Swords are one of the most common weapons that appear in RPGs. As one of the biggest RPG franchises of all time, it should come as no surprise that swords appear in nearly every Final Fantasy game under the sun. A majority of the main characters use them, or bizarre reformed versions of swords.

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For example, Squall from Final Fantasy 8 uses a Gunblade, which is like a revolver attached to a sword. Is Squall one of the best sword users in Final Fantasy history? It’s time to dive in and find out. From main entries to spinoffs, these are some of the most skilled characters with a blade around.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

8 Cloud

Cloud from Final Fantasy 7

Cloud is probably the most iconic character in the franchise. He hails from the most popular entry in the series, Final Fantasy 7, which is even more in the zeitgeist now thanks to the remake project. He is easily the most recognizable too thanks to his spiked-up blond hair and giant sword.

It was a dying gift from Zack, which in turn was a dying gift from Zack’s mentor, Angeal. There’s a lot of history behind the Buster Sword but lore aside, Cloud wields the gigantic blade as if it were a toothpick.

7 Sephiroth

Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII Remake

Sephiroth is the counter to Cloud as Final Fantasy 7’s main antagonist. His sword, the Masamune, is also big but in a different way. It is an extremely long katana that rivals even the reach of the longest spear.

One tiny thrust from Sephiroth will end someone’s life unless they are Cloud and can turn the tables. Fans of this dark brooding antagonist finally got to play as Sephiroth and his Masamune in Dissidia Final Fantasy. That’s the fighting game spinoff series that began on PSP.

6 Cyan

Cyan from Final Fantasy 6

Cyan has one of the darkest backstories in the series. He is a swordsman from Final Fantasy 6 who loses his wife and child after his entire kingdom is poisoned. He could not protect them in their hour of need.

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What’s more, he meets their ghosts later on a ghost train and feels that pain and guilt all over again. Cyan concentrates his anger against the Empire for what they did to both his family and kingdom and uses it in battle. Cyan’s sword skills are not to be trifled with.

5 Cidolfus Orlandeau

Cidolfus Orlandeau from Final Fantasy Tactics

Cidolfus Orlandeau is Final Fantasy Tacticsversion of Cid, a character who appears in almost every game. This could be the most intimidating version of the character as he is a sword knight of a holy order.

He has a real Obi-Wan Kenobi vibe about him with his white hair and beard and cloak. He may not use the Force, but he has magical sword abilities instead and they are easily some of the strongest attacks in the game. This then makes Cidolfus one of the best characters to recruit, which won’t happen until a good chunk of the game is completed.

4 Beatrix

Beatrix from Final Fantasy 9

Beatrix begins as an antagonist to Zidane and the others in Final Fantasy 9. She is following orders from the Queen to bring Garnet back to the castle. Beatrix doesn’t want to hurt the princess but she is given little choice.

Most of her boss encounters amount to players having to survive as long as possible because she cannot be beaten. Eventually, she becomes a temporary party member when Steiner is off defending Alexandria from an attack. Steiner has some good sword magic, but he is nowhere near as powerful as Beatrix.

3 Auron

Auron from Final Fantasy 10

Auron is one cool cucumber in Final Fantasy 10. He’s one of the game’s greatest mysteries as he is the strongest party member and has an extensive amount of knowledge about Sin. How can he know so much?

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It turns out that Auron was dead for the entirety of the game. His sheer will to protect Yuna and Tidus for his old friends was enough to fight through being sent off by Summoners.

2 Noctis

Noctis from Final Fantasy 15

Noctis is the protagonist of Final Fantasy 15 and he has a similar demeanor to Cloud. He likes dark clothes and is quiet even amongst friends. Noctis may be socially awkward but he has one of the most unique swords in the series. He has an arsenal of swords, in fact, that he carries with him at all times in a warp dimension.

Players can switch weapons on the fly during combat, making the game the most action-heavy main entry yet. Even cooler, players can throw their swords at enemies and then warp to them in an instant. It is a flashy combat system to be sure, but Final Fantasy 16 could beat it.

1 Odin

Odin from World of Final Fantasy 15

Odin may sound like an odd choice for this list, but his mastery of the blade shall not go unnoticed. He is a Summon that appears in most games that have Summons as an ability or story beat. His appearance changes from game to game, but typically Odin rides a white horse into battle with a giant sword in hand.

After a couple of slices, enemies will be cut in two in an instant death effect. His deadly precision with his sword, Zantetsuken, is exactly why Odin makes the cut.

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