Digimon adds a digital twist to the monster capture scene. After all, this time around, Digimon bond with their own Digi-Destined in their journey to save the world. Moreover, as their friendships develop, a Digimon taps into its innate power of Digivolving - transforming it into another Digimon. Thanks to Digivolution, a Digimon can transform into other creatures to help save the day against countless threats.

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And while Digimon fans already have their favorite creatures, some Digimon immediately trump others in terms of the design department. In turn, certain Digimon just make themselves iconic in terms of creature design or sheer awesome fashion taste.

Updated on December 15, 2022 by Rhenn Taguiam: With Digimon Survive and its 2022 release marking a unique take on the Digimon formula, it’s expected for fans of the Digi-Destined and their digital monsters to look back at the likes of Agumon and pals and see how they fare in terms of visuals in the tactical RPG/visual novel. And considering how there are more than 1,450 Digimon ever released, it makes sense to anticipate that not all of them will make it in Digimon Survive’s Digivolution ladder.

However, for fans of the various Digimon anime, certain designs will just remain iconic in their imagination. Among these are forms exclusive to Digimental Evolution, a fusion-specific form, a Digivolution that oddly resembles a character from JoJo, and a rather “simple” Mega-level Digimon that serves as the poster child of the Digivolution concept.

15 GraceNovamon


It’s unsurprising for a Digimon to reach otherworldly heights of power due to their nature as digital creatures, but GraceNovamon perhaps reaches the apex of true power in the Digimon franchise due to its origins. At its core, GraceNovamon is an Ultimate-Level Galaxy Digimon possessing the Vaccine attribute, created through the fusion of Danamon and Apollomon - practically representing the unity of the sun and the moon.

This resulted in an aesthetic that resembles more of a god-like figure than a combative Digimon. In terms of appearances, GraceNovamon resembles an armored knight of white and gold plating, with red details and blue spherical crystals. Notable to the Digimon is its possession of blade-like legs and large, sharp claws with electrified orb-palms. Perhaps what makes its appearance iconic is its possession of wavy, flaming hair, a set of energy blades that form a circle around its body, and a cape that contains outer space.

14 Magnamon


When the likes of XV-Mon undergo Digimental Evolution through the Digimental of Miracles, they can become Magnamon. Considered an Armor-level Holy Knight Digimon, this Metal-attribute Digimon is said to boast incredible defensive and offensive ability that may put him on par with other Ultimate Digimon. Considered a part of the Royal Knights, Magnamon is designated to be one of the heroes to protect the Digimon World.

Similar to its Armor Evolution companions, Magnamon is notable for its golden armor aesthetic. At its base is a blue-skinned tailed humanoid resembling that of XV-Mon, this time covered in extremely large shoulder plates and skirt-tails that have exhaust fans. Notable in Magnamons appearance is its feet, as it has quarter-circle, gear-like toes resembling that of the Digimental of Miracles.

13 Gankoomon


Fans of the Digimon franchise would probably recall how edgy SkullMeramon looks with its flame-skull-chains aesthetic, which makes its Digivolution into Gankoomon quite a surprise. This Mega-level Holy Knight Digimon has the Data Attribute, with his classification as a Virus Buster explaining his rather odd affinity to flames.

What perhaps makes Gankoomon incredibly designed is how “civilian” it seems compared to other Mega-level Digimon. Its nature as a wandering savior is apparent in his aesthetic. At its base, Gankoomon wears an all-black suit with traditional Japanese geta sandals, as well as red gauntlets burning yellow with flames. Aside from its cool mask, Gankoomon also boasts a white cape and from the fires surrounding it lies the afterimage of a winged Digimon, resembling a Stand from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.

12 Omnimon


Fusion is a commonly-used concept in Digimon when it comes to the Digi-Destined using their will of goodness to save the day. This time around, Virus Busters WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon can combine their energies to create the Royal Knight known as Omnimon. As the name implies, Omnimon is considered the Legendary Warrior, boasting the Vaccine Attribute that makes it capable of eliminating even the toughest of bosses.

Its nature as a savior is apparent in its aesthetic. Aside from boasting an extremely slender body with sleek white armor, Omnimon also has a flowing red cape, as well as thin yellow details in the form of horns and claws on its toes. Perhaps most notable to Omnimon are its arms, which essentially carry the aesthetic of both WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, with their heads serving as gauntlets.

11 WarGreymon


Whereas Agumon is practically the mascot of the Digimon franchise, it’s the Greymon evolutionary tree that serves as the core representation of how expansive the Digivolution concept can become. And when push comes to shove, the little Agumon can become WarGreymon, perhaps the epitome of what a humanoid Digimon can look like.

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This Mega-level Digimon has the Vaccine Attribute, making WarGreymon capable of dispatching the most dangerous Digimon. What perhaps makes this design so iconic is its classic usage of the Digimon aesthetic combination of metal, tech, and beastly. WarGreymon boasts the core body of a humanoid Greymon, complete with oversized feet that have large claws. Afterwards, the rest of the upper body is covered with gold plating, including gauntlets that end with large claws. Other notable components include red hair, the trademark Greymon grey mask, and the tubes that cover some parts of its limbs.

10 Angemon

Angemon - Best Digimon Designs

Angemon makes an indelible mark in the early days of Digimon that a Digimon can, in fact, Digivolve into a humanoid. And despite being the Champion-level form of Patamon, Angemon becomes the prime representative of the Angel Digimon genus.

Being the archetypal angel, Angemon boasts six shining wings, gold highlights, and the iconic purple loincloth over a white suit. It possesses the Hand of Fate, capable of striking the opponent with a beam of gold energy. While it evolves into the more striking Angewomon or its Devil counterpart Devimon, it's Angemon that has the more recognizable appearance.

9 Beelzemon

Beelzemon - Best Digimon Designs

Beelzemon is an Evil Digimon serving as one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. Being the Duelist of Finality, Beelzemon represents Gluttony and has an insatiable thirst for combat. As a Mega-level Digimon, Beelzemon holds power over other Devil Digimon.

Having come from the iconic demon "Beelzebub," Beelzemon boasts a sinister lone wolf appearance. It is leather-clad in black biker clothing - a muscle shirt, a leather jacket that shows his musculature, and various metallic body pads. Aside from its Berenjena handguns, it boasts spike-tipped boots and a purple bird-like mask. Befitting its biker archetype, Beelzemon summons Behemoth, a digital motorcycle.

8 Gallantmon

Gallantmon - Best Digimon Designs

A Royal Knight, Gallantmon is a guardian deity that upholds chivalry and balance across the Net. Moreover, the Knight Digimon possesses a Chrome Digizoid holy armor that can withstand most attacks, a Gram lance that pierces through most armors, and the Aegis shield to protect its comrades from fierce strikes.

Gallantmon boasts one of the best appearances in Digimon media. Despite its appearance as the archetypal knight, its white-red-gold motif has its own majesty to behold and marvel. The "holy" nature of Gallantmon is reflected with this minimalist approach, and it can rival the more overcomplicated designs of its peers.

7 MirageGaogamon

MirageGaogamon - Best Digimon Designs

MirageGaogamon grew a long way from the bipedal boxer motif of its predecessor, Rookie-level Gaomon. This time around, Mega-level Beast Knight not only boasts a knightly appearance, but its Chrome Digizoid armor allows it to move tremendous speeds. As with its name, MirageGaogamon moves too fast that it leaves afterimages in the form of mirages.

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In terms of appearances, MirageGaogamon is true to form with its Beast Knight classification. Its blue armor contains white highlights, with its chest piece resembling that of a wolf. Moreover, it has sharp metal claws that denote its aggressive, close-quarters combat style. Among its wolf-like peers, MirageGaogamon definitely has a more refined appearance.

6 Tactimon

Tactimon - Best Digimon Designs

Tactimon is a Mega-level Demon Man Digimon, a warrior said to possess remarkable swordsmanship courtesy of the Sword of Storms. According to myth, a star collapses whenever Tactimon draws the sword - and in turn, it always does battle with the massive sword in its sheath. However, what makes Tactimon notable is its strategic capabilities - having a reputation for having won battles before they're fought.

As with its swordsmanship motif, Tactimon bears the appearance of a samurai. Its black armor has a recognizable flame design, with its helmet bearing a flame-like crest. Among the darker-aligned Digimon, Tactimon certain boasts a compelling warlord motif that fits its atmosphere.

5 Lucemon Chaos Mode

Lucemon - Best Digimon Designs

While Lucemon has the appearance of a sweet angelic child, Lucemon achieves its Chaos Mode by absorbing the powers of its Holy Knights. Now boasting power beyond that of all Mega-levels, the Ultimate-level Lucemon Chaos Mode is a Wizard Digimon with power over light and darkness. As with Beelzemon, Lucemon Chaos Mode is one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, this time representing Pride.

Chaos Mode bears the appearance of a stylish villain. It takes the form of a blond man wearing a black overcoat over a white suit. On the right side of its head and body are angel wings, while devil wings protrude on the left side of its head and body. Its attacks include Ultimate Sacrifice, a magic circle that gives the opponent a 50-50 chance of suffering great damage or disintegration.

4 Alphamon

Alphamon - Best Digimon Designs

Alphamon appears with a kind of sternness befitting his status as a Warrior Digimon. Being a carrier of the X-Antibody and the Alpha inForce, Alphamon has massive power. Moreover, with the Twin Swords Gradalpha, Alphamon boasts incredible speed and fighting prowess.

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Of all the Royal Knights, it's Alphamon that boasts the bulkiest in appearance. For instance, it wears heavy black armor with gold details, signifying its regal status. Among the Royal Knights, Alphamon arguably has one of the most stylish appearances.

3 Jesmon

Jesmon - Best Digimon Designs

Having evolved from the already stylish white-red SaviorMuckmon, Jesmon is a Holy Knight Digimon deserving of his Royal Knight status. As with Gallantmon and their comrades, the Royal Knights sense and stop chaos in the Net. Jesmon is aided by three digital creatures - At, Rene, and Pol - to make coordinated assaults.

At its core, Jesmon boasts a knightly appearance with white armor and gold highlights, alongside a long red cloak. Perhaps adding to its awesomeness is its limbs - all in the form of blades. Its tail even has a red sword! To add to Jesmon's sheer over-the-topness, Jesmon possesses Aus Generics - giving him the capability to break the laws of nature by temporarily rewriting its digital code.

2 Durandamon

Durandamon - Best Digimon Designs

Legends-Arms Digimon has the amazing feature of transforming into weapons - and among them is Durandamon, the Holy Sword Digimon. Unlike its companions, Durandamon possesses the ultimate holy blade, having attained data on famous swords across mythology and pop culture.

Unique enough is Durandamon's ability to transform into a giant golden blade. However, what's more interesting is its humanoid form. In this base form, Durandamon has golden armor and red limbs that separate its core body and its sword limbs. Durandamon even has the core blade of its sword form protruding from its back.

1 Samudramon

Samudramon - Best Digimon Designs

While the Greymon species has the most specialized Digivolutions in the franchise, it's Samudramon that takes the cake among its uncommon variants. After all, users discovered this Mega-level Dragon Digimon inside an abandoned Asia-based computer with the X Antibody.

As a result, this Greymon variant has both the appearance and characteristics of a samurai - possessing remarkable battle prowess. It possesses the Kikurin swords, which leaves trails of light while slashing.

Samudramon bears a resemblance to BlackWarGreymon, albeit with a samurai motif. It wears a tattered hakama with bronze armor, alongside silver hair and silver horns. Among the Greymon variants, Samudramon is definitely one of the most stylish, having left the usual "fiery red" associated with the species.

Digimon Survive is available on PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

More: All Royal Knight Digimon & What They Do