The Jujutsu Kaisen anime series first premiered in Fall 2020 and has now become one of the best new-gen anime series. With season two, the series solidified and elevated its position in the hearts of fans as it depicted many thrilling and exciting episodes that few could match.

While the various Jujutsu Kaisen episodes have been thrilling and exciting, some stand out more than others. The best episodes of the series (so far) are subjective, but few would argue against episodes like Nonstandard and Thunderclap. These episodes portray much more than just top-tier animation, but a progression in the story that has many viewers at the edge of their seats.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Characters Who Should've Had Domain Expansion (But Don't)

Surprisingly, these formidable sorcerers don't have domain expansions, a technique that represents the peak of Jujutsu mastery.

10 Hidden Inventory, Part 3

Season 2, Episode 3

Gojo and Toji

The second season of the Jujutsu Kaisen series started with Gojo’s backstory. Fans were intrigued as they watched the sorcerer as a student alongside Geto, tasked with delivering the star plasma vessel to Tengen.

While Gojo was pretty strong then, his technique had limitations, and using it for a long time would wear him out. Taking advantage of this weakness, Toji Fushiguro wore Gojo out and attacked him in his most vulnerable state. Using the Inverted Spear of Heaven, Toji was able to nullify Gojo’s cursed technique and essentially kill him.

9 The Shibuya Incident - Gate Open

Season 2, Episode 9


Despite being the strongest sorcerer in modern Jujutsu society, Satoru Gojo was sealed. Anime-only watchers probably found it surprising that Gojo could be sealed, but the sorcerer was sealed not because of a lack of strength but due to Kenjaku’s deep and heinous machinations.

Despite Kenjaku and Mahito’s group's many schemes, Gojo overturned their expectations by being able to activate his domain for 0.2 seconds. However, once Kenjaku appeared before Gojo in Geto’s body, a minute passed in his mind, and his sealing was set. With Gojo sealed, fans anxiously wondered what new developments this would bring to Jujutsu society.

8 Hidden Inventory, Part 4

Season 2, Episode 4


With the previous episode ending in a cliffhanger in which Gojo ‘died’, fans were expecting to see what the new episode would bring, and it came with a thrill. On the verge of death, Gojo managed to use a reversed cursed technique to heal himself, something he had never done up to that point. After healing himself, he went to find Toji, and while the sorcerer managed to put up a fight, Gojo ended him using his limitless technique: Hollow Purple. After that, Gojo Satoru was on his way to becoming the strongest.

7 Fluctuations, Part 2

Season 2, Episode 15


One thing led to another, and suddenly, the cursed womb Dagon turned into a full-fledged cursed spirit. With his transformation and domain expansion, the likes of Naobito Zenin, Nanami, and Maki could barely put up a fight. However, the sudden and abrupt appearance of Toji Fushiguro changed the tide of battle as his fangs were directed toward the strongest.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Strongest Members Of The Zen’in Clan, Ranked

The Zen'in clan is the most prominent family in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, and these are the clan's strongest members.

After the death of Dagon, Jogo promptly disposed of the likes of Nanami and Naobito and awakened Sukuna. With the awakening of Sukuna, all hell was set loose as the King of Curses started flexing his muscles.

6 Accomplices

Season 1, Episode 24

Death Paintings

The last episode of the first season of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series ended with quite a battle. As Itadori, Nobara, and Megumi faced off against the Death Paintings and a special-grade cursed spirit, fans got to see just how much the trio had grown.

After Megumi unleashed his domain in the previous episode, Itadori and Nobara showed off their abilities by unleashing black flashes against the death-painting brothers. In this episode, Nobara’s skill as a sorcerer is particularly shown as she manages to take down her adversaries despite the odds against her.

5 Transformation

Season 2, Episode 21


Itadori and Mahito had always been arch-enemies, right from when they met in season one, and their enmity only grew in season two as Mahito’s utter lack of regard for human life always infuriated Itadori. However, all enmity must come to an end as Itadori and Mahito battled for supremacy in a manner where both their skills were on display for all to see.

Despite Mahito’s schemes, battle prowess, and potential, his rival ultimately bested him. After Mahito’s defeat, Itadori was portrayed as a top predator and Mahito as his prey in a manner that had fans loving every second of it.

4 Nonstandard

Season 1, Episode 20

Gojo Purple

Nonstandard is undoubtedly one of the best episodes of the series so far, as it even rivals some of season two’s most impactful episodes. As Itadori and Todo battle the special grade cursed spirit Hanami, Itadori drastically grows as a sorcerer and lands multiple black flashes, rivaling even Kento Nanami’s record.

Jujutsu Kaisen: What are the Disaster Curses?

The disaster curses are among the strongest curses in Jujutsu Kaisen. They are created from humanity's greatest fears and are just as dangerous.

As the duo pushes Hanami into a corner, the cursed spirit is about to use its domain expansion, but Gojo quickly intervenes by unleashing his special limitless attack: Hollow Purple. This attack destroys everything in its path until it gets to Hanami, and Todo declares just how nonstandard Gojo is.

3 Thunderclap Part 2

Season 2, Episode 17

Sukuna's domain

Thunderclap, Part 2, was an episode that portrayed the battle between Sukuna and Mahoraga, and the episode had one central theme: violence. With minimal words spoken between both characters, the King of Curses fought the Divine General Mahoraga in a battle that dyed Shibuya red.

Despite the efforts of the Jujutsu sorcerers to save the many non-sorcerers, Sukuna and Mahoraga’s battle rendered all that useless as they killed all humans in their path merely as a consequence of their battle. With Megumi being the one who summoned Mahoraga, one can see just why he always felt he could solve whatever came his way with his death.

2 The Origin Of Obedience 2

Season 1, Episode 23


Right before the last episode of the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen, Megumi gives fans a pleasant surprise as he unleashes a domain expansion, although it is incomplete.

For most of season one, Megumi always felt he could resolve any problem by sacrificing his life; however, after realizing that risking death to win and dying to win are two different things, Megumi decides to take a gamble, and his gamble ultimately pays off. His unleashing of a domain was a moment that had fans wild with excitement, and even Sukuna was intrigued.

1 Thunderclap

Season 2, Episode 16


Of the various cursed spirits in Mahito’s group, Jogo was undoubtedly the strongest, and he proved it in his thrilling battle against Sukuna. After Sukuna awakened, he promised the cursed spirit that if he could beat him, he (Sukuna) would work under his group.

Despite knowing how slim the odds of victory were, Jogo went all out and showed just how powerful he truly was, even deploying a meteor strike. Unfortunately, he was up against the King of Curses, who even took time to fool around with some Jujutsu sorcerers present on the scene.

Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen

Gege Akutami
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
Release Date
October 3, 2020