
  • Discover ideal base locations for different group sizes in Myth of Empires, from clifftops to underground caves.
  • PvP enthusiasts will find strategic advantages in defensible locations like river islands and large flatland bases.
  • Ensure access to resources and prime defense with base-building mechanics in Myth of Empires , set in ancient times.

Set in ancient times on the Eastern Continent, Myth of Empires holds significant allure for both PvP and PvE enthusiasts. Players embark on a journey across its expansive map, where they can enlist or compel NPCs to engage in crafting, combat, or resource gathering on their behalf.

Myth Of Empires: Best Weapons For PvE

Before players commit to crafting anything, here are the strongest weapons for PVE gameplay in Myth of Empires.

And of course, no game of this kind would be complete without base-building mechanics. Finding the perfect place to build a base is crucial, especially when playing on a PvP server. What makes a base location ideal depends on many factors. Including whether the player is solo, in a small group, or part of a larger group.

8 Clifftop Base

Located @ -356, -715

Myth of Empires Clifftop Base

Sitting high on the cliffs overlooking the river below, a clifftop is a good location for a very defensible base. Any player group looking to raid a base in this location will find themselves fighting an uphill battle, quite literally.

Games With The Best Base Building Mechanics, Ranked

There are a lot of great base-building games out there but some have much better mechanics than others. Here's a look at some of the best, ranked.

Being fairly close to the center of the map means that the player has access to every resource they might need, although obviously, there might be a bit of a trek involved in reaching a particular location to harvest from. Overall, this is a great base location for solo players or small groups.

7 River Island Base

Located @ 3376, 2265

Myth of Empires River Island Base

This is a medium-sized river island that has a lot of flat space available. That makes this the perfect base location for large groups, who intend to build a huge base. And of course, being on an island makes this location very defensible.

Best Medieval PvP Games

Gamers looking to fight other gamers in a medieval setting should look no further than these immersive PvP games.

Attacking or raiding players will need to swim or use boats to reach this island. This gives the defenders ample time to pepper the attackers with arrows. For larger groups, there are few base locations that offer more flat space to work with than this location.

6 Northern Lake Base

Located @ -3065, -3004

Myth of Empires Northern Lake Base

Solo players and small groups will likely want to find a base location that is away from the center of the map, giving them the best chance to get established before being raided. This northern lakeside location is a perfect place for a tucked-away base.

Being close to water is beneficial for the early game as well. This is a desert location after all. However, there is a slight downside to building a base in this location in Myth of Empires, as local resources are quite sparse. This means a short hike to find most things that the group will need.

5 Large Flat Island Base

Located @ 2250, -903

Myth of Empires Large Flat Island Base

This is one of the most highly contested base locations in Myth of Empires. It is absolutely perfect for larger groups of players. Located as it is on a large, very flat island in the middle of a lake, it offers plenty of room to build a very large base while keeping it easily defensible.

Raiding players will find it very hard to assault this island, as it sits almost in the dead center of the lake. There is no safe approach route, and this gives a significant advantage to the defenders.

4 Large Flatland Base

Located @ -1061, 662

Myth of Empires Large Flatland Base

Larger groups who have already found that the island base in the last entry is taken might consider this base location as an alternative. It is close to the middle of the map, and provides ample flat space to build even the largest of bases.

However, this large flatland location is in no way as defensible as some other locations, especially those that are located on an island or underground. That makes this location unsuitable for groups of players who lack the skill and resources to defend it well.

3 Jungle Cave Base

Located @ 1376, 3402

Myth of Empires Jungle Cave Base

Underground bases are arguably the easiest to defend. However, most players know all the great cave base locations and make a beeline for them at the start of a new game. They are also often targets of early-game raids.

7 Great Games Set In A Jungle, Ranked

Players who enjoy sifting through treacherous jungles should enjoy the following games.

If a group of players can defend themselves until they are somewhat established, this jungle cave is one of the best late-game base locations found in Myth of Empires. Just one way in and out means the base can be defended by a small group against a much larger attacking force.

2 Pirate Cove Base

Located @ 2669, 467

Myth of Pirate Cove Base

This is arguably the second-best underground base location found in Myth of Empires. Once again, it's a very defensible position, even for a smaller group of players. It's fairly close to the center of the map, with easy access to most resources.

The downside of this pirate cove location is that, at the start of a new game, players often rush to claim this spot. That means that, in general, it is larger groups that manage to secure it, making this spot unsuitable for solo players or small groups, unfortunately.

1 Western Lake Cave Base

Located @ -2231, 2199

Myth of Pirate Western Lake Cave Base

Considered by many players to be the best underground base location in Myth of Empires, this spot is always strongly contested. Only the largest groups will be able to secure this spot at the start of a fresh game on a high-population server.

The entrance to this western lake cave system is through an underwater tunnel. This makes it very difficult to assault. So difficult, in fact, that any group defending this base location has a major advantage, and will only be overrun if they do something disastrously wrong.

Myth Of Empires
Myth of Empires

February 21, 2024
Angela Game
Imperium Interactive Entertainment
Sandbox , Survival