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Players who enjoy Civilization 6 know that attaining victory against both AI and other players aren't just a matter of blindly attacking other civs and making impromptu resolutions, especially when their civs of choice have Civiliation Abilities that nudge players towards a particular playstyle. With the right Civilization Ability, players can propel their civs to new heights - especially once they understand how to use these abilities to their fullest advantage.

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Each civilization has their own unique Civilization Ability that provides them with a unique bonus or benefit in a certain department of the game. Most of these perks and buffs are based on popular cultural traits of these civilizations, giving a nod to the unique aspects of the real-world versions of these civs while at the same time adding a mechanical component that establishes their strength in the title. However, just which Civilization 6 Civilization Abilities might be considered better than the rest?

Updated on July 8th, 2023, by Rhenn Taguiam: With Firaxis revealing Civilization 7 in the works, fans of 4X titles may want to go back to Civilization 6 and test their mettle against AI and prove their chosen civ’s supremacy. However, fans who want to dive deep into Civ 6 gameplay may want to explore the intricacies of Civilization Abilities, with certain abilities incentivizing particular playstyles.

In fact, players who understand how their chosen civ’s toolkit may also realize how they fit into certain Victory Conditions. For instance, certain Civilization Abilities allow players to pursue both a Religious and Domination Victory, encourage more aggressive play, greatly improve production, incentivize multi-function cities, and capitalizing on obtaining luxury through conquest.

14 Cree - Nihithaw

The Cree civilization was added to the game in the Rise and Fall expansion. The Cree shines in the early game courtesy of Nihithaw, their Civilization Ability that gives them one trade route and a free tradign caravan as soon as they research Pottery.

At first glance, the Civilization Ability doesn't seem as helpful compared to more aggressive or forward buffs. However, since a Cree trader can secure unclaimed tiles within three tiles of another Cree city, the access to early-game Pottery can transform their civ into a growing enterprise much sooner than other parties.

13 Norway - Knarr

Since the Norweigan Empire is mainly built around the Vikings, their Civilization Ability should be built around seafaring and raiding - something that Knarr represents. At its core, Norway's Civilization Ability lets units enter ocean tiles as soon as they research Shipbuilding, removing the need for Cartography unlike in other civs. This gives Norway the advantage in early-game naval warfare.

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In addition to early deployment, Knarr also ensures Norwegian land units have no additional movement costs to embark or disembark. Naval melee units can also heal in a neutral territory which is a big bonus to their naval power.

12 Zulu - Isibongo

The Zulu civilization was another faction that was added to the game in the Rise and Fall expansion, and they were a fairly strong addition for players who liked to win their games through Domination Victories. This incentivize is courtesy of Isibongo, their Civilization Ability that makes units stronger as they conquer cities.

When playing as the Zulu, capturing a city will upgrade the conquering unit into a Corps or Army if they are not already an Army and if the necessary civics are unlocked. Cities with garrisoned units will also gain +3 loyalty per turn, increasing to 5 with a corps or army.

11 Australia - Land Down Under

Civilization 6 is the first mainline game in the Civilization series to have the Land Down Under as a playable empire. So to honor this they named Australia's civilization ability after its famous nickname.

The Land Down Under ability makes Australia a strong candidate for a Cultural Victory. A small bonus provides to Australia by its Civilization Ability is that it grants plus 3 housing to its coastal cites. For Australia, building Pastures triggers a Culture Bomb, which claims surrounding tiles. Campus, Commercial Hub, Holy Site, and Theater Square districts gain +1 to their yields in tiles with Charming Appeal and +3 in tiles with Breathtaking Appeal.

10 Sumeria - Epic Quest

Sumeria's Civ Ability, Epic Quest, gives Sumeria and its leader Gilgamesh a substantial boost in their early game firepower, especially when combined with Leader Ability "Adventures of Enkidu" that lets the civ declare war on other civs at war with any ally without warmonger penalties. This time around, Epic Quest provides Sumeria with a good incentive to hunt down barbarian encampments, even more so than over Civs.

Capturing a Barbarian Outpost as Sumeria grants a Tribal Village reward. Sumeria may as levy city-state units at 50% of the usual Gold cost, which is a good incentive to keep City-States around, as opposed to conquering them.

9 Scythia - People Of The Steppe

Scythia's Civilization ability, People Of The Steppe is tied in with their unique unit, the Saka Horse Archer. The Saka Horse Archer is one of the strongest unique units in the game, incentivizing players who prefer more aggressive plays with more specific unit components.

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Unlike other Civilization abilities, Scythia's is straightforward. This ability gives them a copy of any light cavalry unit or Saka Horse Archer any time they train one. This allows for very fast construction of invading forces that can be used to take down more annoying ranged units or even defeat barbarians.

8 Canada - Four Faces Of Peace

Canada was added to the game in the Gathering Storm Expansion and was a welcome addition for many proud Canadians. Canada's Four Faces Of Peace Civilization Ability comes with a limitation that may inhibit aggressive playstyles, but at the same time benefit players who want more strategic approaches. At its core, playing as the Great White North means not being able to declare Surprise Wars.

However, the Civilization Ability also comes with the perk that other nations can't declare Surprise Wars on Canada, either. Moreover, for every 100 tourism earned, Canada gains 1 Diplomatic Favor. Lastly, Canada gains +100% Diplomatic Favor if they successfully complete Emergencies or Scored Competitions.

7 America - Founding Fathers

The American Empire's Civilization Ability changes depending on what expansion of the game players either have or don't have. This iteration of Founding Fathers is found in the Gathering Storm Expansion which makes all Diplomatic slots Wildcard slots, which gives players a huge advantage in terms of being able to adapt. They also gain +1 Diplomatic Favor per turn for each Wildcard slot in the government that they are using.

This iteration of the Ability is much more useful than the base game's, where government legacy bonuses accumulate half as fast. Likewise, Rise and Fall expansion only transforms Diplomacy slots into Wildcards, but without the additional Diplomatic Favor.

6 Mongolia - Örtöö

Mongolia's Civilization ability, Örtöö dominates Civilization Abilities not just in its utility but also its historical accuracy. Örtöö gives the Mongolian empire the ability to create a trading post immediately when starting a trade route with another Civ, instead of when the trade route finishes.

Mongolia gains an extra level of Diplomatic Visibility with civilizations they have a Trading Post with. This benefits Mongolia as their units receive +6 Combat Strength for each level of Diplomatic Visibility they have over their opponents, instead of the usual +3. So go on and conquer, make Genghis Proud!

5 Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion


Players who want to approach their Civ 6 gameplay from an aggressive standpoint may appreciate Macedon and its Domination-inclined playstyle. Courtesy of Alexander the Great’s “To World’s End,” his cities don’t get war-weary and capturing a city with a World Wonder instantly heals his units - making them battle-ready. This Leader Ability can be paired with Macedon’s Civilization Ability, Hellenistic Fusion, wherein players get a Eureka Boost or an Inspiration Boost if a conquered city has an Encampment or Campus, or Holy Site or Theatre Square, respectively.

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These conquest-based abilities incentivize aggressive gameplay on the part of players, encouraging a fast and loose approach to colonizing other cities to get the advantage. Should Macedon do come face to face with an equally-developed civ, Hellenistic Fusion can help players push much faster developments with strategic captures.

4 Byzantium - Taxis


Religion and combat go hand in hand in Byzantium, where its features help players aim for both a Religious Victory and Domination Victory while having enough leeway to focus into one. This is primarily due to Taxis, Byzantium’s Civilization Ability where units get +3 Combat Strength or Religious Strength for every holy city that follows Byzantium’s religion. The buff is almost always guaranteed, since the religion itself is spready to nearby cities when defeating an enemy unit in the area. Not to mention, cities with a holy site district also get +1 Great Prophet Points, practically ensuring Byzantium either win by force or divine intervention - whichever goes first.

The rest of Byzantium’s benefits buff overall units to encourage aggressive plays, with cavalry units doing full damage to cities following Byzantium’s religion (Porphyrogennetos), a buffer that gives +4 Combat/Religious Strength to adjacent land units (Tagma), or a much cheaper entertainment complex that can provide a free cavalry unit (Hippodrome).

3 Germany - Free Imperial Cities


Production is a surefire way for a civilization to ensure long-term survival, and Germany is set up to become a master in industry courtesy of Frederick Barbarossa’s leadership. His Leader Ability “Holy Roman Emperor” adds a Military Policy Slot as well as a +7 Combat Strength boost when attacking city-states, motivating early-game domination in order to setup stronger production zones. This is incentivized by German’s Civilization Ability, Free Imperial Cities, that gives each city an additional space for a district.

The additional district space from Free Imperial Cities ties well to the Hansa, a German exclusive district specifically built for industrial activity. This is a cheaper alternative to the industrial zone that gets +2 Production for each aqueduct, canal, commercial hub, and dam district adjacent to it. Players who want to outpace other civs in terms of commerce and industry can go for Germany with this cheaper yet more economic approach to production.

2 Japan - Meiji Restoration


Players who want a headstart in their Civilization 6 gameplay should tap into the intrinsic bonuses that Japan offers when it comes to internal developments. Courtesy of Hojo Tokimune’s “Divine Wind” Leader Ability, units now receive +5 Combat Strength in specific conditions while certain districts (encampment, holy site, theatre squares) are built for half the time. As a kicker, enemies units in Japan get a 100% damage boost from hurricanes.

Adjacency is also the key to Japan’s Civilization Ability, Meiji Restoration, wherein all districts now get a +1 Bonus (instead of +0.5) for being adjacent to other districts, incentivizing balanced city builds. The flat bonuses on top of adjacency boosts make Japan quite the all-rounder, helping players approach the game from any strategy without much risk.

1 Aztec - Legend Of The Five Suns


Straightforward is a word often used to describe an aggressive Civilization 6 gameplay strategy, and the Aztec is created precisely for Domination strategies. Should players use Montezuma, his “Gifts for the Tlatoani” Leader Ability get +1 Combat Strength on the offense provided different luxury resources are improved in Aztec territory, with luxury resources conveniently providing amenity to two extra cities. Perhaps more crucial to the Aztec playstyle is its Civilization Ability, Legend of the Five Suns, where players can spend Builder charges to complete 20% of a district’s Production cost.

This speed-oriented gameplay on top of Aztec’s luxury-based advantages make conquest quite the attractive pursuit for players. Not only that, unique civilization features such as the Eagle Warrior that transforms enemy military units into Aztec builders as well as the Tlachtli that provides a multitude of bonuses, can help players secure the early-game advantage if they act fast enough.

Civilization 6 was released in 2016 for the PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux

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