
  • The Borderlands world is full of unique and interesting characters that players can emotionally connect with.
  • Many characters, such as Claptrap, Tannis, Tiny Tina, and Handsome Jack, provide impeccable comedic relief for audiences.
  • Characters can remain fan favorites even long after they've died in any of the games

With the Borderlands universe having hundreds of unique characters that players are sure to meet along their journey, there are some characters that players will just never forget. The unforgettable one-liners, dialogue, and an array of quirky personalities make each encounter with a new character a completely different experience.

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Some characters provide such memorable performances and have incredible depth to their stories, which allows players to build a solid emotional connection with them as they continue to build on that relationship through dozens of questlines. With so many characters seeing a continuous return in many of the Borderlands games, players can look forward to expanding their existing connections with characters that will continue to evolve and surprise the player with new stories.

10 Scooter

Scooter character

Lovable Scooter might be slow in some areas, but he has his heart in all the right places. Vehemently passionate about cars, the Catch-A-Ride system, and his family, Scooter is proof of the good in the world, even if his thick southern accent struggles to get the message across sometimes.

Scooter is one of the most adored characters in the game, and he is widely recognized as a selfless hero after his sacrifice in Tales From The Borderlands, which was one of the saddest moments in the entire series.

9 Lillith

Lilith Borderlands 3

With much of the story of each game involving her in some way, Lilith is a mainstay in the franchise, and she has some of the best narrative arcs in the entire series. Having some of the most powerful siren abilities on Pandora grants Lilith a heavy advantage, and she utilizes this on various occasions, displaying her adept fighting prowess.

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Lilith’s involvement in Borderlands 3 sees her lose her powers for the majority of the game; and when they are finally returned to her, she utilizes them in a last-ditch effort to save Pandora and her friends. Lilith’s sacrifice is a sad moment for many fans who have been on the journey with her since the first game, but a fitting way for her character to go out with a bang.

8 Typhon Deleon


As one of the first Vault Hunters to ever explore Pandora’s vaults, Typhon Deleon has a legacy of history, making him a heavily respected figure, even among other prominent Vault Hunters. Inspired by Danny Devito, he is an extremely likeable character, and players can almost imagine they're traversing the world of Pandora with Devito at their side.

With an energetic personality and his own personal ties to the story's main villains, he seeks to right his wrongs, attempting to fix his fragmented relationship with his children in the hope that it will diffuse their dominating lust for power. Typhon dedicates himself to the Vault Hunter's cause, proving his loyalty to the very end when he realizes his daughter's villainous streak must be put to a violent end in his dying moments.

7 Handsome Jack

Handsome Jack in Borderlands 2

Arguably one of the most iconic villains in all of gaming history, Handsome Jack delivers time and time again with a flawless performance. His backstory, as well as his exploitative and strained relationship with his daughter Angel, portrays a powerful character in a wide emotional capacity, allowing him moments of emotion and vulnerability.

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With the various ways he torments, teases, and tortures the player throughout the course of the game, making it to the end of the story and putting him down for good can finally put players' minds at ease, finally ridding the world of a villain that just needed to die.

6 Tannis

With one of the most eccentric personalities in the entire franchise, Tannis proves herself to be one of the most interesting characters in the game. Being a character that prefers her own space and an incredibly smart scientist, she always has a trick or two up her sleeve and has some very memorable questlines and jokes that the player can indulge in with her.

During the events of Borderlands 3, Tannis is revealed to be a Siren after inheriting Angel's powers. While accepting her new-found power, Tannis revels in being a siren, and players should look forward to the interesting direction the developers decide to take her character in new Borderlands installments.

5 Roland

Roland character

One of the most grounded characters that players can aid through the events of the Borderlands games, Roland possesses no enhanceable powers beyond his extensive combat experience, and his calm and calculated demeanor is one that many players can resonate with.

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While his character experiences an unfortunate demise at the hands of the titular villain, Handsome Jack, Roland leaves behind a long-lasting legacy for characters that will continue to expand the Crimson Raiders forever in his honor.

4 Mad Moxxi

borderlands moxxi cosplay

Mother of Scooter and Ellie, and previous lover of Handsome Jack, Moxxi is a force to be reckoned with, and many characters know not to get on the wrong side of her. With empowering confidence and a headstrong ability to lead, Moxxi is a witty individual that knows the ins and outs of the chaotic world of Pandora.

While she is also known for her flirtatious behavior with various characters in the Borderlands universe, she is also a shrewd businessperson who runs various establishments, all of which benefit the player greatly as they traverse through the world and acquire new gear. Moxxi's multi-talented skillset and charisma make for a character that players will never forget.

3 Tiny Tina

Tiny Tina Borderlands 3

With a thirst for blood and an energetic personality to boot, Tina makes for one of the most interesting characters players can come across, and her quests and comments are just as whacky.

She is a very likable character with a pretty tragic backstory, adored by players in the community who are constantly asking for more Tina-based content. The Borderlands 2 DLC Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep is widely received as the best DLC in the entire series, and after an additional appearance in Borderlands 3, her character was so popular that she even got her own game, Tiny Tina's Wonderland’s.

2 Krieg


With multiple personalities, Krieg has an eloquently spoken side that carefully expresses his thoughts and ideas from time to time, and an enraged, psychopathic one, which he embodies through much of his violent and aggressive behavior.

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Despite his violent nature, with his calmer personality, he expresses deep care and consideration for others, of which could not be expected from a Psycho in Borderlands. His relationship with Maya is one of the most interesting in the entire series, and the reunion with her during his Borderlands 3 DLC makes for a heartfelt moment that will leave players smiling at the end of it.

1 Claptrap


One of the most iconic characters in the entire franchise, Claptrap serves as the comedic relief, and he's always catching players off guard with his funny quips and comments.

While Claptrap’s over-the-top behavior can come across as annoying at points to many players, he possesses more personality than most humans that the player will encounter, and he is always looking out for the player's character no matter what. Claptrap is a loyal robot and, eventually, a character that players can call their friend.

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