
  • Naraka: Bladepoint stands out for its deep and complex melee combat, requiring practice and skill to master.
  • Fans of Naraka should try out similar games like CRSED F.O.A.D., Super Mecha Champions, Eternal Return, and Hunter's Arena for similar gameplay and challenges.
  • For those seeking intense sword combat, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and For Honor provide intricate and satisfying gameplay experiences.

While Naraka: Bladepoint did admittedly have a decent amount of hype leading up to its release in 2021, no one could have anticipated just how gigantic this free-to-play battle royale game would become. In a world where battle royale games seem to be coming out every few weeks, Naraka stood out for its incredibly deep and complex melee combat that required a lot of practice and skill to fully master.

10 Unique Battle Royale Games

The Battle Royale market is oversaturated. Thankfully, developers are finding new ways to make BR gameplay interesting.

However, while the game is unique in the way it plays, there are still more than a few similar titles that fans of Naraka need to try out when taking a break from the game, or if they simply want a new experience that has a similarly challenging learning curve. These are the games that have made a name for themselves for their competitive gameplay and rewarding progression systems that are in a similar vein to the massively popular Naraka: Bladepoint.


Woman Firing A Light Machine Gun

So many battle royale games love taking the ultra-realistic military shooter route with their design philosophy, but CRSED F.O.A.D. provides a nice breath of fresh air with its over-the-top visuals and whacky character designs. However, despite the vibrant and often weird nature of the game, the core gameplay itself is still very challenging, with plenty of weapons to try out, including a few swords and katanas.

The deep progression system and large weapon variety will seem very familiar to anyone who has already had some experience with Naraka: Bladepoint, especially because it also has some extremely satisfying melee combat thrown into the mix. CRSED F.O.A.D. isn't a typical battle royale shooter, but it's this uniqueness that makes it very comparable to Naraka in the way it looks and plays.

5 Super Mecha Champions

Player And A Mecha Shooting A Mech Out Of The Sky

An immediate similarity between Naraka and Super Mecha Champions that fans will immediately be able to pick up on is the anime-like visual style. Super Mecha Champions may be a little more colorful overall with the vibrant appearances of the cities and characters popping out of the screen, but this simply helps to make the game even more engaging and fun.

Mecha Madness: The 10 Best Video Games For Fans Of Mechs & Giant Robots

Video games have gotten creative with the mecha & giant robot genre, whether it’s through creating original content or adapting popular anime.

Players will be able to choose from ten mechas that they can use in a match, all of which have their unique stats and abilities, and can be fully customized exactly to the player's liking. While airborne mecha battles are always a ton of fun to get involved in, there's also plenty of on-the-ground melee combat that takes a lot of practice to get accustomed to, though there's no doubt that Naraka players will learn to pick this up in no time at all.

4 Eternal Return: Black Survival

Player Attacking Another Player With An Axe

The mysterious secret organization known as AGLAIA has created a battle arena to test out their enhanced human experiments, and it's fair to say that these test subjects are some of the most powerful beings on the planet. With over a dozen characters to choose from, all with their unique playstyle and skills, Eternal Return: Black Survival is a game that encourages the player to experiment with several different types of builds until they finally find the character that they feel most comfortable with.

The high-speed reflex-based gameplay of Eternal Return is a core feature that fans of Naraka: Bladepoint are sure to fall in love with, while the Mastery Level system makes sticking with a specific character very rewarding in the long run. Because there are so many different features packed into the game, including the very in-depth crafting system and unique challenges that pop up from time to time, it means there's never a dull moment when playing Eternal Return, which is why it remains so popular even to this day.

3 Hunter's Arena: Legends

Player Facing Down A Three Headed Titan

Anyone who loves the thrill of executing incredibly difficult and precise inputs to slice down their opponent in Naraka needs to try out Hunter's Arena: Legends, a fast-paced battle royale game that features some nail-biting encounters with players and demons alike. Players must make full use of their counter, parry, and slash attacks to outsmart their enemy, but since one wrong input can quickly lead to an early demise, button-mashing is completely out of the question.

Alongside the gameplay being nearly identical, Hunter's Arena also shares a similar aesthetic to Naraka with the map being set in Ancient Asia which has been broken apart by the emergence of terrifying otherworldly monsters. Players can jump into either a solo, tag, or trio match when arriving at the lobby screen, but with seventeen available characters, and more to be introduced over time, it can be worth learning a little about each warrior before loading up a game.

2 Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Wolf Flying Through The Sky Using His Grappling Hook

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is not a battle royale game. In fact, it's the complete opposite, being a fairly linear single-player experience that is often included in the "soulslike" sub-genre. However, Sekiro also features perhaps the most intricate and satisfying sword combat ever seen in a game, and it's for this reason that those who feel that they have already perfected their blade mastery in Naraka need to test themselves on this game.

20 Best Sekiro Bosses Ranked By Most Satisfying To Beat

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice by From Software is filled with bosses who truly challenge players, but which ones challenge them the most?

One of the most enjoyable aspects of Naraka: Bladepoint is the journey the player takes to get accustomed to their blade until they are finally able to slice down opponents with ease, and while this journey is much more punishing in Sekiro, it's also much more rewarding. Performing a perfect parry on one of the many exceptionally designed bosses is one of the greatest feelings in all of gaming, and if players can bear with the steep learning curve, they're in for a wild ride that ramps the enjoyment of sword combat found in Naraka up to eleven.

1 For Honor

Three Knights Fighting Each Other In For Honor

When it was first announced in 2015, no one could have expected just how immensely popular For Honor would become, with it still having a dedicated core fanbase and plenty of expansions released on a yearly schedule. The traditional setting of the game and the gigantic roster of characters will definitely be intriguing to any lovers of Naraka, but where fans can sink their teeth into this game is in the incredibly addictive melee combat, which is as complex as it is fun.

When a player approaches an enemy to attack, it will initiate a one-on-one duel where both players will gradually strike at their opponent while paying close attention to the positioning of their weapon, their range, and the distance between them and their foe. If a player holds off on an attack but holds their weapon in the same position as the enemy, they will be able to execute a block, leading them wide open. The truth is, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the core mechanics of this game as the multiple different skills and fighting styles all help to make each fight feel unique. There are also plenty of multiplayer modes to enjoy here, and even a story campaign for each faction featured in the game, of which there are many to choose from.

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