Despite the reveal of a new Microsoft console, E3 2017 turned out to be a year that was all about the games. Microsoft showcased over 40 titles during its presentation and Sony and the other big hitters also came equipped with tons of software. With dozens of upcoming titles to soak in, there are a handful that managed to stand out from the crowd.

During the show we had the chance to watch a ton of cinematic trailers, gameplay reveals, and even got hands-on time with many of the big titles. After all of that excitement, here are the ten titles that Game ZXC is most looking forward to coming out of E3 2017.

10 Spider-Man


The age of Rocksteady Batman games may be behind us, but Insomniac is ushering in a new era of superhero games with the PS4 exclusive Spider-Man. The open-world comic book inspired adventure revealed its gameplay at this year's E3 and the web-slinging combat blew the crowd away. With a combat system that seems to perfectly capture the hero's unique set of powers and some Marvel writers helping out behind the scenes, this game seems like it will be the full package. There is still no concrete release date, but the Insomniac Marvel adventure looks well worth the wait.

9 Anthem

anthem bioware public beta

Anthem may still be years away from release for all we know, but that doesn't make its reveal any less impressive. The online co-op action RPG was only met with mediocre response when EA debuted the cinematic reveal trailer, but everyone was blown away by the extended gameplay footage reveal. The game looks like it will scratch the same itch as Destiny 2, but may provide a more open-world to explore. Anthem looked absolutely insane on the massive 4k display at the Microsoft presentation and may be the reason a lot of console gamers bite the bullet and upgrade to a PS4 Pro or an Xbox One X for a better looking experience.

8 Days Gone


Days Gone is another game that was revealed at E3 2016 and returned this year with a lot more gameplay to show. The 2016 showing of the zombie survival action game was enough to get us hyped, but the extended look at gameplay this year took our excitement to the next level. The game's universe is incredibly detailed and unique, which will help it stand out from the rest of the survival zombie games on the market. Little touches like the way weather impacts motorcycle performance and the behavior and strength of the freakers make Days Gone one of our most anticipated games from the show.

7 God of War

God of War gameplay standard PS4

God of War looks like it's going to be one of the handful of games that make the PS4 a must-own console. The developers are reinventing the franchise this time around by taking the Old Man Logan approach and putting players in control of a very different Kratos than we are used to. The 2016 gameplay was a showstopper at last year's E3 and this year we got to see a lot more action. The new footage revealed a number of exciting weapons that players will use to train their ward and battle through the game's campaign. There's no exact release date just yet, but we're hoping to dive into this one in within the first few months of 2018.

6 Star Wars: Battlefront 2

play battlefront 2 multiplayer

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 may not have had the best presentation at this year's E3, but the actual gameplay is still too gorgeous and exciting to ignore. Despite Battlefront 2015's lack of content, there is no denying that the game was gorgeous. Somehow its sequel manages to surpass those graphics and provide an even more realistic and engaging interpretation of the Star Wars universe. The addition of an interesting single-player campaign that spans 30 years of lore makes Battlefront 2 a game that can not be ignored this fall.

5 Assassin's Creed: Origins

assassins creed origins multiplayer

Assassin's Creed: Origins is one of the titles that suffered a bit from leaks that arrived in the weeks leading up to E3. The game's announcement and setting didn't take anyone by surprise, and certainly wasn't the highlight of Ubisoft's press conference, but the game shouldn't be overlooked. The Origins setting and timeline frees Ubisoft up from the messy current timeline lore and gives the writers a chance to start off fresh and take the franchise in a new direction. The gameplay reveal also shows that the developer is learning from what works and bringing back some naval combat which was a hit in Black Flag and also using a hawk companion to introduce a new mechanic that is similar to the drone in Watch Dogs 2. Origins may not have been a show-stealer, but we still have high hopes that this fresh start can breath new life into the franchise.

4 South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Recapturing the magic of a game as special as The Stick of Truth is very difficult to do, so a lot of fans have been worried about the long development behind the sequel. Luckily, it looks like South Park: The Fractured But Whole manages to pull it off and deliver another hilarious and entertaining experience based on the long-running TV show. The demo we played during our 40 minutes of hands-on time was a highlight of the show. We won't go into spoilers or ruin any jokes, but this is a game we can't wait to play on day one.

3 Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Middle-earth: Shadow of War seems committed to expanding on all of the best parts of the 2014 game of the year contender. Shadow of War is taking the Nemesis system to the next level and the extended look at the new gameplay makes it clear that this sequel will be much more than just a new story to explore. In addition to the exciting new Middle-earth lore to play through, there are also tons of new mechanics and some incredibly impressive visuals. We're ready to start bashing skulls and building an Orc army.

2 Super Mario Odyssey

super mario odyssey amiibo

Nintendo may have only delivered a 25 minute presentation, but boy was it full of exciting news. After getting fans excited about Metroid Prime 4, Nintendo wrapped up its pre-recorded presentation with a Super Mario Odyssey gameplay trailer and the reveal of a late October release. Mario Odyssey follows in the very successful footsteps of Breath of the Wild in that it is a huge evolution for its franchise. The open world Mario game is jam-packed with mechanics that are brand new to the platformer and is sure to make the game a Nintendo Switch console seller. Any fan of Nintendo will have a hard time passing up this game come October, even if it means breaking down and purchasing a new piece of hardware.

1 Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

wolfenstein 2 roswell copy

Bethesda started a trend a few years ago at E3 2015 of revealing previously unannounced games that have a release date less than a year away. This is a welcome change of pace from the vague '2018 or later' dates associated with most of the titles at Sony's press conference and is a great way to get fans to run straight out and secure a pre-order. This year's big surprise was Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and the game definitely deserves the hype. The dark world of Wolfenstein looks just as engaging as ever and we can't wait to start fighting Nazis in this terrifying version of America.

What was your game of show at E3 2017? Were there any titles we didn't mention that you think should have made the list? Let us know in the comments!