Noble houses engaged in ever-shifting political allegiances, poised on the brink of war. That is the essence of the Game Of Thrones experience. The scheming, complex family trees, troubled history of the characters and houses, all of this come to mind when one thinks of the franchise.

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Fortunately for those who desire to ‘play’ the Game Of Thrones, there are several outstanding board games available that can scratch that itch. Presenting different mechanics and set in various universes, these board games can make any player tap into their inner Varys, Littlefinger, or Tyrion Lannister. Always remember that in the ensuing tumultuous political landscape, chaos is a ladder.

10 Dune (Gale Force 9 Edition)

Dune game showing game board

A franchise that rivals Game Of Throne’s political Machiavellianism, The Dune board game is a very old board game that has recently had a reprint. Here, several factions vie over the planet Arrakis to cement their domination via alliance or treachery.

During the game, players will collect spice, make alliances, and war amongst one another whilst avoiding the vicious sand storm that can eliminate soldiers. Players will also pick a faction and utilize the unique abilities available. For example, the Emperor’s faction has immense wealth whilst the native Fremen can move easily around the planet. The most interesting ability (and thematic) comes from the Bene Gesserit faction. The Bene Gesserit player can predict who will win the game and in which round. If that particular faction happens to win the game and does so on the exact round as predicted by the Bene Gesserit player, then the Bene Gesserit player wins the game.

9 A War Of Whispers

war of whispers game board and pieces

Imagine playing A Game Of Thrones but every player is essentially a Varys or Littlefinger. In A War Of Whispers, players play as a secret society that is betting and influencing a major war between 5 empires. The game focuses on hidden agendas and shifting allegiances, relying heavily on the player’s ability to strategize.

Players will begin by being loyal to a random faction and can only win by ensuring that the faction they are most loyal to controls most of the cities throughout the world. The game is accessible and not difficult to pick up making it easy for fans of GOTs to immerse themselves into the role of spymaster.

8 Chaos In The Old World

chaos in the old world game board

Imagine Game Of Thrones but from the perspective of the Night King and if he had to plot against other factions to destroy the world. Chaos In The Old World is a delight for both GOT and Warhammer fans. Players will select 1 of the 4 main chaos gods to unleash death and corruption throughout the Old World.

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Each chaos god plays differently and utilizes different cards and abilities to bring death and enslave minions. Players who love brute strength and bloody carnage will prefer Khorne, whilst Nurgle will allow players to unleash pestilence and diseases across the land. Fun, competitive, and twisted, players can revel in the destruction of their rivals as well as the world.

7 Wars Of The Roses: Lancaster vs York

war of the roses box

The conflict that inspired George R R Martin’s series, Wars Of The Roses: Lancaster vs York revisits the climactic showdown between the two families. Up to 4 players will select a faction and compete to make their faction ascend the throne through bribery, war, and acquiring special titles.

The game works best with 4 players as a team of 2 will work together to control areas of England. However, there can still only be 1 winner. When a faction is declared victorious, the player with the most prestige and money on the superior side will be the sole winner.

6 The King’s Dilemma

the king's dilemma box

Heralded as an interactive narrative experience that features branching storylines and several unique possible finales, TheKing’s Dilemma allows players to experience an evolving political struggle for power.

Each player represents a noble house and is a representative on the ‘small council’. In each round, a card is drawn from the dilemma deck and players must resolve the problem on the king’s behalf. Players must balance the needs of the kingdom whilst advancing their agendas for their respective houses. A choice is then made which will unlock more stories and events that follow up on the most recent event. This game is excellent for players who wish to recreate the political feuding and scheming in King’s Landing.

5 Oath: Chronicles Of Empire And Exile

oath showing mat and components as game begins

Similar to the King’s Dilemma but also different in its unique way, Oath has players chart and shape the legacy of a fantasy world. Starting as exiles, players will compete against one another to become the winner. The player who has won has the option to become the next game’s Chancellor (essentially ruler of the land) which introduces new mechanics and objectives. The Chancellor has the option to elevate exiles into citizens which further changes the style of gameplay and pathways to victory.

A player’s path to victory will have consequences in future games. For example, if players take control of the court via scheming and distrust, future games will feature many brigands and vicious warlords. A game with no narrative or predetermined end goal, each history of Oath will be unique to the way players have shaped it.

4 Pax Pamir 2nd Edition

pax pamir showing cloth board and aesthetic components

Imagine GOTs but set in 19th century Afghanistan with players donning the robes of minor houses (Bolton) instead of major ones (Stark). In Pax Pamir, the Durrani empire of Afghanistan has fallen, creating a power struggle for influence between the Afghan political remnants, Britain, and Russia. Each player assumes the role of an Afghan chief attempting to make their tribe into the most powerful amongst the chaos.

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To do this, players will choose to work with 1 of the major powers until it doesn't suit them. Players will also deploy spies and troops, bribe, betray, and murder to rise to the top. One cannot get more GOTs than that.

3 The King Is Dead

the king is dead game components and board

As the title says, the king is dead and the kingdom is divided. The English, Scottish, and Welsh are sharpening their spears, ready to take the throne. Meanwhile, foreign invaders across the seas stand poised to invade. The floodgates of blood are about to open...

Players will choose a side and influence the ensuing power struggle with limited resources to ensure that the faction that ascends the throne will favor them the most out of all. Simple to learn but also deeply strategic, The King Is Dead will appeal to any fan of the GOTs franchise.

2 Twilight Imperium: 4th Edition

Twilight Imperium

The ultimate Game Of Thrones experience but in space. Players will select a unique faction vying for control of the galaxy. No game is the same as the base game offers 17 different factions and a randomized galaxy. The player who reaches 10 victory points first, wins the game.

The game encourages negotiation, diplomacy, and subterfuge. Players will build mighty fleets, engage in trade, and invent technologies to propel them forward to victory. With multiple pathways to victory and offering a strategic experience on a grand scale, Twilight Imperium is a long but deeply rewarding experience.

1 Diplomacy

Diplomacy board game board

In this game of pure negotiation and strategy, players will assume control of a major power before the events of WW1. In Diplomacy, players will be able to marshall and move military units through an issue of ‘orders’ but these moves will be limited. Players will create and break alliances or make secret deals throughout the wargame.

With no elements of chance whatsoever, Diplomacy will allow players to engage in a deeply strategic experience to become the ultimate power in Europe.

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