, making a contrast between Kaguya's deep dark red eyes, and Itachi's Mangekyou sharingan. The two characters could not be more different, but somehow this portrayal blends very well indeed.

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