Bethesda Softworks is a renowned video game company that pretty much everyone is familiar with. Initially known as a developer of immersive fantasy experiences, Bethesda's presence in the industry expanded considerably after their Elder Scrolls and Fallout games ended up being massive bestsellers. With a focus on immersive gameplay, compelling storytelling, and vast open worlds, Bethesda has become synonymous with quality gaming experiences... barring a few recent hiccups, that is.

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One notable aspect of Bethesda's games is the inclusion of unique and memorable female villains — a must-have in an industry that hasn't really been the poster child of inclusivity. These female villains often serve as powerful foils to the player character and add a layer of intrigue and depth to the overall narrative.

7 Nisha (Fallout 4)

Nisha in Fallout 4 Nuka-World

Nisha from Fallout 4 is a ruthless raider who serves as the leader of the Disciples in the Nuka-World DLC of Fallout 4. She has a disturbing love for violence, carrying out numerous bloodthirsty acts to satiate her sadistic urges.

Players will have to face off against this character if they don't choose to support the Disciples during the DLC, which is a path that many players will undoubtedly take. After all, who would want to show their support for some who tortures and murders with glee unless they're actively pursuing an evil playthrough?

6 Olivia Pierce (Doom)

Olivia Pierce in Doom

Olivia Pierce is the main antagonist of the Doom reboot, serving as a high-ranking member of the UAC who ends up being manipulated and corrupted by demonic forces. Her interference leads to the invasion of Earth by the demons from Mars, leading to her shouldering almost all the blame for this horrible event.

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She serves as a thorn in the player's side for the majority of the game before transforming into the iconic Spider Mastermind, the final boss of 2016's Doom. While the boss fight itself may not be the most challenging thing in Doom, it's still a great throwback for fans to battle this monstrosity before killing it off in a satisfying and brutal manner that is perfectly in line with the Doom Slayer's character.

5 Julianna Blake (Deathloop)

jules julianna blake deathloop

Julianna Blake is a Visionary who wants to keep the time loop going in Deathloop, setting her up as Colt's main rival in the game. She is a wily character who uses a wealth of powers to hunt Cole down and prevent him from ending the loop.

Players can even control her after the game is over, invading other playthroughs and challenging them to get past her and continue with their quest to end the time loop. She's an entertaining villain who keeps players on the edge of their seats whenever she makes an appearance in every time loop.

4 Laura (The Evil Within)

Laura in The Evil Within

The Evil Within is full to the brim with scary monstrosities and nightmarish villains, so it's quite something for one particular entity to be so horrifying that it ends up dwarfing everything else when it comes to inducing fear in the player. Such is the case with Laura, a mysterious and deadly entity that chases the player throughout the game.

She turns out to be a twisted reincarnation of Laura Victoriano, a woman who tragically lost her life in a barn fire. While she is impervious to bullets, she is deathly scared of fire — a weakness that the player can exploit in the game whenever she makes an appearance.

3 Granny Rags (Dishonored)

Granny Rags

Granny Rags initially seems like a harmless old woman who gets harassed by the Bottle Street Gang time and time again. However, over time, players uncover her true identity as Vera Moray, a once-rich aristocrat who was exposed to black magic and got so obsessed with it that she lost her mind.

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She may seem sympathetic early on, but her twisted personality and eerie demeanor become more and more apparent as players progress through the game. This leads to a major point in Dishonored where players can discover her getting ready to cook and eat Slackjaw, the boss of the Bottle Street Gang. Players can either leave him to his fate or engage and kill Granny Rags in battle... although she can never truly die either!

2 Maven Black-Briar (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

Maven Black-Briar Meeting the Player At The Bee and Barb

While Maven Black-Briar is not a villain per se, her cold and ruthless personality makes her one of the easiest characters to hate in Skyrim. She is a powerful and wealthy woman who serves as the matriarch of clan Black-Briar.

She purportedly has connections with both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild, using her criminal contacts to get her way by force, if necessary. Taking with her is a test of the player's patience, with her disdain for everyone at a lower position than her making her an easy person to hate.

1 Frau Engel (Wolfenstein)

Frau Engel

Frau Engel is a high-ranking officer in the Nazi regime that took over the world following their victory in Wolfenstein's interpretation of the World War. She's a secondary antagonist in the first game before transitioning to become the main villain in The New Colossus.

Her hatred of the player character, BJ Blazkowicz, manifests in truly disturbing ways as she kills his allies and even beheads him! Her ruthlessness and determination make her a fearsome opponent, and players can't help but love her charisma whenever she plays a central role in the game's dense and engaging plot.

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