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Pokemon GO has an intricate meta of types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. These types apply to the Pokemon themselves as well as their moves, and a Pokemon can possess more than one type. Multiple monsters have dual typings and moves of more than one type, but that comes with the title’s meta connections.

Among the several Pokemon GO typings, Electric-types are some of the most ferocions ones in battle. These monsters excel in Electric-type moves, and some even have a secondary-type attack providing extra coverage. Although several monsters share this type, not every Pokemon is powerful enough to stand as the strongest.

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10 Shadow Luxray

Shadow Luxray in Pokemon GO

Shadow Luxray possesses boosted offensive abilities as an Electric-type monster in Pokemon GO. The Shadow Pokemon boasts a maximum CP of 3265, with a stat spread comprising 232 Attack, 156 Defense, and 190 Stamina.

Shadow Luxray's best moveset combines Snarl and Wild Charge (STAB Potential), resulting in 16.74 DPS. The monster shows vulnerability to only Ground-type attacks and can resist Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves.

9 Therian Forme Thundurus

Therian Forme Thundurus in Pokemon GO

The legendary Therian Thundurus is a dual Electric/Flying-type monster with immense power. With a maximum CP of 4137, the fighter possesses an attack-centric stat spread of 295 Attack, 161 Defense, and 188 Stamina.

Although its defense is lackluster, making use of its powerful moveset is sure to bag wins. Therian Thundurus's best Pokemon GO moveset combines Bite and Thunderbolt (the latter of which is a STAB move), resulting in 16.20 DPS. The legendary fighter can resist Bug, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, and Steel-type moves. In contrast to its long list of resistances, Therian Thundurus is weak to only Ice and Rock-type attacks.

8 Shadow Magnezone

Shadow Magnezone in Pokemon GO

Shadow Magnezone is a dual Electric/Steel-type Shadow Pokemon with a maximum CP of 3623. Its Pokemon GO stats spread comprises 238 Attack, 205 Defense, and 172 Stamina Power, making the Pokemon an offensive pick.

The fighter’s best moveset combines Spark (STAB Potential) and Wild Charge (STAB Potential), resulting in 16.92 DPS. It is weak against Fighting, Fire, and Ground-type attacks and possesses a long list of resistances, including Flying, Poison, Steel, Bug, Dragon, Electric, Fairy, Grass, Ice, Normal, Psychic, and Rock-type moves.

7 Xurkitree

Xurkitree in Pokemon GO

The Ultra Beast Xurkitree is a solo Electric-type Pocket Monster. With a maximum Pokemon GO CP of 4451, the legendary has an attack-centric stat spread of 330 Attack, 144 Defense, and 195 Stamina Power.

Xurkitree's best Pokemon GO moveset combines Thunder Shock (STAB Potential) and Discharge (STAB Potential), resulting in 17.85 DPS. The monster is only weak to Ground-type attacks and can resist Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves.

6 Shadow Zapdos

Shadow Zapdos in Pokemon GO

The legendary Shadow Zapdos is a dual Electric/Flying-type monster with a maximum CP of 3987. The Pocket Monster has a stat spread of 253 Attack, 185 Defense, and 207 Stamina Power.

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Shadow Zapdos’s best moveset combines the Legacy Fast Move Thunder Shock (STAB) and Drill Peck (STAB), resulting in 17.42 DPS. Weak to Ice and Rock-type attacks, it can resist Bug, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Ground, and Steel-type moves.

5 Shadow Electivire

Shadow Electivire in Pokemon GO

Shadow Electivire is a solo Electric-type monster with a max CP of 3481. It has an offense-focused stat spread of 249 Attack, 163 Defense, and 181 Stamina Power.

Shadow Electivire's best moveset combines Thunder Shock (STAB) and Wild Charge (STAB), resulting in 18.40 DPS. The Shadow Monster is only weak to Ground-type attacks, and can resist Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves in Pokemon GO.

4 Shadow Raikou

Shadow Raikou in Pokemon GO

The legendary Shadow Raikou is a solo Electric-type Pocket Monster with a maximum CP of 3902. It has an attack-centric stat spread comprising 241 Attack, 195 Defense, and 207 Stamina Power.

The Shadow Monster’s best moveset combines Thunder Shock (STAB Potential) and Wild Charge (STAB Potential), resulting in 17.64 DPS. Weak to only Ground-type moves, the legendary resists attack of Electric, Flying, and Steel-type.

3 Zekrom

Zekrom in Pokemon GO

Zekrom is one of the most powerful legendaries on the entire platform. The dual Electric/Dragon-type Pocket Monster has a maximum Pokemon GO CP of 4565. It has an attack-centric stat spread of 275 Attack, 211 Defense, and 205 Stamina Power.

Zekrom's best moveset combines Charge Beam (STAB Potential) and the Legacy Charge Move Fusion Bolt (STAB Potential), resulting in 17.95 DPS. The monster can resist Electric, Fire, Flying, Grass, Steel, and Water-type moves but shows weakness when facing Dragon, Fairy, Ground, and Ice-type attacks.

2 Mega Ampharos

Mega Ampharos in Pokemon GO

Mega Ampharos is a dual Electric/Dragon-type Pokemon with a maximum CP of 4799. The Mega Evolution has an offense-centric stat spread of 294 Attack, 203 Defense, and 207 Stamina Power.

The monster’s best moveset comprises Charge Beam (STAB) and the Legacy Charge Move Dragon Pulse (STAB), resulting in 18.99 DPS. Weak to Dragon, Fairy, Ground, and Ice-type attacks, it can resist Electric, Fire, Flying, Grass, Steel, and Water-type moves.

1 Mega Manectric

Mega Manectric in Pokemon GO

Mega Manectric is one of the most powerful creatures in the entire Pokemon franchise. The solo Electric-type monster has a maximum Pokemon GO CP of 4048, with an attack-centric stat spread of 286 Attack, 179 Defense, and 172 Stamina Power.

Mega Manectric's best moveset combines Thunder Fang (STAB Potential) and Wild Charge (STAB Potential), resulting in 21.97 DPS. Resistant to Electric, Flying, and Steel-type moves, the Mega Monster is weak to only Ground-type attacks.

Pokemon GO is available now for Android and iOS devices as a free download.

MORE: Pokemon GO Web Store: How to Get Bonus PokeCoins