When it comes to games where combat is involved, a good theme or soundtrack is the bread and butter that contributes to its success. Some of the most iconic battle themes are incredibly upbeat and memorable, an intentional strategy that allows these themes to live in players' minds for years on end.

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These themes are created in a way that can make players feel small in the face of a new challenge, where they must push through despite the difficulties and feel truly rewarded.

10 Mini Boss (The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time)

big octo battle

Perhaps one of the most iconic of all the Zelda battle themes comes from, arguably, one of the best games ever created, none other than Ocarina of Time. This battle theme is one that players will frequently experience throughout many mini-boss battles in the game, most memorably with mini-bosses such as Big Octo and Dark Link.

The theme cleverly conveys the threat that sits before the player with a masterfully crafted melody, and it is one that makes players feel as though they are facing a considerable challenge. The theme forces players to dig deep, fight, and overcome the obstacle that seeks to halt their progression.

9 Temple Theme (Super Smash Bros. Melee)

A full view of the Temple stage in Super Smash Bros Melee

The Temple theme for Super Smash Bros Melee is one that exudes excitement and mystery, whilst also encapsulating the intense combative nature that Super Smash Bros provides.

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As players battle around the temple and its unique environment, it's easy to get beaten into a corner. Aided by the upbeat track, players should do as Link does, finding the courage to swing the battle back into their favor. The theme is inspiring in a way that can motivate players to persevere, allowing them to secure a deserving victory over their opponents.

8 Guile's Theme (Street Fighter II)

Guile fighting Ryu

Guile's theme is a masterfully crafted track made for the character. Guile emulates the hypermasculine American military man and is almost a caricature of the American culture of bravery, freedom, and dominance.

The theme is catchy, upbeat, and memorable, matching the fast-paced action of Street Fighter matchups. It is one of the most iconic theme songs ever made, and playing the tune around fans who played the game during its release in 1991 will have them raising their eyebrows with nostalgia.

7 Mini Boss (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker)

Link fighting moblin

On a quest to save his sister, Link finds himself at the peak of Dragon Roost, where the grappling hook he seeks is guarded by two armed Bokoblins. With chiming bells that signal the beginnings of the battle, Link must rise and eliminate them in an intense confrontation. This theme plays previously in Forsaken Fortress, where Link reclaims his sword, but the Dragon Roost encounter raises the stakes to a new level.

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Players develop a sense of urgency as the theme perfectly compliments the pace of the battle, where a Moblin is then dropped into the arena from above for an additional challenge. Players are then able to overcome the Moblin, showing the evolution of Link as he dispatches one of the main enemies that gave him so much trouble in the Forsaken Fortress.

6 Age of War (War Theme)

Soldiers attacking

Few battle themes are as iconic as Age of War's theme, and with its relatively quick playthrough time, players can introduce new strategies and attempt new difficulties for an added challenge.

The game's main mechanic and emphasis revolves around evolution, by which players must advance in order to overcome the enemy. The theme cleverly encapsulates this feeling, by which it evolves in pace and volume towards the end of the track, only to repeat until the game has been won or lost. The theme is a sweet reminder of all those nostalgic memories, which should encourage players to re-live them.

5 Journey Of The Prairie King (Stardew Valley)

Stardew Valley Journey of the Prairie King

Found in the arcade section of the Stardrop Saloon, the Journey Of The Prairie King is one of the hardest challenges players can ever hope to accomplish in Stardew Valley, and its ridiculous difficulty curve can leave many players with their heads in their hands.

With its notoriety as one of the hardest gaming challenges ever, comes an unforgettably catchy tune, which perfectly complements the scaling wave difficulty of enemies as players make an attempt to progress. Players who attempt to complete the challenge will have this theme etched into their minds forever.

4 Tree Sentinel (Elden Ring)

Elden Ring tree sentinel boss

The Tree Sentinel is a frequently recurring foe in Elden Ring, and it is one that has many variations that players will confront as they progress. Being the first boss that players will encounter in a relatively safe Limgrave, they are in for a shocking experience when the Tree Sentinel first puts them down.

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Most players will be facing the Tree Sentinel at rune level 1, which, combined with a theme that establishes the Sentinel as a being of raw skill, will ensure that players will be seeing the menu screen frequently, and get to know this battle's theme very well. It's later game variant, the Draconic Tree Sentinel, can be even more unforgiving. Players will hate the Tree Sentinel, but fall in love with a theme that invites players into the grand and wonderful world of Elden Ring.

3 Finish The Fight (Halo 3)

Master Chief Halo 3 Xbox 360

First heard in the initial announcement trailer for the game back in 2006, Finish The Fight is a motivating piece that inspires feelings of courage and strength, forcing players to move onward, a feeling that makes players believe they can topple any obstacle in their path.

Playing near the end of the game as the Arbiter and Master Chief try to finish the war with the covenant, the message of the theme is simple, imploring players to finish the fight, complete the game and reap the rewards of a satisfying conclusion.

2 Megalovania (Undertale)


The Megalovania theme in Undertale is one of pure chaos. As the theme builds, Sans takes center stage, going out of his way to make the fight annoyingly difficult for players to beat.

Initially, Sans is shown as a friendly, likable skeleton who makes puns and jibes, so players are left pretty bewildered when Sans puts on a display of his full power during the Genocide run. What makes his character multidimensional, is the fact that Sans is not an evil character; he is defending the Underground from a force that no other being in the Underground can conquer the player.

1 The Final Battle (The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

Ganondorf (Twilight Princess)

Trapped in a magical barrier with the evil King of the Gerudo, Ganondorf, players must make their final stand against him, in one of the best cinematic battles to have ever graced the video gaming world.

The track is fitting for a man of Ganondorf's ambition, and the theme in its entire duration is suggestive of Ganondorf's expected success in battle. At regular intervals in the theme, however, Link's courageous theme bursts through, symbolizing him swinging the battle back in his favor. This juxtaposition of Link as light, and Ganondorf as darkness symbolizes the light cutting through the dark, a fitting way for Link to eventually get the upper hand over the evil king.

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