
  • A lot of video games other than Assassin's Creed feature historical figures or are based on historical events.
  • Civilization 4 players can control famous historical leaders such as Napoleon, Queen Victoria, and George Washington.
  • Total War: Shogun 2, set in the Sengoku era of Japan, allows players to control whole clans and battle for dominance.

The Assassin’s Creed series is popular for a bunch of reasons. Most gamers enjoy roaming around unique, open-world settings, sneaking up to unaware foes, and giving them a shanking. Some may even like its weird, sci-fi plot about the Assassins and Knights Templar’s feud being connected to an advanced pre-human race called the Isu.

Assassin's Creed Shadows: 6 Things You Need To Know About Yasuke

One of Assassin's Creed Shadows' main characters, Yasuke, is an actual historical figure.

But others like to see which characters were real historical figures, if only for the novelty factor (AC2 lets players beat up Pope Alexander VI!). But between George Washington becoming king in the AC3 DLC, Alfred the Great turning up in AC Valhalla, and the upset over Yasuke in AC Shadows, it might be easy to forget there were other great games featuring historical figures.

1 Eternal Sonata

Metascore: 79

Historical Figures in Non-AC Games- Chopin Eternal Sonata
Eternal Sonata

PS3 , Xbox 360
September 17, 2007

Out of all the games here, which often go for high fantasy rather than historical accuracy, Eternal Sonata perhaps has the strangest premise of the bunch. It’s about the famous Polish composer Frédéric Chopin during the last hours of his life before he died from tuberculosis. On his deathbed, he dreams of a world where everyone's named after musical terms, and one in particular, a terminally ill girl called Polka, has to save the world from the machinations of Count Waltz.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Polka also represents Chopin’s real younger sister Emilia, who died from TB in her teens. Her adventures are part her trying to make the most of her remaining time, and part Chopin processing both Emilia's death and his own from the same disease. Gameplay-wise, it’s a solid, if linear, RPG with a neat musical theme. As a story, it’s a strange, somber tale of a composer seeking meaning in his and his sister’s lives before he follows her into the void.

2 Like A Dragon: Ishin!

Metascore: 81

Substory #7: Ee Ja Nai for Justice in Like a Dragon: Ishin!
Like a Dragon: Ishin!

PS4 , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , Xbox One , PC
February 21, 2023
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio

Practically every game here takes some liberties with its figures. Otherwise, Like a Dragon: Ishin’s story about Ryōma Sakamoto would be a short one as he was assassinated. Still, the game does allude to it by staging it as part of the plot’s conspiracy, complete with his likely assassin, Tadasaburō Sasaki of the Mimawarigumi, a rival faction of samurai cops to the more famous Shinsengumi.

He and other people from Japan's Bakumatsu period (1853-1868) turn up to either drive the story or the substories. Sōji Okita and Kondō Isami challenge the player in both story and gameplay. But the likes of surprise boss Thomas Glover, and chatterbox Ernest Satow were also real people active in the country at the time. Even the "ee ja nai ka" ("isn't it good?") protest from a recurring substory is based on a real set of protests that took place throughout 1867-1868.

3 Shadow Hearts: Covenant

Metascore: 85

Historical Figures in Non-AC Games- Anastasia Shadow Hearts Covenant
Shadow Hearts Covenant

September 27, 2004

From Koudelka to Shadow Hearts: From the New World, the Shadow Hearts series used real-world locations and historical characters and events to aid its story. But they spiced them up with demons, dark magic, and bittersweet endings. The series’ recurring villain, Roger Bacon, is named after a real 12th-century monk and philosopher who was accused of being a wizard (despite being more of a proto-scientist).

The Shadow Hearts Games Deserve Remasters

There is currently an effort to revive the Shadow Hearts franchise through crowdfunding, but the original games still need to come back.

But he’s actually a fictional cardinal called Albert Simon who achieved immortality while using Bacon’s name as an alias. Luckily, he and series protagonist Yuri are back in Shadow Hearts: Covenant, where the latter forms a party with Tsarina Anastasia to stop Rasputin from replacing Tsar Nicholas II as ruler of Russia. As wild as that sounds, it’s just the tip of SH:C’s plot of conspiracies, rituals, and sacrifice.

4 Total War: Three Kingdoms

Metascore: 85

Historical Figures in Non-AC Games- Lu Bu Total War Three Kingdoms
Total War: Three Kingdoms

May 23, 2019
Creative Assembly
Strategy , Tactical

China’s Three Kingdoms era is one of the more romanticized periods in history, largely thanks to the iconic Luo Guanzhong novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There have been centuries of operas, plays, movies, shows, and more that have adapted and re-adapted its tale of the fall of the Han and the rise of Wei, Wu, and Shu before their eventual transformation into the Jin dynasty. Many of its figures were based on real people, though they likely weren't as superhuman as they appear in the novel.

Total War: Three Kingdoms actually includes a "Romance" mode where the likes of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lü Bu can pull off the feats of strength from the novel. But players who want a more historically accurate experience can opt for Records mode. Players can still play other factions to change things, like upholding Dong Zhuo’s empire in "Rise of the Warlords," or having Meng Huo’s southern tribes overcome Cao Cao in "A World Betrayed." But it won’t necessarily be any easier or harder than following history or the novel.

5 Nioh

Metascore: 88

William Adams in Nioh

PS5 , PS4 , PC
February 7, 2017
Team Ninja
Action RPG

Loosely based on an undeveloped script by Akira Kurosawa, Nioh has a historical basis. Kind of. Kurosawa planned to make a movie about William Adams, the English sailor who landed in Sengoku-era Japan and became an advisor to Ieyasu Tokugawa (i.e. the basis for the novel and TV series Shogun). By the time Team Ninja finished turning it into a video game, they had made some drastic changes. William Adams is now Irish and, aided by Hattori Hanzo, is fighting off yōkai in his pursuit of the evil mystic Edward Kelley.

The two come across a who’s who of Sengoku-era figures, including Yasuke (as the Obsidian Samurai) and Tadakatsu Honda, albeit with a little artistic license. Hattori Hanzo is a literal ninja rather than a samurai commander, and Kelley looks more like the frontman of a J-rock band than a beardy old scryer. But the likes of Honda, Date Masamune, and Toyotomi Hideyori (son of the more famous Toyotomi Hideyoshi) all resemble their classical appearance, trademark armor and all.

6 L.A. Noire

Metascore: 89

mickey cohen dressed in a smart suit
LA Noire

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , PC
May 17, 2011
Team Bondi
Action , Adventure

The 1940s are still just about within living memory, though most of L.A. Noire’s historical figures turn up as namedrops and mentions rather than in-game characters. Players sadly can’t push Richard Nixon down the stairs during his congressional campaign, nor try to pin the Nicholson Electroplating case on Howard Hughes. But they can check out the Spruce Goose, and find Nixon's banners throughout the city (alongside remarks about his trustworthiness).

Games To Play If You Loved LA Noire

There are several great games out there that are similar to LA Noire. Here's a look at some of the best.

But they can come across the infamous gangster Mickey Cohen and his bodyguard Johnny Stompanato in the Traffic and Vice cases. Cohen plays a key part in the story's subplot and the downfall of Jack Kelso's old war buddies. In a morbid turn, it also includes real murder victims, as the remains of Elizabeth Short, the "Black Dahlia," turn up in the last Homicide case. It's become one of the most notorious unsolved cases in history, yet players have to find out who killed her, as well as several other (fictional) victims.

7 Total War: Shogun 2

Metacritic: 90

Historical Figures in Non-AC Games- Takeda Shingen Total War Shogun 2
Total War: Shogun 2

March 15, 2011
Creative Assembly
Strategy , Tactical

The Sengoku era was one of the most brutal yet most romanticized eras in Japanese history. It’s been the subject of many TV shows, movies, and video games. Samurai Warriors turned it into a slash fest. Sengoku Basara made it an anime brawler where the infamous warlord Oda Nobunaga is treated like a Hammer Horror monster. Even Yakuza/Like a Dragon started its samurai spin-offs in that era with the still-Japan-only Ryu Ga Gotoku: Kenzan!

But Total War: Shogun 2 lets players control whole clans from the period in their quest to unify the country. Players could follow history and try to dominate the land as the Oda clan or bide their time like the Tokugawa. Or they could use all their resources to bring other clans, like the Takeda, on top or, via its "Fall of the Samurai" DLC, head to the Bakumatsu era to save the shogunate from the Imperial factions. The choice is theirs, but to achieve those aims takes skill.

8 Crusader Kings 3

Metacritic: 91

Historical Figures in Non-AC Games- William the Conqueror Crusader Kings 3
Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy

Strategy games can be relied on for providing historical figures most of the time. But if the Civ series' historical figures leading their countries for millennia before and after their time seems odd to some, they may prefer Crusader Kings 3. Players can choose to play (in)famous medieval figures like Harold Godwinson and William the Bastard (later Conqueror), but they can’t live forever. Like the prior CK games, players have to think beyond the battlefield and secure their legacy to play with generations of leaders too.

They have to have children and use them as part of their political plans as well, using their inherited traits to their advantage while working around their flaws. Players aren’t tied to history, so they can choose any faith, policy, or partner they like. But without careful planning, they could end up with a fallen dynasty that makes the Habsburgs look like the Kardashians.

9 Civilization 4

Metascore: 94

Historical Figures in Non-AC Games- Boudica Civilization 4
Sid Meier's Civilization 4

October 25, 2005
Firaxis Games
Strategy , Tactical

Civilization 4 gets the nod here as it’s often considered the best game in the series. But whether fans prefer Civs 1-3 or 5-6 or not, they all use famous historical heads of state (or figureheads) to represent their playable nations. Across the games, players can take control of Napoleon, Queen Victoria, George Washington, Shaka Zulu, etc., and make them do all sorts of out-of-character deeds to attain that military or scientific victory.

For example, Civ 1 turned the peaceful protester Mahatma Gandhi into a hyper-aggressive warmonger who threatened anyone and everyone with nukes, while other civilizations got bunched together because their cultures shared common customs. For example, Civ 4's Boudica, queen of Celtic Britain's Iceni tribe, had cities named after British Roman towns. But in Civ 5, she used Scottish and Irish cities and spoke Welsh, which is akin to having the Aztecs and Mayans represented by the Incan emperor Pachacuti, who speaks Yupik.

Assassin's Creed: The 10 Most Historically Accurate Games In The Franchise, Ranked

Assassin's Creed is known for letting players travel through time, but which game is the most historically accurate and otherwise?