There are several survival games out right now, but there are only a few that revolve around water. With Subnautica focusing on the underwater aspect of survival, Raft revolves around surviving in a world where the planet is predominantly water. While Earth is 71% water, Raft is set in a world where pretty much entirely covered in water, with only a few small islands.

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But like most of these survival games, there are several mechanics that come with it. With hunger and thirst as a huge factor to the game, but a harsh terrain to find the resources, it can be hard for newcomers to the game. These beginner tips will help anyone just starting out the game.

6 Distracting Sharks

raft underwater shark attack

There are going to be dangers to every survival game, some worse than others. Not only is food and water a factor, but if players fall off their raft at any point, or scavenge for resources at the ocean floor, the danger of a shark attack is imminent.

Thankfully, there are ways to avoid getting chomped by the creature. Players can craft bait for the shark and then throw it in the opposite direction of where they plan on going, or if a friend has fallen in the water, the opposite of where they are. The bait is made of Raw Herrings or Raw Pomfret and rope, so always keep those handy on the raft. Players can usually take a few hits from the shark but be mindful of the health bar.

For the brave souls looking for revenge or extra meat, the shark can be killed after some hefty damage. Be aware though that once one shark is killed, another one will come back.

5 Water Supply

raft water purifier

Just like in real life, drinking ocean water will do nothing for someone’s thirst. The salt will make people more dehydrated than they were, and it’s just not appetizing. The same goes for the ocean water in Raft.

Purifiers are needed to create fresh water which will be useful to drink or to water crops if players choose to farm. There are three types of purifiers, a Simple Purifier made of 6 Planks, 6 Palm Leaves, and 4 Plastic that cleanses just one cup of water. An Advanced Purifier is made of 8 Planks, 6 Plastic, and 4 Glass that holds five cups, or one bottle. And an Electric Purifier made of 4 Titanium Ingots, 1 Circuit Boards, 20 Plastic, and 5 Scrap that replenishes fresh water on its own.

The best choice is to have about two or three Advanced Purifiers going for the group to constantly make sure there is water accessible. But don’t forget to refill the ocean water supply in the basic or advanced purifier to keep up with production.

4 Cooking

raft water fishing fish food

Of course, food is a huge factor in the game just like water. Thankfully there are several ways to get food in the game. Fishing is one of them. While being on the ocean can be a horrendous task, there is an abundance of fish just swimming around players ready to be swooped up.

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And just like water, cooking has its own special appliances that are needed for different food sources. There are grills that can cook up some crops and fish, such as a Simple Grill made up of 6 Planks, 1 Scrap, and 3 Rope. Or an Advanced Grill that helps cook several small pieces, or large fish made of 6 Planks, 2 Metal ingots, 2 Rope, and 6 Nails. There is also a cooking pot that can combine food into one large bowl of goodness, which needs 6 Planks, 6 Plastic, 2 Metal ingots, 4 Vine Good, and 1 Bolt.

It's never a bad idea to keep a few chest-full of ready-cooked food for in a pinch. It’s a helpful resource to have when exploring islands, and it’s great to be stocked for when players are ready to set off into the ocean again without worrying about dying of hunger.

3 Building The Raft

raft shark attack

When players start out, they will begin on a small chunk of wood with nothing but a hook. They’ll have to use the hook to drag resources in from the ocean as they float around the water. Thankfully, it doesn’t take too long to gather enough resources to extend the raft they’re standing on. However, players should be aware of expanding their raft and how to build on it.

There are stairs and platforms that help players extend their boats not only horizontally but vertically as well. The main thing to watch for is the edges of the boat. Always extend platforms around objects on the main level. The shark will attack the boat often, and while players can use a spear or weapon to knock it off the raft, there are times when the shark will end up taking off parts of the boat. If a structure is on that block, it will break and disappear.

Having a decent size boat can also help with gathering resources. There are nets that can be built on the main floor that can catch the resources floating by, so if players would rather focus on fishing, farming, building, or smelting goods, they can build the nets to gather resources for them.

2 Gather Everything

raft gather resources nets

Like most survival games, gathering resources is a crucial part of working through the game. While islands are a great way to find new items and resources, some of the best ways to stock up on goods are the ocean loot or underneath the water. If players stop at an island but need to craft some spears or water bottles and don’t have enough plastic or wood, they’ll have to waste time floating around trying to pick up extra things instead of exploring.

Crafting a bunch of chests and organizing them properly can also help quicken this process. Knowing what’s on the boat and what is needed to stock up on will help a team work together on a common goal. If players are working with friends, it’s best for each to have a job. Having someone collect goods while another is the head chef or builder can make any process an easy one.

1 Farming

raft farm crops plants

Has anyone ever seen a floating farm? Well now they can, because Raft is a great place to work on farming skills. Ideally, players should focus on a separate level of the raft specifically for crops and farming. If they can plan well enough, having this area be at the top, or close to the top level, players can really stock up on food with this skill.

Not only can players work on farming potatoes, but they can also work on trees, hence having it be on the top floor would do the trick. With Mangos and Coconuts found on the island, sometimes the best way to use the foraged food is to replant it for an abundance later. This will help for those times when no one was fishing, but they need some quick and easy food to have.

Raft is available on PC

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