Temtem is a massively multiplayer online game that recently went full access on Steam. The game drops players into the world of Airborne Archiepelego to catch and train mystical creatures called Temtem. Developed by Humble Bundle, Temtem was created in the same vein as Pokemon. Once players log in, they can battle and take on challenging dojos in engaging two-on-two turn-based combat.

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To become the greatest Temtem tamer in the world, players must put together the most powerful team possible. Luckily enough, Temtem is filled with over one hundred different species of Temtem of various types that players can go after and create a unique style of play. One of the most powerful types of Temtem in the game is, of course, the fire type. While there are many strong Temtem, some burn brighter than others. Here are some of the best fire-type Temtem in the game.

5 Capyre

capyre temtem

Capyre is a fire-type Temtem whose appearance is modeled similarly to a fox that has a flared red and yellow mane that goes along with its personality perfectly. Capyre is the final evolution chain of Banapi that can be obtained after seventeen levels.

While Capyre's base stats are reasonably lower than most other fire Temtem, Capyre does benefit from having the highest speed stats amongst all fire Temtem in the game, base and final evolutions combined. Capyre also benefits from having the Resilient trait, which allows it to drop to one HP instead of fainting when overexerted or being knocked out. Players can find both Capyre and its previous form, Banapi in Anak Caldera and Anak Volcano on Omninesia Island.

4 Mastione

masitone temtem

Matione is the final evolution of the Magmis Temtem. It is a fire and water hybrid Temtem with exceptionally strong ATK stats and reasonably good SPATK and DEF stats. Mastione is an upright walking Temtem with aquatic features similar to a shark with a fin on its head and a wide gaping mouth filled with sharp teeth. Mastione dawns orange and blue colors to accentuate its fiery persona.

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Mastione benefits from being able to learn two incredibly powerful techniques: Sharp Rain, and Flaming Meteorite. paired with its traits Pyromaniac and Solidifier, Mastione is a very wise choice for a partner that can hold its on throughout the entire game. Players can obtain Mastione by finding and capturing a Magmis and leveling it to evolution. Magmis can most often be found in Anak Volcano on Omninesia Island.

3 Vulcrane

vulcrane temtem

Vulcrane is the final evolution chain after Vulor and the third evolution chain in Vulvir’s progression. Vulcrane is an upright walking Temtem whose design is similar to that of a small dinosaur like a raptor or most similar to that of the Pokemon, Marowak, because of the stone shield helmet surrounding its head.

Vulcrane is a Fire and Earth Temtem with a strong, well-rounded stat pool that makes it good, not great, at everything, giving players more options. Vulcrane can only be obtained via evolution, so players will want to find a Vulvir or Vulor who are common residents of Anak Volcano and Anak Culdera on Omninesia Island.

2 Raican

raican temtem

Raican is a fire-type Temtem with one of the coolest models in the game, modeled after a fierce lion with a massive red mane. Racan is one of the most sought-after evolutions, being the final evolution chain of Raiber. Raican is a very strong partner for any tamer having high HP, ATK, AND SPD stats that can be developed further. One of the special Traits that Raican can be endowed with is called Motivator, which can make a big difference in a battle. Motivator boosts Raican's ATK, SPD, and SPATK after knocking out an opponent's Temtem.

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In addition, Motivator restores a base percentage of stamina at the beginning of each turn. This makes Raican even more of a threat to foes both in battles and in the wild. While Raican can be found in the wild, players can only tame him by using a unique item. Otherwise, players must find a Raiber or Raize that can be found in Alter of the Inner Flame and evolve them to Raican at level twenty-five.

1 Anahir

anahir temtem

Anahir is an exceptionally rare fire-type Temtem to have in a team. As a crystal fire type, Anahir has exceptionally high DEF and SPDEF stats, the highest of all Temtem and evolved Temtem. Abahuir has a molten body encased by hard crystal armor with jagged crystals protruding from it, making it a hardy opponent. Anahir is celebrated for its tankiness. It can be a real pest to take down thanks to its high defensive stats and is a perfect combo half to a strong offensive Temtem.

There are a few unique conditions that surround Anahir, one being that his evolution, Anatan, can only be reached by completing certain thresholds. Only after obtaining one-thousand TVs can players evolve Anahir. In addition, Anahir is a special case when trying to obtain one. Currently, the only sure way to receive Anahir is by the quest “Adventure in the Myrisles”, for which Anahir is a reward after it is finished.

Temtem is available on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Temtem: Coolest Looking Creature Of Each Type