FromSoftware is easily one of the greatest video game developers of the modern era. Not only did its Soulsborne games allow players to experience a hardcore and old-school action game with an amazing combat system, but it also spawned an entirely new genre of its own that has led to several great Soulslike titles that are pretty fun in their own right.

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Backstabbing enemies in Soulsborne games is easily one of the most satisfying things to pull off, and it's easy to see why many Soulslikes have adopted this mechanic to great effect as well. Here are some of the best Soulslike titles fans can check out if they want to mess around with an extremely satisfying backstab technique.

8 Remnant: From The Ashes

Remnant: From the Ashes Ent

Most people are genuinely surprised to even find out that Remnant: From the Ashes has a backstab mechanic. This is unlocked via the Cold as Ice trait, which can be unlocked in Brabus' boss arena if two players decide to duke it out before the battle, with the victor getting this trait.

However, given the nature of Remnant: From the Ashes as a third-person shooter, "backstabbing" isn't really the most reliable mechanic for most players. Players can ideally get one or two shots in on an unaware opponent before they turn toward the player, negating the benefits of this trait altogether.

7 Dead Cells

Fighting enemies in Dead Cells Return to Castlevania

Dead Cells is an excellent roguelike action title that borrows a ton of things from the Soulslike genre while having a distinct identity of its own. The game does incentivize backstabs from certain weapons, although it's far from a central focus of the combat system.

Both the Assassin's Dagger and the Blowgun deal critical damage if these weapons hit the opponent's back. That being said, this benefit is still localized to two weapons, and players would obviously want to explore the other weaponry that can be used to decimate opponents in Dead Cells.

6 Hellpoint


Hellpoint is a sci-fi Soulslike that is a blast to play through, despite being a bit too uninspiring for its own good at times. Regardless, fans of the genre will have a great time with the game, especially if they use either the Ceremonial Dagger or the Sewing Anlace.

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Hellpoint has a unique Weapon Experience system that is used to unlock various abilities and buffs for a host of weapons. The two weapons mentioned have a backstab ability that is unlocked after reaching the fourth level of mastery, and players who unlock the backstab maneuver will be more than pleased with the damage output of this weapon.

5 Nioh 2

fight in Nioh 2

Nioh and its sequel are two of the most popular Soulslike titles of all time, with these games using skill trees and randomized loot to make their RPG elements stand out even more. The combat in this title can be pretty challenging, especially given how complex things can get.

Both games feature backstabs, although this move is locked behind a skill that players have to unlock in the Ninja skill tree. It's a simple yet great skill that players can use to get the jump on enemies and hopefully take them out in one shot, making combat way more manageable.

4 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order combat cutscene

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is an excellent action-adventure title that was clearly inspired by the Soulsborne games when it came to the combat system. The game shipped with its fair share of bugs but ironed out most of these kinks, with the title being successful enough to warrant a sequel.

Cal Kestis is a great character, using a wealth of Force powers to overpower his opponents with relative ease. One mechanic fans aren't aware of is that players can actually land a backstab if they place themselves behind certain enemies, which is genuinely quite surprising since players will be so busy messing around with their Force powers that they won't even uncover this mechanic!

3 Code Vein

Slamming a two-handed sword in Code Vein.

Code Vein is an excellent Soulslike title that fans of the genre should definitely check out. The game's combat may not be as polished as most people would want, but it's still a fun experience... especially when players nail that satisfying backstab!

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It's a shame that the game can be really bland at times, since Code Vein had some really good things going for it. Regardless, the story is quite captivating as long as players look past the issues plaguing this experience.

2 The Surge 2

the surge 2 concept art

The Surge 2 is pretty much the best example of a perfect sequel, with the first title being fairly decent but still having its fair share of issues. Meanwhile, the sequel features fun level design, excellent combat, and a wealth of enemies who are pretty challenging in their own right.

Pulling off a backstab in this game is pretty satisfying, especially given how tough some foes can be if players tackle them head-on. Sneaking around may seem cowardly, but it's after a few deaths that players will realize just how necessary it is.

1 Let It Die

Let It Die

For a free-to-play game, it's amazing just how much fun Let it Die is. The game is full to the brim with character and quirkiness, making it easily of the most off-brand Soulslike titles out there.

Players need to initiate a "backstab" to understand just how eccentric this game can get. Instead of stabbing weapons with a weapon as most people would expect, players straight-up suplex an enemy for some serious damage, which is perfectly in line with the zany identity if this game.

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