
  • Games that require typing can improve players' typing skills and efficiency, benefiting them outside of gaming.
  • Mario Teaches Typing is a nostalgic educational game that can help younger players improve their keyboard skills.
  • Games like Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! and The Typing of the Dead: Overkill use typing mechanics to add a unique twist to gameplay and challenge players' typing speed and accuracy.

PC gamers are more than familiar with using their keyboard as a controller. It's similarly common to use it when chatting in multiplayer games, like MMORPGs or party games like Jackbox. Much rarer are games that use the keyboard mechanically in a way that creatively controls gameplay while still feeling like traditional typing.

10 Strangest Product Placements in Video Games

It's not unusual for products to infiltrate movies and TV, but there have been some strange product placements in video games that are just jarring.

When a game uses the entire keyboard, especially when it requires the typing of actual words, it forces the player to familiarize themselves with key placements and improve their typing, even subconsciously. Then, this newfound efficiency can translate outside of gaming and into all aspects of keyboard use.

10 Backspace Bouken

9/10 on Steam

Pixel skeleton in Backspace Bouken
Backspace Bouken

December 13, 2019
RNG Party Games

Inspired by old Japanese first-person dungeon crawlers, this pixelated RPG has players climb a massive tower filled with NPCs to save, puzzles to solve, and monsters to kill. The player moves through the isometric tower room by room, until they encounter an event or a creature that wants to eat them.

Then, all the combat is played out by typing out words and phrases as fast as possible with errors counting against the character. This core gameplay loop takes the player through an absurd campaign and hopefully makes them a better typer along the way.

9 Mario Teaches Typing

A 90s classic

Mario looking happy about his computer while Peach, Luigi and ,Toad run away terrified
Mario Teaches Typing

Interplay Productions

The only game on this list that is technically an educational game, Mario Teaches Typing is a 90s gem and a classic for a reason. Many players credit their early typing skills to the game and, with it now being free to play online, it's still a great option for younger audiences that want to get better at using a keyboard.

10 Mario Characters Who Didn't Catch On

Many Mario sequels and spin-offs introduce one-and-done characters who serve their purpose and then never return, even when they prove to be popular.

Players choose between Mario, Luigi, and Peach and then set their goal of words per minute. The player's chosen character will run a classic Mario level until they encounter an obstacle, which they can only clear if the player correctly and quickly types the corresponding word.

8 Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!

10/10 on Steam

Cook, Serve, Delicious! pizza making
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!

PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
October 14, 2020
Vertigo Gaming

The Cook, Serve, Delicious series is made up of chaotic single or multiplayer cooking games where players cook thousands of different meals as fast as possible via minigames. Unlike similar games like Overcooked, instead of fully controlling a character, players do all their cooking from a fixed fist-person camera angle by hitting the correct keyboard combinations.

Even though it doesn't involve typing words in the traditional sense, the cooking minigames use nearly every key on the keyboard and require fast, accurate typing, forcing players to become more than familiar with where keys are and how most efficiently to hit them.

7 Duskers

9/10 on Steam

duskers, drone1 next to door7 and door11, scanning

August 20, 2015
Misfits Attic

In Duskers, players control drones tasked with exploring derelict ships stranded in the farthest reaches of space. The ships are procedurally generated, isolated, and sometimes dangerous. Exploration is handled entirely using the drones' radar systems, and the player often has to open a command line and type out commands to control them.

While it may seem simple or limited in typing at first, players will eventually be opening the command line during high-stress situations requiring them to type commands perfectly in seconds.

6 The Textorcist: The Story Of Ray Bibbia

9/10 on Steam

The Textorcist dodging fire
The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia

February 14, 2019

This self-proclaimed "type-em-up" is a brutal bullet-hell shooter where the player takes on demons by typing out exorcisms. A true multitasking experience, the player must navigate dodging a flurry of incoming fire that covers nearly the whole screen while simultaneously typing out lengthy phrases to complete their exorcism and kill the demons shooting at them.

Every boss has its own unique typing mechanics and the whole thing is launched at the player via vibrant 2D sprite graphics. As such, the game looks great, and forces players to hone their typing skills quickly if they want to survive.

5 Epistory: Typing Chronicles

9/10 on Steam

Epistory Typing Chronicles
Epistory: Typing Chronicles

PC , Switch
September 30, 2015
Fishing Cactus

A gorgeous, full-3D typing adventure. The main character rides a giant red wolf through an origami world, unfolding as they progress on their quest. The player controls movement, solves puzzles, and engages in combat all via their keyboard.

10 RPG Games With Surreal And Dreamlike Worlds

Players will dive into a breathtaking RPG world with these surreal landscapes and dreamlike settings.

The beautiful paper world of Epistory is under attack by evil supernatural insects, and the player can blow them away with powerful attacks by typing out the words that float above their heads.

4 Nanotale: Typing Chronicles

9/10 on Steam

Nanotale: Typing Chronicles
Nanotale - Typing Chronicles

October 23, 2019
Fishing Cactus

The spiritual successor to Epistory, the newer entry in the Typing Chronicles series improves upon its predecessor in nearly every way. More refined visuals, more gameplay variety, and a longer campaign make this feel like a true sequel and not just a rehash designed to continue the typing gimmick.

This time, there is a new focus on magic, with typing providing a plethora of spells to be used in battle or while solving puzzles. Typing the sequnce prompts or words can open doors, move features around the map, or annilhilate enemies.

3 Grey Hack

9/10 on Steam

Grey Hack secret camera hacking
Grey Hack

December 14, 2017
Loading Home

Most MMORPGS would fit onto this list, due to the amount of social typing typically required to play them to the fullest, but Grey Hack is an MMORPG built around literal computer typing. This hacking game and simulator turns the player into a hacker in a world of dark web agents.

Players will hack their way through infinite procedurally generated websites as they are tasked with typing code, entering search terms, and doing a multitude of other eerily convincing computer tasks. All in the name of internet espionage.

2 Town Of Salem 2

9/10 on Steam

Town of Salem 2 new lobby and the four horsemen of the apocalypse
Town of Salem 2

macOS , Microsoft Windows
May 26, 2023
RPG , Indie Games , Casual , Strategy , Party Game

Town of Salem 2 is an ultra-popular game of social deduction and mob mentality chaos. This multiplayer party game gives players roles in a small puritanical town where treachery is afoot. By day, players discuss tasks and alibis, then at night, spying and murdering are a guarantee.

Like similar deceit games, the best part of a round is almost always a group discussion where players who are still alive discuss who to trust and who to, well, kick out of town, so to speak. Players will be typing consistently, conversationally, and, if they don't want to be next on the chopping block, convincingly.

1 The Typing Of The Dead: Overkill

9/10 on Steam

Typing Of The Dead
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill

October 29, 2013
Modern Dream
Educational , Shooter

This bizarre spin on the classic House of the Dead series takes levels that were originally part of a light-gun arcade shooter and turns them into a game unlike anything else on the market. As zombies storm towards the screen, they are assigned words.

Then, as the player types the letters of the words, their gun fires at the zombie. It's oddly satisfying to blow a zombie away with words, and as swarms grow larger and faster, players will need to utilize some seriously quick typing to keep from being overrun.

6 Nintendo Games That Support A Keyboard Or Mouse

The Switch might not be the best console for mouse and keyboard gamers, but between Factorio, Quake, and others, Nintendo can still hold its own.