Whilst graphics in video games are undeniably becoming spectacular, the improvements to audio in recent years cannot be denied either. Now more than ever, there are some games players will find they have to wear headphones if they want to have the full gaming experience.

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Audio is an integral part of any gaming experience. For story-based games, it tells the player exactly what sort of world they're in, and can evoke or amplify various emotions within them. In multiplayer games, having good audio can be the difference between winning a game, or failing miserably. Players will often find that using headphones will enhance any game, giving them a much more immersive experience. However, there are some games in particular that really shine with enhanced audio.

10 Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 Leon and Ashley

Headphones are bound to make any horror experience more intense, but Resident Evil 4 in particular has some absolutely stellar sound design. Everything in the game becomes more immersive. Each weapon has its own unique sound, allowing players to hear the distinctions between them.

Headphones can also really allow players to identify incoming enemies more efficiently by listening out for their own individual groans and mutters. It's incredibly intimidating being able to hear the Cultists muttering all sorts of strange incantations under their breath whilst they approach the player. Even the sound of Leon's lone footsteps whilst he explores the cold, underground lab creates an incredibly eerie atmosphere. Without headphones, the experience just isn't as immersive - although that might be better for players who scare easily.

9 Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Characters

The latest installment of the Call of Duty franchise has done an excellent job at encouraging players to use their ears more, through various gameplay changes. This includes removing the more traditional minimap, and making the footstep audio much more detailed. Whilst Modern Warfare players will find themselves dealing with the Dead Silence Field Upgrade, there is a sharp sound cue whenever a player activates it that they can listen out for.

The game also features some excellent 3D audio, that is best experienced with headphones. Players will find their gunfights even more intense with the sound of bullets flying past their ears and be able to identify approaching enemies much easier by listening for their footsteps.

8 Dead By Daylight

Dead by Daylight The Spirit

Undeniably, players with headphones have a gameplay advantage in Dead by Daylight, especially those playing Killers. Wearing headphones will allow players to hear slight sounds they may miss otherwise; the rustle of a bush, the muffled cries of an injured Survivor, or the distant sound of a generator being worked on. One Killer in particular benefits from headphones - the Spirit. Whilst using her power, she can't see survivors - only their scratch marks and blood trails. This makes sound and the ability to listen well incredibly game-changing.

Survivors can also benefit from using headphones. Being able to hear the Killer's terror radius more accurately will allow them to make better decisions about what they should do. There are plenty of subtle sound cues in the game that players can only really pick up when wearing headphones if they're wanting to play at their best.

7 Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Group Shot

As with the case of most FPS games, using headphones in Overwatch 2 is incredibly important. Each Hero has their own unique sounds, with each ability having a unique noise identifier. Experienced players will be able to recognize the sound of a Pharah positioning herself above their team or a Widowmaker grappling up onto a ledge behind them.

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One of the most important parts of sound in the game, however, is the Ultimate voice lines. Being able to hear where an Ultimate is being launched from can help players reposition themselves and find their way to safety. Sound in Overwatch 2 can give players some big clues about what their opponents are doing, and will ultimately be the key to their victory.

6 The Last Of Us: Part 2

The Last of Us 2 Ellie

In The Last of Us: Part 2, players will most often find themselves skulking around the unsettlingly silent ruins of America, hoping they remain silent. However, the sounds they make can often be their worst adversary. The game is often set in silence, so making any sort of noise can be incredibly punishing. This is because the game's main enemies, Clickers, are blind, and can only track players through sound.

Players will find themselves cringing when they hear the sound of glass being crushed beneath their feet, the clatter of a crowbar shattering human bones, or an enemy's horrifying cry echoing down the empty hallways. The game is excellent at creating dramatic tension with the slightest noise, which is why it just has to be experienced with headphones.

5 Apex Legends

Apex Legends Group Shot

Sound is a crucial component of any Battle Royale game, but it's especially important in Apex Legends. One of the key things to listen out for is the distant sound of fighting. Players can locate their enemies by listening to the direction their gunshots are coming from, and prepare for the fight better by keeping an ear out for what weapons they have.

Players will be able to hear more subtle noises, such as the footsteps of an approaching team whilst they're busy looting, or even hear an enemy trying to pop off a sneaky heal whilst they're hidden away.

4 Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Hellblade Senunas Sacrifice

Hellblade is an indisputable feat in sound design and a game that has to be experienced with headphones. Throughout the game, Senua suffers from psychosis and can hear a variety of voices, with some seeking to instill terror, and others looking to offer her guidance. The voices have their own physical dimension, and do a great job putting the player inside Senua's head.

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Players will also find that sometimes the audio will directly juxtapose what's happening on screen, all the more to disorientate them. Without headphones, gamers simply wouldn't get the full, immersive experience that has been designed for them.

3 Alien: Isolation

Alien Isolation Xenomorph

Alien: Isolation certainly did an excellent job at replicating the fear in the original film, Alien, by Ridley Scott, and this was certainly helped by the game's incredible sound design. As players explore the cramped corridors of Sevastopol, they'll hear all sorts of unsettling sounds from within the ship. However uncomfortable this ambiance is, players will find themselves craving it when the ship goes silent, heralding the imminent arrival of the Xenomorph.

Luckily, players with headphones will be able to track the alien relatively easily by listening out for its huge, clunky footsteps. Headphones really bring the game to life, and players will notice more subtle noises throughout the game, acting as an incredibly powerful survival tool.

2 Sea Of Thieves

Sea of Thieves Sea Fort and Ghosts

Whilst it may not be apparent at first, Sea of Thieves has plenty of small sound cues that are incredibly important at telling players what their enemies are up to. These sounds are often quite subtle, and can be drowned out by the sound of the sea, which is why headphones are really handy to use whilst playing Sea of Thieves.

For example, players with a keen ear will be able to hear the splash of a mermaid appearing near their ship, signaling the arrival of an enemy player. Players can also listen out for enemies pattering in the water, or the slight creak of their ship's ladders, heralding an enemy player arriving onboard any second. Headphones can be a game-changer, allowing players to identify these subtle cues, which will give them a small advantage over their enemies and lead them to victory.

1 Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2, the group gunning down a zombie.

Left 4 Dead 2 players will quickly learn that there are specific events that have their own unique sound cues. This could be when a Special Infected spawns in, or when they're about to attack. Either way, when players hear these cues, they know their impending doom approaches.

However, headphones can give players a big advantage. Sometimes, the cues can be quite difficult to hear, and players really need to make sure they hear the Witch's cries before it's too late. Once they're using headphones, players will find their perception has increased ten-fold, being able to hear the distant growling of a Tank.

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