Final Fantasy is a franchise that operates heavily under the influence of the otherworldly forces of nature. The magical properties that are present throughout the many worlds of the series have allowed developers to create and incorporate some of the most extraordinary spells and magical abilities seen in gaming history.

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The Final Fantasy series is renowned for its utilization of magic as a means of combat. Magic can be used in a variety of different ways to both aid the player in difficult battles and devastate a party if used by an enemy. Though the series is chock-full of incredibly powerful magic, some of the spells in Final Fantasy games are far more powerful than others.

10 Stop


The Stop spell can paralyze an enemy if it's cast during combat. Though remedies can quickly negate the effects of this spell, it can make a once easy encounter much more challenging if it's ever inflicted on multiple party members at the same time.

The Stop spell can be used on the majority of enemies seen throughout the franchise, though many of the stronger foes are immune to its effects. If used by the player, it can provide a moment of respite while they attempt to navigate certain battles.

9 Confuse

Lenna using Confuse from FFV Pixel Remaster

The Confuse spell is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous spells seen throughout the series. As its name would imply, the spell is capable of confusing those it is cast on during combat, often causing them to mistake friends for foes. The player will then lose control of a confused party member as they relentlessly attack their companions, or, in some cases, themselves.

The spell is most commonly associated with the Marlboro, an enemy whose Bad Breath ability can devastate a party in one turn. Bad Breath can inflict several different status effects on a character, but Confuse is arguably the most lethal. If the Marlboro uses this ability on a party susceptible to its effects, the battle may end as quickly as it began.

8 Mini

A spell being reflected from FFIX Remastered

The white magic spell, Mini, can be a powerful means of minimizing an enemy's damage output. If the spell is successfully cast, it will shrink an enemy down to a microscopic size. Though the series' more powerful enemies are typically immune to the effects of this spell, it can prove to be an effective means of dealing with random encounters.

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Shrinking an enemy has many benefits. First and foremost, it will render incoming physical attacks far less powerful while also increasing the damage that the player can deal to the now tiny foes. Unfortunately, however, if the spell is cast on a player, the same effects will apply.

7 Holy

Lulu White Magic Holy FFX

The Holy spell is an extremely powerful form of elemental magic that's most effective when used against dark-type enemies. It has appeared in multiple mainline installments over the years and is regarded as one of the most powerful spells present throughout the series.

It is one of the few offensive abilities a white mage can use in combat and, though it can be difficult to unlock, its ability to devastate foes who are susceptible to light damage is hard to ignore. Once unlocked in Final Fantasy 10, it permits Yuna to be a much more effective ally in combat.

6 Ultima

Ultima from FFVI Pixel Remaster

The Ultima spell is arguably the most powerful magic present in the Final Fantasy series. Though it is a recurring spell, the player is rarely given the option to cast it themselves as it can usually only be learned by the most powerful enemies in the series.

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It deals non-elemental damage to multiple enemies upon being cast, but its most impressive feature is its ability to bypass certain defensive buffs. Ultima is not affected by protective spells like Shell and Reflect, which gives it free rein to release its full potential whenever it is cast.

5 Reflect

Lenna using Reflect from FFV Pixel Remaster

The Reflect spell can be both a blessing and a curse when engaging with powerful enemies. If cast on a party member, it can deflect incoming magic spells back at the caster. While under the influence of reflect, the player can also cast offensive magic on themselves to multiply the damage output on their enemies.

It can also be cast on an enemy and, though the benefit of this is not initially clear, it can prove most effective for healing party members. Several enemies in the series are capable of healing themselves, especially when their health begins to wain. If these particular battles are approached strategically, the player will never have to heal their characters as the enemy will do it for them.

4 Death

Noctis Death Spell Final Fantasy 15

The Death spell is an unpredictable power used by many enemies throughout the series, but it is most dangerous when used by bosses. The spell has a chance to inflict instant death on whoever it is cast on, making it one of the most life-threatening spells in Final Fantasy's arsenal.

Though the percentile chance of successfully casting Death is low, as stories progress and boss difficulties increase, so does its accuracy. In Final Fantasy 10, Yunalesca can cast Death on multiple characters at once, a terrifying move that forces the player to either give up or search for Deathproof armor for at least one of their party.

3 Warp

Final Fantasy Boss Fight Seymour Flux

The Warp spell, which is also known as banish in certain games, may easily be the most threatening spell present in any of the Final Fantasy games. It is capable of banishing whoever it is cast on to the void, an ability that prevents them from returning to said battle.

If the player has the misfortune of being on the Warp spell's receiving end, the battle they are in may be about to end. Seymour has a habit of using this ability against Aeons in Final Fantasy 10, rendering any hope one may have of quickly dispatching him null and void.

2 Zettaflare

The Flare spell is one of the most powerful fire spells seen throughout the series. Though its damage output is incredible, the Flare spell is laughable in comparison to its evolutions. The Megaflare, Gigaflare, and Teraflare spells, most commonly attributed to Bahamut, are some of the most devastating offensive spells depicted in the series.

Kingdom Hearts 3, a game that incorporates many Final Fantasy elements, sees Donald Duck using Zettaflare against erra-Xehanort. Zettaflare is a mindbogglingly powerful spell that, upon its usage, causes Donald to collapse. It is one billion times more powerful than Teraflare and, though only a brief snippet of its power is ever shown, it more than likely destroyed multiple planets upon exiting the Keyblade Graveyard's atmosphere.

1 Supernova

final fantasy 7 remake sephiroth life size bust

The Supernova spell is a recurring ability that reins cosmic energy down on its targets. It provides an effective means of dealing with multiple enemies, but the true extent of its power is only revealed in Final Fantasy 7.

The climax of this game sees Sephiroth casting Supernova during his battle with Cloud and his companions. The animation that plays depicts the Supernova soaring through deep space and destroying all of the planets in its path as it draws ever closer to Gaia. There are few spells capable of destroying entire planets, making Supernova the most powerful spell in all of Final Fantasy.

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