Traveling through the multiverse; it worked for Spider-man and Doctor Strange (well, in terms of ticket sales, at least), so why not try it with Sonic? This fan-favorite hedgehog goes on an adventure like never seen before after unintentionally dabbling with the Shatterverse, and makes a ton of new friends and eccentric enemies along the way.

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Each alternate reality comes with its own unique version of the SegaSonic characters fans are most familiar with, including Miles "Tails" Prower, Amy Rose, Rogue The Bat, Knuckles the Echidna, Big The Cat, Froggy, Shadow, and Dr. Eggman. Not all of them fulfill the same role as before, as allies can become fearsome foes as soon as the Paradox Prism is at play.

The following content contains spoilers from Sonic Prime, currently streaming on Netflix.

10 The Chaos Council (New Yolk City)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Dr Eggman's Chaos Council

New Yolk City is a depressing dystopian society run by the tyrannous, egg-loving Choas Council, whose lackluster intimidation factor is amped up significantly thanks to their mechanical army. The committee consists of different versions of Dr. Eggman, assumedly representing various time periods in the antagonist's wicked lifespan.

  • Doctor Babble has quite a mean streak for such an "innocent" infant, and Baby Eggman will happily climb into his comical Jaeger-like contraption to create chaos and destruction.
  • The elderly Doctor Done-It has, well, done it all, as this grumpy grampa has a well of experience under his belt (and is often catching up on some much-needed beauty sleep.)
  • The colorful dance-loving Doctor Deep is suave and stylish (or so he thinks) and emulates the pretentious side of the Gen Z nation.
  • Doctor Don't acts like an angsty teen who would much rather be playing video games than dealing with the world and all its drama.
  • The suspiciously hairy Mr. Doctor Eggman shares many similarities with the original Sonic villain and acts as the leader of the eggy enemies.

9 Hangry (Boscage Maze)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Hangry The Boscage Maze

While everyone in the jungle crew would do anything for a bite to eat, Hangry seems to take their losses the hardest, as the Big-representative is adamant that he is "wasting away." While he may be sweet and submissive, Hangry could snap at any moment, aggravated by the empty cavity within his belly, and vent his strawberry-craving frustrations at any unsuspecting victim.

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Ironically, Hangry usually always manages to get his hands on a piece of treasured fruit; however, he loses his delicacy just as easily, particularly if Gnarly or Mangy start sniffing around. The Jungle Arc is the only scenario where Big is a main feature, as this kitty remains more of a side character in the other realms.

8 Baton And Black Rose (No Place)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Baton and Black Rose No Place

The pretty pirates are always ready for a fight (even though they have never actually been in combat before meeting Sonic); too bad their party-loving leader is not on the same page! Baton and Black Rose are more than eager to divulge details about Captain Dread's mysterious past, but they will quickly back down as soon as they get the stink eye.

As soon as Sonic shows his adventure-loving side, the girls are quick to elevate him to the Captain's status, as they wish to embark on some epic journeys with the courageous hedgehog at the helm. Baton and Black Rose evidently share a very close bond, often fighting side-by-side and even finishing each other's sentences!

7 Thorn Rose (Boscage Maze)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Thorn Rose The Monster of The Boscage Maze

This vicious monster is like the Princess Mononoke of the Shatterverse; prioritizing the protection of plant life above all else, even if that leaves certain critters starving in the canopy above. With her loyal oversized pink pet by her side, Thorn Rose rules the underbelly of the Jungle and has proven to be quite ruthless when needed.

Related: Sonic the Hedgehog: Dumbest Things Amy Rose Has Done

As yet another Amy Rose antagonist, this nature warrior sets herself apart with her stunning rustic character design, which has been accessorized with all the appropriate bells and whistles. Thorn Rose kicks things up a notch when she gains access to Shard-fueled superpowers and goes on a terrifying tree-growing rampage.

6 Knucks And Rebel (New Yolk City)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Rebel and Knucks New Yolk City

Even though they have yet to form a relationship with Sonic, Knucks and Rebel still risk it all to save the stranger from the Choas Council, showing no fear as the two little creatures take on a hoard of colossal weaponized robots. Hand-to-hand combat is clearly not an issue for these freedom fighters, who need little more than their fists of fury to get the job done.

Knucks (the Knuckles alternative) and Rebel (aka Rouge) are evidently strong allies and are regularly seen together, planning their next ploy to topple the Chaos Council and liberate New Yolk City from their tyranny.

5 Shadow (Original Green Hill)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Shadow Green Hill Zone

Much like Sonic, Shadow's characteristics remain unchanged throughout the series, and he remains in an anti-hero role; the blue hedgehog's "rollerskating" arch-nemesis but the honorable wielder of the Chaos Emerald (respect!)

Related: Sonic: Things Fans Need To Know About Shadow The Hedgehog

Although Shadow does not get a substantial amount of screentime in Sonic: Prime, he forms a major component of the overall storyline as he apparently has the best understanding of the intricacies of the Shatterverse (and Sonic's role in unsettling the balance of it all.)

4 Nine (New Yolk City)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Nine New Yolk City

This quick-witted techno-guru has taken a leaf out of Doctor Octopus' book, coupled with some Pokemon influences, and has augmented his body with additional robotic tails. These multipurpose appendages can carry Nine around like a fox-faced spider, act as destructive (or productive) arms, climb walls, transform into a chair, and fly; the sky's the limit!

As a result of being mercilessly bullied for having an extra tail, Nine had lost faith in friendship and subsequently becomes a self-sufficient one-man-army, and is originally quite aggressive, sending out mad scientist vibes. However, thanks to Sonic's persistence, it doesn't take long for Nine to change course and align himself with the good guys.

3 The Dread (No Place)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Knuckles The Dread No Place

The Dread is Sonic's favorite Knuckles version (well, when they first meet, anyways) and was once a rather ambitious buccaneer; however, after a disastrous quest, the usually feisty echidna has lost most of his nerve. The friendly pirate is the Captain of the Angel's Voyage, which seems to be anchored more often than not, full of festivities and opportunistic celebrations.

Related: Sonic The Hedgehog: Bravest Things Knuckles Has Done

Nowadays, the Dread is more likely to run away from a fight than take up arms and is the first to jump ship when Rusty Rose makes an appearance; opposing how a Captain should conduct himself. Unfortunately, The Dread quickly changes his tune once captivated by the allure of sparkly treasures and ends up betraying the unsuspecting Sonic in an attempt to claim ownership of the shiny Shard.

2 Rusty Rose (New Yolk City)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Rusty Rose New Yolk City

As one of the main antagonists of the series, Rusty Rose is not burdened by emotions as she has been cybernetically enhanced, allegedly for the sake of survival. This rosy robot leads the mechanical army with an iron fist but still has a sassy side, often putting Sonic in his place with her sharp tongue.

Loyal to the Chaos Council, Rusty Rose is like the evil RoboCop of New Yolk City; this coldhearted cyborg is the polar opposite of her counterpart, Amy. She has also received additional upgrades perfect for combat, making her rather indestructible, and this MVP is not afraid to get her hands dirty during a brawl.

1 Sonic (Original Green Hill)

Best Characters in Netflix's Sonic Prime Sonic the Hedgehog

The fan-favorite Sonic hates water, loves chili dogs (or seadogs, when available), and spends most of the series in a state of confusion; when he isn't getting beat up, that is! He is eager to befriend all the familiar doppelgangers he meets along the way and although the hedgehog's personality remains intact, his infinity-loop running mechanics changes color depending on the universe.

His kicks and gloves also get a makeover each time Sonic travels through realms, with bonus features to boot, such as levitation, Wolverine-type claws, and more. The moral of this whole story revolves around teaching Sonic a lesson about not taking people for granted and taking the time to appreciate their virtuous influences and friendship.

Sonic Prime is now available to watch on Netflix

More: Sonic the Hedgehog Best Moments In The Series