Resident Evil 4 is known for its iconic boss fights, but the game is also filled with many encounters that are just as challenging, if not more so. From fighting Garradors in a cramped room, to protecting Ashley from enemies while she controls a wrecking ball, these encounters require skill, strategy, and patience to overcome.

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Other encounters, such as the labyrinth dogs and the castle bug fight, are equally challenging and require quick reflexes and smart strategies. This article will explore some of the toughest non-boss fights in Resident Evil 4's remake and what makes them so memorable.

10 Regenerator Wrench Fight - Chapter 13

RE4 Regenerator Wrench Fight - Chapter XIII

In order to get to Ashley and give her the medicine he's got from Luis, Leon must first acquire the Level 3 Keycard, which unlocks the door to where she is kept. However, in Chapter XIII, players are introduced to a new and terrifying creature known as the Regenerator. This awful foe is not easily defeated, requiring Leon to equip his rifle with a Biosensor Scope to scan each of the four tubes that contain the monsters and find the wrench.

Engaging in battle with the Regenerator is a daunting task, as the creature is both swift and ruthless. A single mistake can cause the other tubes to rupture, unleashing additional Regenerators. The players must also fight a group of enemies that will emerge once the Level 3 Keycard has been obtained, potentially destroying the remaining tubes if players haven't dealt with them beforehand.

9 Labyrinth Mutated Dogs Fight - Chapter 9

RE4 Labyrinth Mutated Dogs Fight

The encounters with mutated dogs are considered classic battles in Resident Evil games and require players to be quick and agile. These fierce enemies can attack Leon and incapacitate Ashley with their random and violent jumps out of the labyrinth's bushes. While not difficult to kill, the dogs can still inflict damage if players are not careful.

The real challenge lies in the number of dogs attacking, either alone or in pairs, and the consumption of resources required to defeat them. Although there are no specific strategies to overcome this encounter, being well-equipped with ammunition and health supplies is crucial for survival​​​​.

8 Church Fight - Chapter 5

RE4 Church Fight - Chapter V

This fight occurs immediately after rescuing Ashley from the church. While the enemies themselves are simple, infected villagers that may potentially mutate into Plagas Guadañas, the challenge of the fight lies in the overwhelming numbers of adversaries, scarce resources, and the introduction of the game's new protective mechanics.

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During the fight, Ashley can either follow Leon closely or at a distance to minimize her vulnerability. If Ashley is attacked, Leon must quickly attend to her and lift her up to prevent further harm, as she becomes incapacitated. The fight itself can be overwhelming, as enemies tend to surround Leon. Players can also attempt to complete the fight in stealth mode by hiding behind the cemetery's tombstones and attacking enemies with a knife.

7 Village Fight - Chapter 1

RE4 Village Fight - Chapter I

The initial significant challenge in RE4 is the village fight that requires Leon to face infected enemies with limited resources, armed only with his pistol, a couple of grenades, and some herbs. The battle's difficulty is further exacerbated by the enemy's high resistance and their ability to throw axes and attack with pitchforks.

To add to the complexity, a chainsaw maniac appears later in the fight to add to the chaos. Due to its difficulty, players may find this fight daunting, particularly since it's the first encounter in the game and Leon's resources are limited. One strategy players can use to circumvent the fight is to shoot the church bell, causing the enemies to retreat and leaving Leon alone. It isn't recommended to skip this battle as it sets the tone for the action-packed gameplay that awaits players.

6 Mutated Army Island Fight - Chapter 13

RE4 Pig-headed Enemy

After Ada and Leon part ways, Leon finds himself on the harsh island, fighting his way toward Ashley. In the Wharf A area, he encounters a challenging battle, as he attempts to redirect lasers blocking his path while fending off waves of relentless enemies. To make matters worse, the Pig-Headed enemy joins the encounter, wielding a deadly machine gun arm and a determination to kill Leon.

The fight is further complicated by the small battleground created by the laser barriers, leaving little room for error. With enemies attacking continuously, players must act quickly and strategically to survive​​​​​.

5 Castle Fountain Fight - Chapter 7

RE4 Castle Fountain Fight - Chapter VII

This is a prolonged encounter in which Leon must fend off the onslaught of enemies to protect Ashley from being kidnaped. The enemies are of various types, ranging from simple infected villagers to those armed with weapons and shields, and even those that transform into Plagas Guadañas or Mandibulas. Some of them keep their distance and shoot fire arrows, further complicating matters for Leon and Ashley.

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Despite defeating the enemies, the fight is not over yet. Ashley must climb to a higher level to turn two valves for Leon, while he simultaneously fends off attackers on his level and prevents Ashley from being kidnaped upstairs. The challenge lies in the sheer number of enemies that attack simultaneously from multiple directions, making it challenging to conserve enough ammunition to protect Ashley and fend off attackers simultaneously.

4 Destroying The AA Gun - Chapter 15

RE4 Destroying The AA Gun - Chapter XV

In a plot twist that surprises players, Mike, the chopper pilot, faces an unexpected obstacle when the enemies unveil an AA gun that poses a threat to the helicopter. Leon is left to deal with the problem and must navigate through the buildings while battling waves of violent enemies to reach a machine gun capable of taking down the AA.

The enemies are heavily armed and require a significant amount of firepower to be defeated. Players must strategically use their limited ammunition and resources to survive this mission, making every bullet count.

3 Clock Tower Fight - Chapter 12

RE4 Clock Tower Fight - Chapter XII

Following the encounter with the fire-spitting Salazar statue and the relentless zealots, players face an additional challenge - evading deadly iron spiked balls sent by enemies intending to crush Leon. With precise timing, players can even turn the tables and use these Crash Bandicoot-style obstacles to eliminate some of their foes.

Once the initial wave of enemies has been dealt with, Leon must ascend to the top of the tower on a platform elevator while fending off numerous attackers from all sides. Players must remain vigilant and focus on the red-robed zealot, who poses a significant threat as he can immobilize Leon and transform other enemies into Plaga monsters. While the fight is against average infected enemies, it can become difficult when players are shooting for the Capacity Compliance trophy.

2 Wrecking Ball Fight - Chapter 14

RE4 Wrecking Ball Fight - Chapter XIV

This encounter presents players with one of the most challenging battles in the game. Initially, players feel relieved that Ashley is safely tucked away in the wrecking ball car. However, this illusion of safety quickly evaporates as enemies begin to climb on the car and damage it. They launch a barrage of attacks, ranging from Molotov cocktails to grenade launchers, and electric staffs.

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To make matters worse, players must also avoid being hit by the swinging ball that can deal a fatal blow to Leon if his health is low. The overwhelming number of enemies is compounded by the presence of Plagas Arañas, which not only augments the abilities of the enemies but can also attack independently without a host.

1 Luis Cabin Fight - Chapter 5

RE4 Luis Cabin Fight - Chapter V

This encounter is undoubtedly one of the most challenging in the game. As Leon and Luis fight for their lives, they are relentlessly attacked from every direction, with enemies pouring in through windows. Despite their best efforts to conserve ammunition and health supplies, players are forced to engage in a never-ending battle until a powerful cow-headed enemy wielding a hammer joins the fray.

While players can attempt to board up windows, they are powerless against this opponent who destroys the barricades with ease. Although resources are not entirely scarce, as they can be obtained by defeating enemies, the sheer number of foes leaves players with precious little time to reload their weapons or catch their breath.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is available on PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series X/S.

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