There has been lots of conversation about the loss of the movie star. Instead of going to a movie to see a specific actor, audiences are going to see movies to see the reoccurring characters of their favorite cinematic universe. The change is especially obvious when going to action movies, where it's overrun by comic book movies and shared universes. Although there have been action franchises for decades, there were many more solo action movies in decades past than today. Much of that is due to the draw of the action star.

Arnold, Stallone, Willis, and even Tom Cruise-who is considered by many as the last action hero. Audiences went to their movies to see the best action stars in movie history jumping from explosions. But there is perhaps no better action star than Jackie Chan. The Hong Kong-born star is notorious for doing his own stunts, but beyond that, massive moments that have caused a laundry list of injuries, but also put him at the top of action movie history. It is near impossible to rank Jackie's best moments, but here's an attempt for those who are Jackie fans, or even those looking for a starting point to witness action cinema greatness.

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Police Story - Intro

Jackie Chan in Police Story

There's too much action greatness in the opening of Police Story to pick just one spot to focus on. From a car going through an entire village down a hill to Jackie Chan hanging on a moving bus with the handle of an umbrella, the whole sequence must be included. It really just doesn't get better than this-okay maybe the scene that will be mentioned later in this movie will top it. It is an over-the-top, fun, adrenaline-pumping action that only Jackie can pull off.

This is where most audiences should begin when diving into the world of Jackie Chan movies because it is a perfect intro to the absolute bonkers and huge stunts that audiences will look forward to in more Jackie Chan movies.

First Strike - Ladder Fight

Jackie Chan-First Strike

Jackie Chan, wearing Bruce Lee yellow, him vs many, and he has a ladder. That is the set-up for an all-time great action fight and this one may be the best example of how great Jackie really is with props. He doesn't just use a ladder in the fight, the likes of brooms, tables, and chairs are also used. But the way Jackie can find so many ways to use just one item in a fight is absolutely mind-blowing.

But what really makes this scene work and any Jackie Chan fight is more than just him finding fun new ways of using everyday items in fights. It's those split-second little moments in between, like when he gets his fingers clamped on by the same ladder, he takes a moment to shake his hands and show the audience that hurt. It just adds so much to the scene and this one in particular is a master class.

The Legend Of The Drunken Master - Hot Coals/end fight

jackie chan-Drunken Master 2

Before watching this one, if you haven't seen the first Drunken Master, do yourself a favor and go watch that first. But with that said, the sequel is a little better and this scene is one of the reasons why. There is a point where a limit should be made to what actors are allowed to do to themselves for a movie and Jackie tows that line a lot, with this scene in particular maybe being a bit much to do to himself. But Jackie is Jackie, and if he wants to crawl over hot coals in slow-mo, then he will. This scene is action-scene storytelling done perfectly. The pain and toll the beginning has on Jackie and his burnt hands before he consumes copious amounts of alcohol to become a fighting machine is just so good in the hands of Jackie Chan.

Who Am I? - Sliding Down A Building

Jackie-Chan-Who Am I

There are countless action movies that have a scene with its hero jumping off a roof and/or building. But that usually involves special effects, but this is a list of Jackie Chan and what says he would be doing the same. So obviously he must slide down the side of a building. But that alone isn't enough, he was then standing up and for a short period run going down the building before crashing head first. That's the scene and stunt. It may seem basic, but it is so good, especially knowing that it's Jackie Chan doing it.

Police Story - Mall

jackie chan-police story

Saving the best for last, it is Police Story once again. This list would probably be illegitimate if it didn't have Jackie's most infamous scene on it. From the choreography to the numerous massive stunts, this scene is an action movie junkie's dream. The scene starts off with Jackie jumping down from a small balcony and tackling someone on an escalator, then moving into a fight and chasing on those same escalators and shops within the mall, where Jackie does what he does best, using props to make the most entertaining cinema fights in history. Throw in a couple of fights, some broken glass, and great prop work, and you have an all-time great action scene.

But it doesn't end there though, this is Jackie Chan, and it needs to have a finale of all finales. The scene ends with the iconic balcony jump where he slides down a pole fixated with lights exploding as he goes. Jackie ended with burns and dislocations from the scene, but it really helped catapult him into the superstar that he is today.

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