Dungeon Crawler games are one of the oldest genres in gaming. Despite the style having changed a great deal over the years, dungeon crawlers are still popular today and have been thriving since 1975 when the genre came into being in video games, having previously been a type of board game exclusively before that.

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Since then, plenty of complex dungeon-crawler games have been released, challenging gamers to extreme lengths as they try to play through the various levels involved. However, some dungeon crawlers are a bit simpler and allow players to chill as they venture through the countless enemies and puzzles within the dungeons.

6 Darkest Dungeon 2

Dungeon Crawler Darkest Dungeon II

Having dungeon in the name, it is unsurprising to discover that Darkest Dungeon 2 is focused on a rogue like-style where players wander through dungeons gathering equipment and fighting enemies in a procedurally generated world where permadeath leaves players having to restart after dying. However, Darkest Dungeon 2 comes with some unique ideas for a dungeon crawler that make it fascinating to try out.

Players have to manage the relationships between members of their party as stress rises the further they go into the world, and the combat is turn-based in an unusual swing for a dungeon crawler. While there is a certain level of management that needs to be watched for, Darkest Dungeon 2 is a great game for not thinking too much because turn-based combat allows players to really take the game at their own pace.

5 Legend Of Grimrock 2

Dungeon Crawler Legend of Grimrock II

Legend of Grimrock 2 is another dungeon-crawler and an RPG that is tile-based but in real-time. Inspired by older games in the dungeon-crawling genre but filled with modern upgrades that make it a far more intriguing experience, Legend of Grimrock 2 focuses on a party of characters who have to solve puzzles and engage in combat to progress through an island, Nex, after washing up ashore.

The style of Legend of Grimrock 2isn’t as simplistic as some other games, but there aren’t a lot of RPG elements as players are mostly focused on moving through dungeons in order to unlock the castle at the center of the island. There is, again, some party management involved as different characters have different skill trees and upgrades available, but this shouldn’t stop players from having a relaxing time with the game and not thinking too much about it.

4 StarCrawlers

Dungeon Crawler StarCrawlers

Medieval fantasy is usually the likeliest setting for any dungeon-crawling game. It is uncommon for one to be set in modern-day, and perhaps even less common for it to be taken into a cyberpunk-inspired sci-fi world. StarCrawlers sets itself in just such a world, where players have to make their way through procedurally generated missions such as assassinations or thefts of goods.

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StarCrawlers was funded through a Kickstarter and attempted to bring a new age to the dungeon-crawling genre. While it wasn’t successful in launching the idea of sci-fi-based dungeon crawlers, it was much loved and has a lot of replayability to it. The first-person perspective and turn-based combat make it an easy sell for a chilled evening of not thinking too hard while playing.

3 The Binding Of Isaac

Roguelike Game The Binding Of Isaac-1

The Binding Of Isaac is another unusual take on a dungeon crawler. Inspired by a game jam as Legend of Zelda meets religious overtones, The Binding Of Isaac takes players, as Isaac, into his basement where he finds a labyrinth of procedurally-generated dungeons. The overarching story is fascinating and bold, though controversial, and The Binding Of Isaac is considered one of the best and longest roguelike dungeon crawlers in recent times.

Players get the top-down perspective and classic loot formula that takes them back to the original Legend of Zelda while getting some new additions and a modern tale added. However, The Binding Of Isaac keeps some things pretty simple and makes it a great game for chilling out and not having to think too much.

2 Torchlight 2

Dungeon Crawler Torchlight II

Another RPG that involves a huge deal of dungeon-crawling, Torchlight 2 was released in 2012 and comes with the capability for single-player or multiplayer. Players get to choose one of four classes and watch their town getting destroyed by the main character from the first Torchlight game, who they then must give chase to through a variety of procedurally generated dungeons.

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Another game where the focus is on gathering weapons and armor for increased capability in combat, Torchlight 2 has overland areas with hub towns that players can stop in and a lengthy campaign that is perfect for fighting through while not thinking too much about anything. With plenty of exploration to do and areas available, it is definitely better not to be in a rush or overthinking this one.

1 Enter The Gungeon

Roguelike Game Enter The Gungeon-1

A roguelike bullet-hell dungeon-crawler is the perfect idea for anybody looking to switch off their brain and relax while getting the pleasure of shooting everything in sight. Enter The Gungeon sets up to four players on an adventure through a variety of procedurally generated dungeons as they search for a variety of upgraded guns and weaponry, while even having the opportunity to play with friends.

The ultimate goal is the gun that can kill the past, but players have to fight against the perma-death system as they take on the role of a Gungeoneer and attempt to survive while gathering enough gear and making it through enough enemies to reach their ultimate goal.

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