New slasher and supernatural releases bring up one good question: is there a new favorite villain to talk about for decades to come? The strongest villains need to have a specific look, which often includes a fantastic mask, and they need to have a good, logical reason for why they do what they do. This is why everyone from Michael Myers to Ghostface has endured for so long.

There have been many excellent horror movies in 2020, 2021 and 2022 with villains that give people something to talk about. From unique demons to a fresh slasher villain, these antagonists definitely have staying power.

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Diane Sherman (Run, 2020)

Sarah Paulson as Diane in Run

Run deserves more appreciation, as the thriller starring Sarah Paulson is better than Misery and has a memorable villain in Diane Sherman, who thinks that she's helping her daughter Chloe (Kiera Allen) but is actually harming her every day.

As Chloe figures out that she's not actually sick and that her mom has Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, she comes up with a plan to escape. Since the villain in the movie is Chloe's parent, she is definitely one of the most memorable and most horrifying in a movie that was released in the last few years. Paulson shows her incredible acting range as a highly unlikable character, and the movie delivers one of the best plot twists in a movie as it moves toward its smart, brutal and ruthless conclusion that fans will be haunted by.

The Demon (Host, 2020)

A character holding her hand and looking scared in Host (2020)

One of the best horror movies of the 2020s, Host is set during the COVID-19 pandemic and features a terrifying demon who targets friends who are holding a séance on Zoom. There many be several great horror films about demons, but this one sticks out since it's about a demon summoned via an online chat and then being let loose in the main characters' homes.

Many strong paranormal movies feature evil spirits and demons who go after the characters, but the demon in Host feels especially eerie thanks to the unique Zoom setting. It's horrifying thinking about this happening to characters who are just trying to have a pleasant catch-up with friends. The movie focuses on the fear that the characters feel, and it's so real and palatable that this demon feels truly eerie.

The Demon (Antlers, 2021)

Lucas and Aiden in Antlers

Adapted from Nick Antosca's short story "The Quiet Boy," Antlers is an underrated horror film from 2021 that tells a heartbreaking and clever tale about a demon let loose in a small town. An all-star cast of Keri Russell and Jesse Plemons who play Julia and Paul Meadows. Like the best demonic posession horror movies, Antlers sees innocent characters being affected by a terrible evil force.

After the death of their dad and traumatic young adulthoods, the siblings are trying to put the pieces back together. Julia moves back to their hometown and takes a teaching job where she meets Lucas Weaver (Jeremy T. Thomas), a sweet kid in her class whose sad home life hints at something dangerous. Antlers is a horror movie with a strong main character as Julia cares about Lucas. It's thanks to Julia's intelligence and perseverance that the evil in this town is discovered. Julia realizes that the demon has taken over one of Lucas's family members.

Pearl (X & Pearl, 2022)

Split image of Mia Goth in X & Pearl

Mia Goth gives an awe-inspiring performance as the elderly Pearl in X and as the younger version of the character in Pearl, which is the perfect prequel. Pearl is so memorable because audiences learn that she began murdering people when she was a young aspiring actor and it turns out that she has been evil for a long time.

From observing Pearl in both movies, it's clear that she's a flawless, well-crafted villain because she's out for revenge and blames other people for the dreams she had that haven't come true. Pearl's victims haven't directly hurt her or ruined her life, but she targets them anyway. She's definitely super dangerous and will see anyone as a reason why she didn't become famous or stay young.

The Grabber (The Black Phone, 2022)

Ethan Hawke as The Grabber in The Black Phone

The Black Phone's villain is a letdown in one major way, as it's hard not to wish for more information about him that would make him as excellent as iconic slasher villains. But Ethan Hawke's character still stands out as one of the best villains of the past few years because he has a memorable appearance and a terrifying pattern that he follows.

The best horror villains wear masks that fans could pick out anywhere, and The Grabber's decision to switch up his masks based on what he's feeling is a clever touch. Ultimately, The Grabber is chilling to look at and he succeeds at scaring audiences, especially since he targets children.

NEXT: 8 Worst Horror Movie Villains