
  • Make calm, rational choices as Markus to lead a successful android revolution and avoid violence for a good ending.
  • Forge a bond with Hank, side with deviants, and choose to become deviant as Connor to ensure his happy ending.
  • Protect Alice at all costs, stand up to threats, and bring Luther to Canada for Kara's best outcome in Detroit: Become Human.

Detroit: Become Human is a masterful example of the butterfly effect in gaming. Very similar to Until Dawn, each chapter of the story puts the player through a gauntlet of stressful decisions, each of which has a major impact on how the story progresses. Whether or not Markus, Connor, and Kara survive, as well as the friends they make along the way, is entirely down to the player's decisions. It's possible for everyone to receive the bad endings to their individual stories. These endings are serious tearjerkers, leaving players wondering where they went wrong.

Detroit Become Human: 10 Mistakes Players Make That Cost Them The Good Ending (And How To Avoid Them)

Detroit: Become Human has so many endings, but players make some common mistakes that cost them the good ones.

The good news is, Detroit: Become Human knows that a good story doesn't need a downer ending to be compelling. With the right decisions and some quick reflexes, each android can survive to see the end of their story. Even better, there are a few extra things players can do to ensure that the endings they get are as happy as possible. While it's impossible to cover every single possible decision and outcome in one short article, here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when playing.

Markus' Best Ending

Leading a Successful Revolution

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It's easiest to start with Markus' story, since he's arguably the game's leading protagonist. The way his story progresses also has a major impact on both Connor and Kara's story and is essential to their best endings. When his story truly begins, he'll need to intervene in the confrontation between Carl and Leo. Doing this won't have much of an impact on the overall ending, but failing to do so will result in Markus' father figure suffering a fatal heart attack.

As the story progresses, Markus finds the underground android hideout Jericho and begins leading the android revolution. This is where the player's decisions really start having some stakes. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the purpose of the revolution is to demonstrate that androids are not only alive, but also that they're compassionate and sympathetic. To that end, Markus needs to lead with pacifistic diplomacy, not with violence and aggression.

8 Sci-Fi Games About Artificial Intelligence

The science fiction genre in video games is vast, giving players unique experiences and settings to explore, and some even include AI as a major role

Here are a few key points to keep in mind when playing as Markus:

  • Give speeches that are calm, making rational pleas rather than angry demands.
  • Avoid violence at all costs, especially of the lethal variety.
  • Don't leave his friends (and potential girlfriends) behind. Always go back to rescue North and Simon.
  • Do not take the deal with the FBI. It's a trick, and will lead to one of the game's saddest endings.

Connor's Best Ending

Become Deviant

Detroit Become Human Connor at Cyberlife Tower fighting his clone

It's a lot easier to give Connor a happy ending, since, unlike the other two, he technically can't die (except for a few crucial moments). He's also the android who takes the longest to break free of his programming. It takes almost the entire story for him to rebel against his creators and join the revolution (which, if players have been making the right choices, should be going well by that point). In order for Connor to go full-deviant, the players need to stick to the following principles:

  • Bond with Hank. There's no greater father-son relationship than a drunken cop and his android sidekick. And like Markus, it would be a real shame if Connor lost his surrogate dad.
  • Find Jericho. While it may seem like a bad idea for the cop android to know about the hideout's location, worry not. It'll all come around soon enough.
  • Sympathize with deviants. In order for Connor to recognize his own "humanity" (for lack of a better word), he needs to see it from other androids first. Let these supposed "criminals" go free, and Connor will start to question his programming.
  • When the time comes, choose to become deviant. Then, free the androids from CyberLife Tower. Connor's broken his own chains, and now he's off to start breaking some more!

Kara's Best Ending

Welcome to Canada

Detroit Become Human Kara and Alice at the Canadian border

Kara's story is really easy to mess up. Between caring for Alice, trusting the right (and wrong) people, and trying to flee across the border intact, a lot can go wrong. The driving force for Kara's good ending is Alice; protect that little cinnamon roll at all costs! Starting with standing up to Todd, the worst dad alive, and continuing on through Jericho, Ztlatko, and finally, the border office. Never abandon Alice or throw her under the bus. She and Kara are ride or die to the bitter end.

The other important character for Kara to bring with her is Luther. He needs to make it to Canada as well for this little found family to be complete. He's more than willing to die for the cause, but don't let him. This big, lovable protector deserves freedom as well.

10 Video Games with the Most Endings

As games give players more choices, these choices can potentially change the outcome of the story and, in some cases, lead to different endings.

Now, assuming Kara and Alice managed to escape from Zlatko (and the recall center if captured at Jericho), the real make-it-or-break-it moment is at the border. Depending on how Kara's story has progressed, there should be a few allies waiting in line, ready to help out. Just play it cool, and remember the following, and Kara & co. will make it across the border just fine:

  • Keep Alice calm. Poor girl's stressed as can be, and her fear can arouse suspicion. Lucky she's got her surrogate mama to help her stay under the radar.?
  • Do not sacrifice anyone. Not Alice. Not Luther. Not Jerry. And definitely not Kara herself. If players have successfully helped Markus lead a peaceful revolution, public opinion towards androids will skyrocket. This will lead Kara to earn the border control officer's sympathies, and he'll let her and her family through the checkpoint without any trouble.
Detroit Become Human
Detroit: Become Human

PS4 , PC
May 25, 2018
Quantic Dream