
  • Sung Jinwoo stays ahead with unique Blessing Stones, boosting stats in Solo Leveling: Arise .
  • Players can equip up to 4 Rare, Epic, or Legendary Blessing Stones for a stat boost.
  • Stones like Swiftness, Demon Slayer, and Fatal Strike offer agility, mana increase, and critical hit advantages.

Solo Leveling: Arise offers the players a number of ways to gain a stat boost. However, Sung Jinwoo stays one level ahead of other hunters when it comes to being the strongest. While playing as Sung Jinwoo, players can increase their powers in many ways - be it by leveling up the character or leveling up weapons and artifacts.

However, these are the traditional methods used to get stronger over time. In Solo Leveling: Arise, while playing as Sung Jinwoo, players have access to items called Blessing Stones. These Blessing Stones serve as an immediate stat boost. Each stone works differently from each other as it comes with a unique buff for Jinwoo.

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AFK Journey has 22 S-Level Heroes who are harder to unlock; here are the top-performing seven among them.

The Blessing Stones are divided into three categories – Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Players can only equip up to 4 of them at a time, unlocking each slot over the course of the game. Naturally, the stronger the blessing stone, the more difficult it is to obtain. As of the time of writing, there are over 20 Blessing Stones available in the game, and not every blessing stone will be equally strong.

10 Swiftness

Makes It Easy To Dash Around

Swiftness Blessing Stone


Increase the Maximum Number of Consecutive Dashes by 1 and a 12% chance to reset Dash Countdown when using it.


Increase the Maximum Number of Consecutive Dashes by 1 and an 18% chance to reset Dash Countdown when using it.


Increase the Maximum Number of Consecutive Dashes by 1 and a 30% chance to reset Dash Countdown when using it.

Swiftness is a true blessing for players who have a hard time dodging enemy attacks and end up using the dashes in vain when fighting the monsters in the dungeons. As the name suggests, when this blessing stone is equipped, the agility of players increases, allowing them to move around swiftly.

The maximum number of consecutive dashes players can perform is increased, and with each dash, there is a chance to reset the dash cooldown. Swiftness is handy in various situations, and it works in harmony with the Boss Slayer blessing stone. Players can fight more comfortably on the battlefield with a bigger margin of error with this blessing stone.

9 Demon Slayer

Provides Additional Mana

Demon Slayer Blessing Stone


Mana Increased By 400.


Mana Increased By 600.


Mana Increased By 1000.

Sung Jinwoo’s skills require mana to use, and these skills can make or break the flow of the battle in any dungeon at any time in combat. Demon Slayer comes as a boon for such situations as it provides additional mana for the player.

The blessing stone goes hand in hand with other stones, like Mana Rampage, which increases the Mana consumption, or Reawakening, which spikes the mana usage, thus making it a good option for players who are looking for a straightforward mana boost.

8 Fatal Strike

A Chance To Deplete The Break Gauge

Fatal Strike Blessing Stone


Target's Break Gauge is instantly depleted by 2% when a Critical Hit is landed.


Target's Break Gauge is instantly depleted by 3% when a Critical Hit is landed.


Target's Break Gauge is instantly depleted by 5% when a Critical Hit is landed.

Though this blessing stone is not as good as Pulverize, which will be discussed later on this list, Fatal Strike on its own is still a really solid option to use in battle. Being a Breaker Blessing Stone, Fatal Strike instantly decreases the break gauge of the enemy when a critical hit is landed.

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When looking to deal massive critical hit damage in Eiyuden Chronicle, it's hard to go wrong with the following party members.

Though there is a 2-second cooldown on its usage, its activation ability is fairly easy to meet, and the cooldown is not that long, which makes Fatal Strike an excellent stone to equip if players are looking for a blessing stone to deplete the enemy break gauge.

7 Sharp Perception

Maximize The Crit Hit Rate

Sharp Perception Blessing Stone


Critical Hit increases by 1% for 8 seconds when the attack lands (stackable up to 4 times).


Critical Hit increases by 2% for 8 seconds when the attack lands (stackable up to 5 times).


Critical Hit increases by 3% for 8 seconds when the attack lands (stackable up to 6 times).

Critical Hits play a vital role in the combat, as players can raise their total damage drastically with them. However, not each hit is counted as a critical hit and there is only a chance to land a critical blow. This chance is associated with a critical hit rate - the higher the hit rate, the higher the chance of landing a critical hit.

This is where Sharp Perception comes into play, as it increases the critical hit rate. The condition to increase the critical hit rate is fairly easy to meet, which makes this blessing stone really awesome.

6 Reawakening

Utilize Skills More Often On The Battlefield

Reawakening Blessing Stone


Skill Cooldown will all decrease by 8%.


Skill Cooldown will all decrease by 12%.


Skill Cooldown will all decrease by 20%.

Players can not simply spam the skills in Solo Leveling: Arise, as there is a cooldown associated with every skill that comes into effect after every use. Reawakening, however, is a blessing stone that comes to the rescue for the players who want to make the most of the skills and use them excessively in combat.

The blessing stone reduces the cooldown on all skills, which allows players to utilize the skills more often on the battlefield. However, there is a drawback to this blessing as the mana consumption increases in response to the rise in use of skills. This shortcoming can be compensated by equipping a blessing stone like Demon Slayer, which increases the MP.

5 Boss Slayer

A Significant Buff Against The Strongest Enemies

Boss Slayer Blessing Stone


Damage dealt to bosses is increased by 8%, and dash cooldown is increased by 15%.


Damage dealt to bosses is increased by 12%, and dash cooldown is increased by 20%.


Damage dealt to bosses is increased by 20%, and dash cooldown is increased by 30%.

The Boss Slayer blessing stone is true to its name, as it can make slaying even the mightiest foes easy. This Blessing Stone could have been insanely overpowered if not held back by the disadvantage attached to it to compensate for its ridiculously strong effect. When this Blessing Stone is equipped, players get a straight 20% damage boost in all boss fights at the cost of increased dash cooldown.

Hades 2: Hardest Boss Fights, Ranked

Of the eight named bosses in Hades 2 early access, some are a bit easier to deal with than others ā€“ and others can be tense and challenging.

Though the dash cooldown might make things a little bit more difficult, with mastery of the skills, it is not something players can not overcome. With a little bit of practice, players can overcome the cons of Boss Slayer, thus making it an ideal pick for the players.

4 Bloodlust

Reduce The Opponents' Offense And Defensive Abilities

Bloodlust Blessing Stone


When hit, decrease target's attack by 4% for 6 seconds, and when attacking, decrease target's defense by 4% for 6 seconds.


When hit, decrease target's attack by 7% for 6 seconds, and when attacking, decrease target's defense by 7% for 6 seconds.


When hit, decrease target's attack by 12% for 6 seconds and when attacking, decrease target's defense by 12% for 6 seconds.

Bloodlust is a good blessing stone to equip when fighting against enemies who possess a high defense. Despite not being an offensive type, it is a valuable item for players that can change the tide of the battle in the player’s favor.

Bloodlust decreases enemy attack when the player gets hit by the enemy for a brief moment of time and decreases the enemy's defense when attacking the enemy. The utility of this blessing stone can be used simultaneously against multiple enemies, but this stone has a drawback. There are enemies in the game that have less to no defense. Rather, they have a huge HP bar. The Bloodlust blessing stone fails hard when facing such enemies, so players should keep this in mind before equipping it for a battle.

3 Daily Quest Completion

A Second Chance On The Battlefield

Daily Quest Completion Blessing Stone


When HP falls to 1, become Immortal for 4 seconds, recover 2000HP instantly, and recover 4% of your max HP when Immortal effect ends.


When HP falls to 1, become Immortal for 4 seconds, recover 2000HP instantly, and recover 8% of your max HP when Immortal effect ends.


When HP falls to 1, become Immortal for 4 seconds, recover 2000HP instantly, and recover 16% of your max HP when Immortal effect ends.

Completing the daily quests rewarded Jinwoo a lot in the Solo Leveling Manhwa, and the same can be said for the Daily Quest Completion Blessing Stone in Solo Leveling: Arise. This blessing stone acts as the last resort for the players, providing a second chance for the players when all hope is lost.

If the player’s HP falls to 1, this blessing stone activates its ability, making the user immortal for a short span of time and recovering their HP. The blessing stone comes as a ray of hope in dire situations. Daily Quest Completion is the first blessing stone players obtain, and the rarity of this blessing stone does not affect the situation that much, as even the least rare version of the stone does its job just fine, making it handy and useful for the players.

2 Advanced Dagger Technique

Easy To Apply Damage Buff

Advanced Dagger Technique Blessing Stone


Damage dealt to enemies with HP lesser than 70% is increased by 5.6%.


Damage dealt to enemies with HP lesser than 70% is increased by 8.4%.


Damage dealt to enemies with HP lesser than 70% is increased by 14%.

There are a variety of blessing stones to use in Solo Leveling: Arise and each stone has its own unique properties, but the reason why advanced dagger technique is so high on the list is because of its extraordinary damage output and simplicity to use.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Best Daggers, Ranked

Daggers in Dragon's Dogma 2 can deal some incredible damage, especially the best ones.

The blessing stone has a very simple yet significant effect. It increases the damage dealt to enemies with HP lesser than 70%. The simple effect lasts forever, promising a permanent damage boost and the activating condition is simple enough, allowing players to utilize the blessing to its fullest, which makes this stone a solid option for the players.

1 Pulverize

Break Enemy Defenses With Ease

Pulverize Blessing Stone


Power of Break effect applied is increased by 12%.


Power of Break effect applied is increased by 18%.


Power of Break effect applied is increased by 30%.

Breaking enemy shields plays a major role in the battle, and it is crucial to pierce through the enemy defenses to obliterate them thoroughly. While Fatal Strike can deplete the break gauge instantly, it relies on chances as it only depletes a very small portion of the gauge. On the other hand, the Pulverize blessing stone makes it easier to destroy the break gauge.

The power of this blessing stone is extremely strong, even at the lowest rarity, and it only grows with each upgrade. Pulverize helps to destroy the enemy defenses quickly and stunlock them and is possibly the best blessing stone available in the game as of the time of writing, and players should definitely use it in the dungeons.

solo leveling arise
Solo Leveling:ARISE

Android , iOS , PC
May 8, 2024
Gacha , Action