Games commonly emphasize the community aspect of their title by allowing players to create their own guild or clan. This means a player can either invite friends or other players to a group, so they can earn rewards or take part in events as a group. This is a feature that commonly graces massive multiplayer titles though it has been seen in other genres of games also under the banner of clans.

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With the common bonuses of a player making a guild, these are the games that most benefit from letting their fans create their own guilds. While also providing a wide variety of activities for these communities to take part in.

8 Warframe

Three players standing in a guild Dojo in Warframe

In the free-to-play action role-playing title Warframe players are able to band with other players in order to create their own Clan. This has a wide range of benefits that mostly focuses on being able to all chip in to the research that can be completed in the clan-owned building known as the Dojo.

There are even some unique clan-specific blueprints that can only be unlocked and created through owning a clan which may be vital to a player's build. Not only this but trading can also be utilized as larger clans may benefit from setting up a trading post in their Dojo to allow members to sell resources between one another.

7 Lost Ark

Three players standing in front of a fountain in Lost Ark

Being able to take on the harder tasks as well as purchase useful items are two of the most vital reasons for owning a guild in Lost Ark. Starting at level ten players finally have the chance to either join an already existing guild or start their own.

A player will commonly join a guild, so they are able to access the guild store which contains a lot of useful items that well-seasoned veterans of the game commonly use such as honing resources, experience potions, or silver. The more that guild members donate the better the guild store as well as other features will be for their guild.

6 Black Desert Online

Lots of players together in Black Desert Online

Black Desert Online allows players to create either a Clan or a Guild depending on what they need the service for. While clans are usually for more social reasons a guild opens the fan base to be able to complete guild missions, unlock new mounts, and declare wars.

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Those that join guilds receive a payment of silver daily depending on the duration of the contract they have been given by the guild master which helps players stay within the guild they have chosen. Besides, the money bonus being able to unlock skills within the guild can also help players grow their character's build.

5 Destiny 2

A group of players standing together in Destiny 2

Similarly to Warframe, players can create clans in Destiny 2. In comparison to other titles, this first-person shooter may not have as many rewards to earn, but it still encourages players to work together especially as Engrams can be unlocked by completing tasks or helping new players through guided games.

Directly on the Bungie website players can search for clans that have available spaces if they would rather join a faction that is already well established. This, therefore, avoids needing to create their own which would lead them to start from scratch.

4 Elder Scrolls Online

The Thieves Guild from the Elder Scrolls Online

Trials are a vital element of the Elder Scrolls Online. However, to successfully complete a trial players will need to band together in a larger group, this can be incredibly difficult when not in a guild as these spaces allow players to easily find help.

Besides trials, guilds also have access to guild traders which allow players to sell their hard-earned items for a profit in the guild store that other players can purchase. There are many well-established guilds already set up for players to join that regularly have a guild trader.

3 World of Warcraft

Three characters standing together in World of Warcraft

While guilds in World of Warcraft do reward players with the regular bonuses of an MMO such as access to guild traders, assistance when trying to complete certain tasks, or even being able to find a group to complete PVP with. The long-running history of WoW means there is already a guild for anything which means new players don't need to worry about creating their own.

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The community has also gone as far as to make specific guilds that focus on certain elements of the game or activities a player may wish to get involved in. A player may wish to join a raid-specializing guild or perhaps one that enjoys role-playing, while other games also do this the large community in World of Warcraft makes this easier to find.

2 Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 Characters

With Guild in its name, it is of no surprise to players that Guild Wars 2 also has its own community systems such as being able to create a guild that focuses on different elements of the game. Be it PVP or PVE, those looking for help are sure to find it while enjoying the gameplay of this MMO.

Besides the welcomed assistance, guild members that work together can finally earn themselves a guild hall as well as leveling bonuses and other skills that may benefit them in improving their current builds.

1 Final Fantasy 14

lots of players stranding together in Final Fantasy 14

While the guilds in Final Fantasy 14 are class-specific, players can also make their own community-driven group known as Free Company. Unlike other titles which allow players to be in a variety of guilds players can only be a part of one and therefore should be certain that they wish to invest in their own guild.

A Free Company can receive a variety of experience bonuses through battle as well as increasing other attributes as long as guild members are investing credits into the guild. The bigger the guild the more likely increased ranks and therefore more perks will be unlocked.

More: Lost Ark: How to Join and Leave a Guild