Considering the plethora of titles that ensure players think before they act or make decisive choices, and punish them for making negative ones, there are also games that have little to no consequences. While some of these titles may not have a direct and literal moral system, a large majority contain aspects and features of much broader and full-fledged ones such as Red Dead Redemption 2.

Related: Best Games For A Good Morality Path

Despite these titles not encouraging players to commit evil acts or decisions, or stray off of an honorable path, there is no reason for players to be concerned about their choices this time around.

5 Cyberpunk 2077


Given CD Projekt Red's decisions to keep Cyberpunk 2077's ending options exclusive to the game's final mission, it left multiple players with the freedom to act and behave as they pleased. While dialogue and choices between other characters can most definitely impact relationships along the way, particularly with Panam or Judy, it does not change V's ending nor which ending players decide to choose when the time comes.

This is great for players who prefer to be far more aggressive in their gameplay and dialogue actions, as they are far less consequential in the game's overarching plot. This is very much unlike titles such as Red Dead Redemption 2, where low honor/evil actions and decisions can change Arthur's behavior in cutscenes and can dictate the ending.

4 Grand Theft Auto 5

Micheal Gameplay

Given the general idea surrounding the Grand Theft Auto franchise and its name, it is a no-brainer for players to intend to create chaos with zero consequences in story terms. As Grand Theft Auto 5 mostly has a linear story path with players only having real impactful choices in its final mission, there is total and complete freedom to be evil in the worst ways imaginable.

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After completion, players will receive a psychiatric report based on their actions based on the entirety of their playthrough, which can spell out psychopathic evil behavior patterns but does not have any major impact. Its unclear whether the next installment in Grand Theft Auto 6 will follow the same path as Red Dead Redemption 2 with a genuine moral system with consequences for gameplay actions, but as of now, players can hop into single player mode and do whatever they wish to do, whenever.

3 Infamous Second Son

Cole's Legacy Outfit

While deciding to go along with an evil karma playthrough, the Infamous Second Son's ending is very unsatisfying and less preferable compared to its good karma ending, as Delsin ends up killing Betty and his own people. Despite this and the detrimental effects it has on the main story, evil karma offers some of the best abilities that are not available to those who choose good karma, and players will no longer have to worry about avoiding civilians in the midst of fights.

For those who may wish to follow a sensible and caring Delsin story path, it would be reasonable to have two separate playthroughs. Not only will this satisfy fans who wish to experience both outcomes, but it will also mainly adhere to those who would prefer an evil karma playthrough regardless, as it will allow for complete freedom in gameplay actions and choices.

2 Red Dead Redemption

John Marston

The first entry in the series Red Dead Redemption contained several aspects of low and high honor that players are familiar with now in its prequel Red Dead Redemption 2. While the first title definitely has a morality system, it is far less impactful and consequential in comparison to Red Dead Redemption 2, aside from NPC interactions and bounties. Choosing a low honor path in Red Dead Redemption 2 as Arthur Morgan will lead to one of the worst imaginable deaths at the hands of Micah Bell, who is viewed as one of the central antagonists.

In its predecessor, players can choose to be heartless toward NPCs, starting gunfights with the law, or even helping thieves and outlaws, but this does not change the game's ending in any way whatsoever. While some players may not wish to give John Marston a bad name in Red Dead Redemption, it is almost inconsequential due to the game's heartbreaking and inevitable end.

1 Sleeping Dogs

Wei Shen and Jackie

One of the most underrated titles in Sleeping Dogs, was one of the rare titles that reward players in multiple regions of their play style and morality actions in gameplay. Despite players having to avoid hitting innocent civilians or damaging surroundings during missions, in normal free-roam gameplay, players can do as they please. During missions that are gang-related, players can kill enemies and other members from other triad gangs, and gain 'Triad XP', which also applies to cop missions with 'Police XP'.

With most of the aforementioned games, players can find themselves punished in minor ways during free-roam gameplay with negative actions, but here that is not the case at all. Players can attack civilians, steal vehicles, and much more without this impacting their XP points if these are not during the game's main or side missions.

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