Multiplayer games can have a huge learning curve that can make players get tired of playing them because of how inaccessible they are plus the time players will spend in them just to learn the mechanics can be cumbersome. However, not all multiplayer games are hard to play in fact most are rather straightforward except for when the developers patch things for rebalancing purposes which players can re-learn easily depending on how difficult the game is already.

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If the multiplayer game is rather easy for players who don't normally play those types of games, players will have an easier time adjusting to those elements and would want to play with their friends which can in turn make the game much more popular as well. These games on this list do just that, they are accessible but also long-lasting, so players will be able to play these games and learn them faster and be able to engage with the community better which in turn drives these games to be successful.

5 Battlefield 4

Players storming onto a beach in Battlefield 4

Probably one of the better Battlefield games, Battlefield 4 has become a fan favorite and while a little harder to learn than the likes of Call Of Duty due to it being a wider scoped game, Battlefield 4 is one multiplayer game players should get into even in the current year.

While it had a rather off-the-mark launch, Battlefield 4 grew into a success story that iterations that came after couldn't emulate and still can't. Battlefield 4's multiplayer can be fun and easy for players who don't normally play first-person shooters because of the option it gives to players, from various game mods to a bunch of different ways to play, players will have endless amounts of hours.

The conquest mode is probably the best place for first-time players to jump into because that mode showcases the best of what Battlefield 4 has to offer with all the chaos of the battlefield players will have all the freedom to try out what guns, vehicles are ways to play to make Battlefield easier on them. Plus, playing with friends will always make these types of games far more appealing and more engaging to play for everyone in the squad.

4 Runescape

runescape player standing infront of a wooden dragon

One of the best MMOs for players who've never really gotten into them, Runescape is rather easy to get into regardless if players are playing the older or newer version of the game. Runescape is easy because it holds the players quite a bit, but at the same time players have the freedom to do whatever they want at their own pace, so the balance of learning the game while having the freedom is apparent in Runescape.

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PVP and PVE can be difficult in MMOs because the meta is quite different between the two, however, one of the many reasons why Runescape is liked so much is because of how great the PVP is and how easy the PVE is for new and older players.

Having the body of a fully fleshed out game, Runescape has become quite popular amongst players who don't really play these types of games because of the learning some games have within the genre, so Runescape is a perfect example of having a rather flat learning curve but does get somewhat more challenging as players level up but that that point players understand the mechanics of Runescape better. On top of being really easy to get into, Runescape is free, so it's the best of both worlds being accessible and easy to for players get into.

3 Elder Scroll Online

elder scroll online character looking off with camera facingthem

Fans of the Elder Scrolls games will enjoy this because it allows more freedom and can be done with players' friends, however, for new players Elder Scroll Online can seem like a hard game to get into because the single-player version presented itself over the years.

The Elder Scroll game can seem complicated and because of that, the those "complicated" mechanics made their way over to ESO, however, it's quite the opposite in fact ESO is rather easy to get into because of all the things that players need to learn like the fighting, grinding, picking crafting things and creating a build is rather straight forward, so players will spend less time learning and more time doing things like roaming through some beautiful locations the game has to offer.

On top of that, there's no monthly fee which can give another reason for players to try it out. So if players note that ESO is a much different game and a rather more accessible game than its counterparts, they'll have an easy time playing, and also playing with friends will help the learning curve a lot because usually, players who are higher-level understand the meta more.

2 World Of Warcraft

world of warcraft scarecrow facing a haystack

One of the more impactful MMOs in gaming that helped change the online gaming landscape forever, World of Warcraft is probably one of the most accessible MMOs players can play since it's been around for a while now, the meta has definitely changed but hasn't made it any harder for newer players to get into.

World of Warcraft mechanics are rather simple, while the majority of it will have player grinding to level up, World of Warcraft still has a ton to offer and most of the things players need to start out their World of Warcraft journey is simple and straightforward, which can make things a lot easier for new players to take in because at times World of Warcraft can be overwhelming.

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However, sooner rather than later players will fully understand how it works, and at that point, players will go through huge chunks of World of Warcraft with ease, and it'll feel more rewarding after players invest the little time they need to learn the ins and outs of World of Warcraft.

1 Guild Wars 2

guild wars 2 player fighting a demon

Guild Wars 2 offers a lot to newcomers first being a fully realized game and second that it's very easy to get into and players will have a great time learning these mechanics and become powerful with ease. Guild Wars 2 is one of the better-ranked MMOs because of how accessible it is and has even allowed players to go further into trying harder games within the genre which opens up a lot for players.

MMOs have pushed players away because they can be cumbersome for new and ever old players, however, Guild Wars 2 manages to make itself tangible and easy to follow along, and the more personal approach that Guild Wars 2 takes makes the game itself easy because players can learn the thing they want to and then expand on top of them.

Additionally, players can get used to how Guild Wars 2 works rather quickly, and with that players will be able to be a lot more aggressive when fighting and will make smarter choices when leveling up which can be thanked learning curve being easy on players.

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