Japan Studio may no longer exist in the way it once did, but that doesn't mean this studio didn't leave its mark on the gaming industry. PlayStation owners have had the chance to play several titles from internal teams within Japan Studio, with many of its original hits released on the PlayStation 2 and Sony handheld gaming systems.

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Many of their releases are considered classics and have paved the way when looking at both genre titles, and games in emerging forms of gaming such as virtual reality. Most people are familiar with Shadow of the Colossus, but Japan Studio's catalog is filled with worthwhile experiences dating back decades.

8 The Last Guardian

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games The Last Guardian Bridge

The Last Guardian is one of Japan Studio's more interesting releases as it managed to overcome a very disastrous and elongated development cycle and was finally released in 2016, nearly 10 years after the studio began work on the game. Though The Last Guardian took home several Game of the Year awards, it remains the most polarizing and divisive title in the Ico Trilogy, which includes the games Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.

At its core the game had players navigating puzzles alongside a bird/mammal hybrid that was as endearing as it was frustrating to deal with. The Last Guardian was reviewed pretty well, but it's unclear if it will still retain a special place in the hearts of gamers the same way its two spiritual predecessors have managed to do.

7 LocoRoco 2

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games LocoRoco 2 Orange

LocoRoco 2 is a 2007 platformer on the PlayStation Portable, that was released two years after the original title in the series. Like most good sequels, Japan Studio focused on improving the original title's shortcomings while also adding new features such as various new powers, including the ability to squeeze through tight spaces and swim underwater.

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The idea of playing as an entire planet was a neat concept at the time, and one that still feels pretty unique. At its core LocoRoco 2 tasks the player with tilting the world and guiding the LocoRoco race through various hazards and challenges along the way.

6 Patapon

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games Patapon soldiers

Patapon is a beloved PSP game that mashed up the rhythm and strategy genres into a wonderfully weird handheld adventure. These days, one will most likely hear the singing of praises about this 2007 from gaming personality and Kinda Funny co-founder Greg Miller.

After nearly a decade of fans yearning for PlayStation, Japan Studio, and/or Pyramid to port the game to modern platforms, it managed to make its way onto the PS4 in 2017. When looking over what titles are considered must-plays for the PSP, it's hard not to include Patapon for the type of unique and high-quality experience it delivered.

5 Ape Escape

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games Ape Escape face

When looking at the collection of series PlayStation has under its belt, Japan Studio's Ape Escape is a more niche property that often gets lost in the mix. The original game in the series was released in 1999 and served as a mascot 3D platformer of sorts. Players take on the role of a kid named Spike who is tasked with wrangling apes in an attempt to prevent them from screwing up and/or rewriting history.

The hook of the game and its design revolve around the various gadgets and vehicles used in order to capture the various types of apes that are running around causing chaos. Ape Escape is considered one of the earliest examples of a developer getting the most out of analog controls.

4 Gravity Rush

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games Gravity Rush Kat outfit

Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2 are beloved action-adventure titles from Japan Studio/Team Gravity, but the first entry in the series is often considered the shining light of the series. Gravity Rush was originally released on the PlayStation Vita back in 2012, before making its way to consoles on the PS4 in 2015. Keiichiro Toyama, the creator of series like Silent Hill and Siren, is the man who brought Gravity Rush to life alongside a team of talented developers and designers.

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For as eccentric and over-the-top as the game can feel at times, it still is embedded with engaging and charismatic elements that shape it into a dazzling time. The ending of the game is considered quite divisive, but even its bigger critics would say Gravity Rush's journey is worth experiencing, just to spend time with its wonderfully adorable protagonist, a girl named Kat.

3 Ico

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games Ico boy and girl

Now, Ico may not be as well known or beloved as its spiritual sequel Shadow of the Colossus, but one could argue it may be much more important. Japan Studio/Team Ico surprised PlayStation 2 owners in 2001 with the release of their 3D action-adventure platformer.

Instead of trying to innovate in the space or deliver something for the general video game player, the team wanted to deliver an engaging emotional experience that showcased the gaming medium from a different perspective. From the puzzle designs and music to the game's graphics and world-building, Ico has withstood the test of time as one of the best games of all time despite still holding cult-hit status.

2 Astro Bot Rescue Mission

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games Astro Bot Rescue Mission Key art

Virtual reality as a form of gaming is in a weird place where multiple headsets are fighting over a small niche group of interested consumers. When PlayStation launched its own VR headset called PSVR, it was unclear what it would provide to the space, but Japan Studio/Team Asobi had something special cooking up at the time.

When Astro Bot Rescue Mission launched in 2018 exclusively for PSVR, no one knew how good it was going to be. This wonderfully whimsical platformer showcased how traditional genres could translate over to the world of virtual reality and still deliver something engaging and high-quality. Astro Bot Rescue Mission is both an excellent platformer and a virtual reality experience separate from one another, but together they formed a magical experience.

1 Shadow Of The Colossus

PlayStation Japan Studio Best Games Shadow of the Colossus

Back in 2005, Japan Studio/Team Ico would release an action-adventure title called Shadow of the Colossus that would go down as arguably the studio's most beloved and impactful release. The sheer scale of the Colossus that the player was tasked with taking down as a boy named Wander really gave the game a special feel.

Shadow of the Colossus received tons of critical praise, with a lot of it discussing the exceptional presentation and unique approach to gameplay design. Thankfully for modern gamers looking to dive into the beloved classic for the first time, a remake of the game developed by Bluepoint Games was released in 2017 for the PS4.

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