
  • Video games have evolved to offer engaging challenges without alienating players with extreme difficulty levels.
  • Cuphead , Monster Hunter Rise , and Kid Icarus: Uprising are known for their fair but challenging gameplay experiences.
  • Dark Souls , Bayonetta , and Hades are examples of games that offer a rewarding experience through their unforgiving difficulty levels.

Since the dawn of video games, developers have been looking for ways to challenge players to their wits' ends. Back in the days of arcade games, rising up the levels was a Herculean task meant to eat up a person's quarters. Nowadays, video games don't want to alienate players with difficulty, but still want to give them an engaging challenge that feels rewarding to complete.

10 Underrated Nintendo Games That You Should Play

Fans of Nintendo should give these underrated gems a try.

There are plenty of video games throughout history that are notoriously difficult, and despite the initial reaction from fans that might cause them to rage out and throw a controller, it can't be denied that the difficulty is more than fair, as without it, players might breeze through the experience far too easily than intended.

10 Cuphead

A 2D Platform That Requires Mastery Over The Unpredictability

Cuphead fighting Hilda Berg in an airplane

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
September 29, 2017
Studio MDHR Entertainment Inc.

Cuphead had a long development process following its announcement in 2013, finally releasing in 2017 and becoming one of the most commercially successful indie games of the 2010s. While its cartoonish graphics might invoke a simpler time of movie animation, don't be fooled by all the smiles. Cuphead is almost notorious for being one of the hardest platformers of all time.

It'll take a long time for players to master the timing down to the seconds, but many who have played the game will attest that it's far from unfair. Nothing will compare to the euphoria players will experience from completing a level or defeating a boss after sinking literal hours into every single movement they make. Be warned, Cuphead is not for the faint of heart.

9 Monster Hunter Rise

Battle Against Powerful Monsters, Alone Or With Friends

A party of hunters fighting an Almudron
Monster Hunter Rise

March 26, 2021
Action , RPG

Titles like Monster Hunter World have caught on in Western countries, but few entries in the series feel as cumulative as Monster Hunter Rise. Originally released for the Nintendo Switch, this title is the perfect Monster Hunter game for co-op play and hardships.

That being said, rising up the ranks of hunting monsters won't be an easy feat. The game can be incredibly challenging to take on solo, which is why it encourages local and online multiplayer to take a party of four hunters on missions. With a full party of seasoned hunters, fights can feel pretty easy, but when it's just a one-on-one hunt, it might be a lot for one person to handle.

8 Kid Icarus: Uprising

Put Up The Good Against The Evils of the Underworld

Palutena holding a weakened Pit
Kid Icarus: Uprising

Nintendo 3DS
March 23, 2012
Sora Ltd.
Third-Person Shooter

For now, Kid Icarus: Uprising is an exclusive title for the Nintendo 3DS and the brainchild of Super Smash Bros.' Masahiro Sakurai. This reboot of the NES classic reinterprets its Greek mythology-inspired world as a rail shooter, as Pit leads Palutena's army against invading forces of the Underworld while jumping between sky battles and land infiltrations.

8 Nintendo Games That Defined Genres

Some Nintendo games ended up ushering a new age and set examples for others to follow and these are the very best of them.

What makes Uprising unique, especially for Nintendo, is that players are in complete control of the difficulty. Before each level, the Fiend's Cauldron allows players to spend hearts to challenge themselves, reaping higher rewards the harder the level they complete. While the higher difficulty levels are no laughing matter, players will only have themselves to blame if they can't match up.

7 Dark Souls

A Metroidvania That Provides Unpredictable Challenge At Every Turn

A Dark Souls player facing a red dragon
Dark Souls

PS3 , PS4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
September 22, 2011
From Software
Action RPG

In 2011, the video game world was introduced to the horrors of Dark Souls. From the very first entry in this now-legendary series, players have been pushed to the edge of their sanity with the game's unforgiving difficulty. While extreme toughness has become part of the Dark Souls identity, few games described as "Soulslike" are as reasonably fair as the first one.

Many critics praised Dark Souls for not holding the players' hand, as games of its era had already conditioned them. Even retrospective reviews have pointed out how satisfying it is for players to become stronger as the game continues on, proving that its infamous difficulty doesn't come without the proper rewards for the bravest video game fans out there.

6 Bayonetta

Chaotic Hack-And-Slash Gameplay Causes Awe And Frustration

Bayonetta facing Fortitudo

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , Nintendo Wii U , PC
October 29, 2009
Platinum Games

Bayonetta has had a lot of longevity for a game originally released in 2009. However, it's seen numerous ports on consoles like the Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PC, and PlayStation 4, among others. It's also seen two sequels, often bundled together as an entire trilogy for fans who want the full Bayonetta experience (so far) from start to finish.

The game isn't as notorious for its difficulty as others on this list, despite having a difficulty mode called "Non-Stop Infinite Climax." However, the gameplay of Bayonetta makes use of quick-time events, which while frustrating, add to the game's chaotic hack-and-slash structure. Sadly, the two sequels don't match up to the first in difficulty, as consistently good as they are.

5 Celeste

Madeleine sitting by a campfire

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Stadia
January 25, 2018
Extremely OK Games

Released in 2018, Celeste comes from indie studio Maddy Makes Games, and was the product of a 2015 game jam. The gameplay involves platforming as the protagonist, Madeline, climbs the titular mountain, navigating across obstacles and traps as they make their way through levels. However, what makes Celeste a fair but difficult experience is its accessibility.

10 Kickstarted Video Games That Have Become Iconic

Indie developers have always brought amazing games to players, but they don't always start out as icons, some start as simple kickstarters.

Through the game's "Assist Mode," players can lower the difficulty by slowing the game's speed down or making Madeline invincible, though this may be a cop-out to some steadfast gamers. For the ones who want the full experience, they may have to get used to some pretty particular timing, and for the completionists, there are even secret routes with even harder platforming.

4 Hollow Knight

Battle Insects In A Metroidvania 2D Game

Knight roaming an empty street
Hollow Knight

PC , Switch , PS4 , Xbox One , macOS , Linux
February 24, 2017
Team Cherry

"Metroidvania" games are notably difficult, prioritizing non-linear exploration and elements of RPGs. One such example of this subgenre is Hollow Knight, which since its release in 2017 has become one of the most iconic Metroidvania games. Players control a warrior navigating a fallen kingdom, battling insectoid bosses, and upgrading their abilities.

While some critics felt the game's difficulty was at times unfair, others felt the bosses were adequately fair enough to challenge prepared players. Considering the game's non-linearity, players can level up on their own time while steadily progressing through the game's story. Plus, its replay value is unparalleled compared to other indie titles like it.

3 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

A Creatively Challenging Platformer For Donkey Kong & Friends

Gameplay screenshot from Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Switch , Nintendo Wii U
February 21, 2014
Retro Studios

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was originally released for the Wii U in 2014, but has since seen a port on Nintendo Switch. It's a good thing more players get to experience this 2D platformer, as it lives up pretty well to the Donkey Kong Country legacy on SNES. Oftentimes, there's no room for error in this game's platforming, but there's still tons to appreciate.

For instance, playing as Cranky Kong might be a much more difficult experience than players that go with Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong. In its Nintendo Switch version, there's also an easier gameplay mode for the less experienced 2D platforming fans. A new mode where Funky Kong is playable on the Switch version also offers a new experience while not sacrificing difficulty.

2 Hades

Escaping Hell Itself Isn't Easy In This Roguelike

Zagreus at the start of a dungeon

September 17, 2020
Supergiant Games
Action RPG , Roguelite

Roguelike games are notoriously arcade difficulty, requiring players to often replay the same levels again and again every time they die. That's certainly the case with Hades, one of the most popular indie games of the past few years. Playing as Hades' son Zagreus, players must attempt to escape the Underworld without dying, powering up in between attempts.

10 Best Action Roguelikes

Fans who enjoy chaotic action in their roguelikes can't go wrong with these games.

For a game to get a lot out of players repeating randomly generated levels again and again, it has to get pretty difficult. However, players will often find themselves continuing to get better and advancing through the game's numerous floors of the Underworld each time they play. It may take a while to complete it, but the story and gameplay will keep players engaged the entire time.

1 Shovel Knight

Rely On Jumping & A Shovel Against Dangerous Foes

Shovel Knight attacking a gold knight
Shovel Knight

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Switch , Nintendo Wii U , 3DS , PC , PS Vita
June 26, 2014
Yacht Club Games

One of the most iconic indie games of all time is Shovel Knight, which began as a Kickstarter campaign before turning into a popular franchise of its own. The original version, released in 2014, invokes retro sidescrollers like Mega Man and DuckTales as players adventure as the titular hero through a series of medieval levels and charismatic boss battles.

Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope, the main campaign, is difficult in its own right, especially for first-time players. However, the game only gets harder with its DLC expansion campaigns, which feature protagonists in former bosses Plague Knight, Specter Knight, and King Knight. If Shovel Knight was difficult enough to be unfair, it certainly wouldn't have the legacy it does now.

22 Games Inspired By Earthbound

There are a lot of amazingly good games out there that were inspired by the iconic Earthbound. Here's a look at some of the best.