As board games become more popular than ever, the hobby can also be time-consuming. Depending on the type of game, some can last a few hours or even an entire day, which can mean limited plays for avid gamers. The length of a game can extend further when teaching is involved.

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Thankfully, digital board games are becoming a great alternative for board game enthusiasts. Though some players prefer in-person interaction, digital variants of popular games are increasingly popular as they provide several advantages over their cardboard cousins. Not only are they more affordable, but digital board games also take less time to set up and can even provide tutorials for newcomers. These are some of the best for those looking to explore this side of the gaming world.

Updated February 15, 2023, by John Alexander Hitchcock: Virtual board games continue to be a popular form of entertainment, but the wide range of options available makes it impossible for the original author to cover everything. This update has expanded the list to include two more titles for players interested in virtual board games.

Additionally, the list has been reorganized. All entries are now listed alphabetically by title. This has been done to make the list easier to read, as well as easier to find specific entries.

12 Game Of Thrones: The Board Game - Digital Edition

george rr martin steam digital edition 2020

Game Of Thrones: The Board Game is an area control wargame that has players fight to become the supreme power of Westeros. It is based on the popular and well-regarded board game based on A Song Of Ice And Fire and the TV adaptation of the book series.

The digital version offers a beautiful aesthetic and streamlined, simple-to-use UI. The game also guides players through their actions, which will significantly help newcomers and their understanding of the mechanics. In spite of how good the digital version is, it is recommended that players have a group to play with, as the AI isn’t known to be particularly bright and the online lobbies can be quite empty.

11 Gloomhaven

Gloomhaven choosing targets to attack

A digital recreation of the no.1 board game on Board Game Geek, Gloomhaven offers players the same incredible dungeon crawling experience but at a more affordable price and with a more streamlined approach.

The game features two distinct modes: an actual campaign and a digital exclusive guild master mode that, when combined, allow players to experience over 250 missions (the board game itself has over 95 campaign missions). To board game newbies or players unfamiliar with dungeon crawlers, the learning curve is steep and will require a few hours and playthroughs to understand the mechanics. If all things check out, though, players will be rewarded with a wealth of gameplay, missions, and additional content.

10 Lords Of Waterdeep

Lords of Waterdeep_Tabletop Games With A Great Online Version

Set in the famed city of Waterdeep from Dungeons And Dragons, players compete against one another to gain influence and power to cement their control. As Lords Of Waterdeep is a worker placement and resource management game, players will hire warriors, clerics, rogues, and wizards to accomplish quests and earn victory points.

The digital version also offers both expansions, Undermountain and Skullport, which are considered a must for avid fans of the board game. Never a disappointment, Lords Of Waterdeep offers quick and incredible play without sacrificing fun and charm.

9 Mysterium: A Psychic Clue Game

mysterium digital version

Mysterium is a cooperative social deduction game set in the early 20th century whereby a spirit communicates with a group of mystics to uncover a murder. Combining elements of Cluedo and Dixit, players must cycle through various abstract images to find out who the murderer is.

The digital variation of the game adds to the atmosphere of the original with stunning artwork and uncanny effects. The ambiance is further heightened with an apt soundtrack that adds to the gameplay. Available in solo, local, and multiplayer modes, the digital version also offers a story mode that is not part of the original board game. Unfortunately, few players are online, which might be a drawback unless one has a friend group to play with.

8 Pavlov’s House

pavlov's house digital version

Pavlov’s House has players assume command of a squad of Soviet soldiers defending the titular key position from Nazi advances during the Battle of Stalingrad. It is the only pure solo board game on this list.

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The game is akin to Solitaire, as players will make key decisions regarding their defense. As Nazi troops, snipers, and tanks begin to roll in, players must make critical decisions. These may involve deploying land mines or repairing walls, and which men (with various skill sets) cover and guard the various parts of the house. Deeply strategic and brutally difficult, gamers will appreciate this intense war game.

7 Root


The award-winning asymmetrical war game with cute critters fighting for dominance over a forest is back with its digital cousin. In Root, players take control of a unique faction as they fight to control areas in a forest. Each faction plays differently, which requires players to learn the mechanics of each one should they wish to switch things up.

Root’s digital version provides players with a streamlined experience and teaches the mechanics of each faction quite well (although new players will still need to test the waters). Players can easily battle it out online, and the Riverfolk expansion introduces additional factions. Players do have some complaints regarding the AI decision-making, but overall, the game is seamless and offers hours of great fun.

6 Sid Meier's Civilization 6

The Giant's Causeway on the end of an island in Civilization 6

Civilization mixes history with open-ended gameplay and dark humor. The player(s) take on the role of famous historical leaders and are tasked with guiding a civilization through different eras. Typically, this means building cities, providing for their citizens' needs, and negotiating/going to war with other leaders, often leading to wacky situations that comically mix and match different historical figures and eras. This offers a fun educational aspect to the games, as players are introduced to lesser-known historical figures.

The iconic series has always been designed to feel like a virtual board game. Civilization can be played with others or in single-player mode. There are actually two different online multiplayer options. Regular multiplayer has everyone meet in a server and play in real time.

However, for players who don't have time to commit to a full game in one sitting, there is also an asynchronous "play by cloud" option that allows participants to take their turns at their earliest convenience. But it also works great in single-player, which may be more suited to anyone who needs to control when to start and stop the game. While there are several different victory conditions, the game does not even have to be finished to be satisfactory.

5 Spirit Island

spirit island digital version

In the classic "reverse Catan" co-op game, players take on the role of spirits of an island who must work alongside local tribes to fend off imperial invaders looking to exploit the land. The digital version of Spirit Island was play-tested by the designer himself, as well as several veterans of the board game, to create a fine-tuned experience.

The digital game offers players several map variants, from the classic maps of the original to the 3D textured, all of which create a dynamic and isometric perspective of the island, with unique music elements also added to the game. Players can enjoy Spirit Island as a solo, pass-and-play, or remote experience.

4 Terraforming Mars

terraforming mars game

In Terraforming Mars, players who act as corporations must tame the red planet by using technology and resources to establish oceans as well as raise the temperature and oxygen levels to make Mars habitable.

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The digital version of the game is highly faithful to its original counterpart but with the advantage of playing faster. Unfortunately, some aspects of the game are buggy in multiplayer, and the AI isn’t very smart. Despite this, fans of the game have stated that the solo mode is very enjoyable and that the Prelude expansion is a must, as it offers even quicker play as well as more corporations and cards.

3 Ticket To Ride

One of the most popular games of all time and recommended as a "gateway game" for new players, Ticket To Ride is a game where players will compete to claim various train routes through North America. (This is in the base game, as the map will depend on the expansion used.)

The game is easy to learn and suitable for all ages. The digital version is considered to be one of the best board games on PC and mobile. With its straightforward design, cute sound effects, and delightful presentation, the game is almost right for any occasion.

2 Twilight Struggle

twilight-struggle digital version

Twilight Struggle recreates the classic tug-of-war between the US and USSR during the Cold War, and is a delight to every history buff. Two players will each choose a side and respond to world events as well as their opponent’s actions. Knowing where and when to put pressure on the opponent is key to winning.

The draw of the game is its usage of real events and key figures throughout that period and its implementation of those things into the game’s mechanics. Players will also get to recreate the conflict between the two superpowers. Interesting and rewarding, the digital version is extremely playable. Some fans of the game only choose to play the digital version due to its cost and quick setup.

1 Wingspan

A player with two cards in hand in Wingspan Digital Edition'

Wingspan is a straightforward game in which players run wildlife preserves and try to attract different types of birds to one of three different habitats- forest, field, or water. Different birds can live in different environments, and can be obtained with different combinations of food and eggs. An in-game turn consists of the player performing one of four simple actions with various options for scoring. After four rounds, the game ends, and the final scores are counted to determine the winning player.

This is obviously a great game for bird lovers, who will appreciate the detailed drawings of each bird species, the ability to play their sound effects, and the bits of trivia included on each card. Although it encourages mild competition, Wingspan offers a much less demanding gameplay style compared to others on this list and even comes with relaxing music. The base game only includes North American birds, but there are purchasable expansions featuring European and Oceanic birds to add some variety.

MORE: Gloomhaven: Beginner Tips For The Strategy Board Game