
  • Fantasy arcade games evoke feelings of nostalgia and can still be enjoyed today, with their beautiful and intriguing worlds.
  • Dyna Gear, Cadash, and The King of Dragons are all great fantasy arcade games.
  • Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom and Shadow Over Mystara are excellent fantasy arcade titles that offer immersive roleplaying experiences and multiple pathways.

There's something about fantasy arcade games that just hits the spot. Given that most fantasy arcade games came out within a similar era, it's most likely down to nostalgia. The 1980s-1990s were rife with content for fantasy fans, and a lot of this stemmed from those classic arcade games that came out in that era.

Fantasy arcade titles manage to evoke feelings of nostalgia largely because of their longevity. These games can be picked up and played today and their worlds are still amazingly beautiful, fantastical, and intriguing. Whichever form of fantasy is their favorite, gamers can fill their boots with the genre in these great arcade cabinet games.

10 Dyna Gear

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5

Dyna Gear

So yes, this is technically more of a sci-fi game, but there are also many overlapping fantasy elements that are part of it, and sci-fi and fantasy cross over all the time anyway! Players play as a spacetime ranger, simply named Roger, because apparently, names don't get any more original in the future of 2993!

Roger blasts his way through different time periods in Dyna Gear, encountering all manner of creatures and beasts. These include dinosaurs, dragons, and even giant flying beetles. The fantasy elements are seen in the environments, from luscious green forests to dingy churches, as well as weapons like battle axes. It's not exclusively fantasy, which might put some gamers off, but there are dragons!

9 Cadash

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5


A classic sidescroller, Cadash is an action-heavy, fantasy arcade game that also incorporates lots of platforming elements. The setting takes inspiration from the Medieval era and combines this with several high-fantasy esthetics. It's a visually attractive game and will appeal to any fan of either arcade or fantasy experiences.

Games To Play If You Love Medieval Fantasy

Many gamers enjoy medieval fantasy, and those who enjoy a little medieval fun enjoy gaming. Here are some of the best options for medieval fantasy.

Cadash features a classic fantasy setup. Some evil creatures reside in an underground world, removed from the rest of civilization until they are led by a demonic leader who starts an uprising, and humans are now in constant conflict with the beasts. It's great fun, if a little cliché, but fantasy fans will have a good time.

8 Magic Sword

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5

Magic Sword

Releasing in arcade cabinets as yet another fantasy, side-scrolling beat 'em up, Magic Sword sees the player take up the hero mantle as they fight their way through hordes of enemies in an atmospheric, magical tower. It's not a super unique game, and it's actually really quite similar to some previous Capcom arcade releases, but Magic Sword is a fun title nonetheless.

What makes Magic Sword stand out, however, is its slightly more interesting ending. Players can choose between a good or bad ending, essentially destroying or becoming the dark lord, which was quite an innovative feature for an arcade release. Overall, it's a solid fantasy arcade game, with engaging beat 'em up gameplay.

7 Golden Axe

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5

Fighting the boss characters

Golden Axe is a 1989 fantasy arcade game, where players can choose to play as one of three warriors. No matter which they choose, they will travel across the kingdom of Yuria in an attempt to free its people from its nefarious leader, Death Adder. It seems like a simple concept, but Golden Axe's story is actually one of the best parts.

The gameplay is fresh and decisively fun, and bashing down evil skeleton warriors has honestly never been more exhilarating. Players can attack with their melee weapons or cast spells. It's nothing new, but it all forms together incredibly well to create a great experience.

6 Gauntlet

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5


Gauntlet is a classic video game, no matter how one looks at it. It's one of the most influential games of all time, and certainly the most influential arcade game. It's regarded as the first multiplayer dungeon crawler, spawning a whole genre after it. Unfortunately, Gauntlet has aged worse than some of its peers.

6 Best Open-World Dungeon Crawlers, Ranked

Although the genre doesn't get as much attention as it used to, there are some great open-world Dungeon Crawlers to explore.

Players control one of four fantasy characters and must work together to make their way through various dungeons, chopping down enemies and looting hoardes of treasure. It's everything players could have dreamed of when it was first released, and it will always leave behind an important legacy.

5 Gate Of Doom

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5

Gate of Doom

Gate of Doom, otherwise known as Dark Seal, is an excellent dungeon-crawling, fantasy arcade title that acts as a fine example of how great dungeon crawlers can be. This is an innovative arcade title that widened the appeal of many arcade gamers, as it felt more like a full game as opposed to a short arcade experience.

Gate of Doom introduced classic fantasy tropes to the arcade dungeon crawling experience, including large, open levels, classic fantasy monsters as enemies, and lots and lots of treasure chests waiting to be opened. If players could hone their skills, Gate of Doom could be enjoyed for hours!

4 Knights Of The Round

Gamefaqs User Score: 3.5

Knights of the Round

The Knights of the Round Table is always a cool setup to follow, and it works surprisingly well in an arcade, beat 'em-up-style video game. Knights of the Round is a great fantasy arcade game that takes Arthurian myth and turns it into something special. Including stunning visuals that hold up today, and solid, enticing gameplay, it's a wonder that this title never became more popular.

Knights of the Round even included some RPG mechanics such as a leveling system, which allows the player to advance as they play. It's a unique feature as many arcade games are simply one-hit wonders and feature no progress between levels. Knights of the Round is, therefore, a refreshing take on a classic format.

3 The King Of Dragons

Gamefaqs User Score: 4

The King of Dragons

The King of Dragons was also the king of arcade games when it was first released in 1991. Whilst it is a game that was released in arcade cabinets, it plays more like a single-player RPG, as players can level up and advance their character as they progress throughout the story (which happens to be excellent)!

6 Arcade Games That Have Amazing Lore

Video games don't have to be sprawling RPG adventures to have interesting lore. These classic arcade games are the proof.

The game takes place in the land of Malus, which is a classic fantasy setting. There are dragons, magical abilities, wizards, and all sorts of strange, fantastical creatures. Players progress through the game by defeating these enemies, who are being controlled by the evil dragon, Gildiss. It's great, classic high-fantasy stuff!

2 Dungeons & Dragons: Tower Of Doom

Gamefaqs User Score: 4

Dungeons and Dragons Tower of Doom

Of course, the greatest fantasy arcade games happen to be part of the Dungeons and Dragons universe. It just goes to show that players can't mention fantasy without mentioning Dungeons and Dragons. This is well-deserved praise though, as Tower of Doom is an excellent fantasy arcade title that spawned an even better sequel.

Yet again, this is a side-scrolling, 2D beat 'em up adventure, but it's fantasy at its purest. It includes many memorable moments, the most prominent of which are its excellent boss battles that each require a very specific tactic to beat. For example, one of the earlier bosses is a giant troll that will constantly regenerate its health unless the player douses it with fire. It was a great, nifty concept that enhanced the roleplaying aspect.

1 Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara

Gamefaqs User Score: 4

Dungeons and Dragons Shadow Over Mystara

Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara is possibly the best arcade game ever made, which just so happens to take place in a fantasy setting. The excellent sequel to Tower of Doom improves every aspect of its predecessor to become a masterful work of art that excels, not only as an arcade title, but as a fantastic side-scrolling RPG.

There is so much to uncover here that isn't available in any other arcade cabinet, even by today's standards. Players can wield a high number of weapons, pick up anything they want to use, equip new gear, learn spells, and become the strongest warrior of Mystara. The game also features several branching pathways with multiple different endings, making it extremely replayable and one of the largest and deepest classic arcade games. It's worth playing, even for fans who don't usually appreciate arcade cabinet releases.

MORE: Best Dungeons And Dragons Games Set In Mystara