The Final Fantasy series is home to some of history's greatest video game characters. Each entry features a unique array of individuals who add depth to their overarching stories through how they interact with their environments and the people they meet. Watching them explore a world is endearing, but witnessing them form a strong connection with someone is usually the most engaging aspect of the game they exist in.

It's not uncommon for the Final Fantasy series to incorporate duos into its stories. Some character duos work because of their similar mindsets and personalities, but others work even better because of how different they are. Countless duos have appeared throughout the series, but some stand out far more than others.

10 Palom & Porom (Final Fantasy 4)

Palom and Porom in Final Fantasy 4

Final Fantasy 4 follows the character of Cecil on his journey to rid the world of a terrible evil. After reaching Mystidia, he learns that he needs to abandon his ways as a Dark Knight and become a Paladin. Before setting off to achieve this, a pair of mages offer to accompany him.

Palom and Porom are near-identical twins who harbor immense power. They began training to become mages as children and have since learned a great deal about what it takes to wield magic. Palom specializes in Black Magic while Porom focuses on White, making the two a must-have for Cecil's journey.

9 Zorn & Thorn (Final Fantasy 9)

Zorn, Thorn, and Garnet in Final Fantasy 9

Zorn and Thorn are Final Fantasy 9's version of Tweedledee and Tweedledum in that each duo looks the same and both speak in riddles and rhymes. Though their appearance portrays them as simple jesters, they play a crucial role in the overarching story.

Zorn and Thorn are servants of Queen Brahne. Upon Garnet's escape from Alexandria, Brahne orders the eccentric duo to scavenge the world in search of her. They spend the rest of the narrative hunting the party down until they achieve their goal.

8 Shadow & Interceptor (Final Fantasy 6)

Shadow and Interceptor in Final Fantasy 6

Terra and her companions first meet Shadow and his loyal Alsatian, Interceptor, at the beginning of their adventure. When approached, Shadow warns the party that Interceptor "eats strangers," prompting the group to search for help elsewhere.

Shadow later returns to offer his services to Terra, allowing the player a brief glimpse into his life as an assassin. It turns out Shadow abandoned his family and friends to ensure his survival, but Interceptor refused to leave his side. They spend the majority of the narrative working together to stop Kefka until Shadow finally accepts his fate and commands Interceptor to flee.

7 Prompto & Aranea (Final Fantasy 15: Episode Prompto)

Prompto and Aranea in Final Fantasy 15

Prompto and Aranea make for one of the most unexpected yet compelling duos in the entire Final Fantasy series. They first encounter each other on opposing sides, but Aranea's decision to abandon her post in Niflheim's military made it possible for a friendship to blossom.

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After getting separated from his friends, Prompto gets captured and taken to a magitek production facility. While trying to escape, he encounters Aranea, but this time they share a similar goal. Aranea is reluctant at first, but she comes to sympathize with Prompto's struggles and begins to view him as a friend. Together, they both destroy Verstael and rid the world of a great threat.

6 Rinoa & Angelo (Final Fantasy 8)

ff brave exvius rinoa angelo

Though many argue Rinoa and Squall are a better duo, it's hard to ignore the connection between Rinoa and her faithful dog, Angelo. Angelo is arguably the most devoted canine in all of Final Fantasy. She gets visibly upset when she is without her owner, but the excitement she feels when she finds her again makes up for it.

Not many dogs would be willing to let their owner fire them like a rocket at a group of monsters, but Angelo is an exception. Rinoa and Angelo share a deep love for each other, and though Angelo isn't always visibly present, Rinoa needs only call for her to appear.

5 Cloud & Barret (Final Fantasy 7: Remake)

final fantasy 7 remake cloud barret

The opening to Final Fantasy 7 Remake depicts Cloud and Barret as very different characters; Cloud is a mercenary for hire whereas Barret hopes to change the world. They clash several times during their time together, but they slowly learn to respect each other's ways.

After learning of Sephiroth's return, Cloud's disposition begins to shift. He decides that Barret's pursuit is a noble one and aligns himself with his cause. They may start as enemies, but they eventually become the most endearing duo in Final Fantasy 7.

4 Gilgamesh & Enkidu (Final Fantasy 12)

Gilgamesh and Enkidu in FF12

Gilgamesh and his faithful sidekick, Enkidu, have taken many forms throughout the Final Fantasy series, but none have been as iconic as their depiction in Final Fantasy 12. Sadly, only the most dedicated hunters will encounter this duo on their travels, as doing so is not required to progress the main story.

Since their first appearance in Final Fantasy 5, Gilgamesh and Enkidu have been traveling to countless galaxies in search of the most powerful weapons in existence. Gilgamesh is transfixed on obtaining these legendary swords, while Enkidu seems to only be along for the ride. No matter their differing motivations, they are one of Final Fantasy's most iconic pairings.

3 Sephiroth & Jenova (Final Fantasy 7)

Sephiroth and Jenova in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Most fans of Final Fantasy 7 would regard Sephiroth as the game's greatest threat, but he would never have been able to cause the destruction he did without the help of Jenova, the so-called "calamity from the skies." Sephiroth spends most of his time onscreen being manipulated by this being and ultimately becomes her pawn.

Though Sephiroth and Jenova are rarely seen together, they are never far apart. Throughout Cloud's journey to stop Sephiroth from summoning Meteor, he encounters multiple versions of Jenova left behind in the elusive swordsman's wake.

2 Tidus & Wakka (Final Fantasy 10)

Tidus and Wakka from Final Fantasy X

The opening of Final Fantasy 10 sees Tidus getting abducted by an otherworldly creature known as Sin. He eventually ends up reaching Besaid Island, a tropical paradise bursting with life. Upon reaching the island's shore, he meets a man named Wakka and immediately forms a connection with him.

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Wakka is the captain of the Besaid Aurochs, but he has never won a game. To remedy this, he offers Tidus the chance to accompany him on his journey across Spira so long as Tidus joins his team. Tidus and Wakka begin their journey as teammates but eventually become incredibly close friends.

1 Fran & Balthier (Final Fantasy 12)

Fran and Balthier in Final Fantasy 12

Fran and Balthier are sky pirates who spend their days scavenging the far reaches of Ivalice in search of treasure. They are first introduced to the player during Vaan's attempt to infiltrate the Royal Palace of Rabanastre, where they try to convince the young thief to part with a piece of Magicite.

They are portrayed as minor antagonists at first, but they come to prove how noble they are upon joining the party. Balthier and Fran come from similar backgrounds; they were both abandoned and forced out into the world without any help. The experiences they share make them a truly compelling duo.

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