Swords are often the weapons of heroes or villains in gaming. They exude elegance and nobility, relying more on technique than raw force. That said, plenty of other weapons are suited to warriors, and these often take just as much skill to wield.

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The axe is one of these. The hulking blades usually end up on henchmen. If they're lucky, they might pop up as optional tools in RPGs. However, some characters have made these curved killers their own, proving just as iconic and appealing to wield.

7 The Horde - Warcraft

The Horde in Warcraft

The Warcraft universe paints the Orcs as little more than barbarians, contrasting radically with the elegance of other races. As such, promotional pictures rarely portray them holding swords; they opt for hammers or axes. That's likely because of their similar reputation.

People presume axes prioritize force over finesse due to their shape. It's why brutish characters carry them, and the Orcs are no exception. With the hulking warriors of the Horde, the big blades seem right at home. These aspects combine to make a seemingly unstoppable killing machine capable of demolishing anything in its way.

6 Hector - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade

Hector in Fire Emblem

This hero distinguishes himself from most lords in Fire Emblem with his weapon of choice. While those around him rely on swords, he prefers an axe. Hector is a pioneer in that sense, taking great pride in the difference. He trains rigorously with his oversized weapon and sports an attitude to match.

Suffice it to say, this lord cuts to the chase. In combat, he deals tremendous melee damage, taking down enemies in a single turn while withstanding a ton of abuse himself. In conversation, his no-nonsense outlook lets him speak his mind in plain (sometimes rude) terms. This makes him exceedingly refreshing from the dainty decorum of other officials. Hector may not have the polish of his lordly peers, but one can't argue with the results.

5 Simon Belmont - Castlevania

Simon Belmont and Bowser in Super Smash Bros.

This may be cheating since the hero of Castlevania mainly sports his specialized whip. The tool that's been around just as long, however, is the throwing axe. Simon finds these hidden in the environment and tosses them at hostiles.

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Oftentimes, this is the only viable option against airborne enemies and faraway foes. Thus, the axes are just as integral to the vampire slayer's arsenal, and he must juggle them with his other tools to conquer Dracula's legions. That's probably why they've remained a staple of the series. Not only have other Belmonts taken them up, but Simon retains them as a special move in Super Smash Bros.

4 Kratos - God Of War

Kratos in God of War 2018

This Spartan was famous for his twin Blades of Chaos, so changing his primary weapon was a risk. However, a new era calls for a new tool. As God of War moves into Norse mythology, Kratos carries his late wife's Leviathan Axe. He soon proves just as adept with it as his former Blades.

The marked warrior cleaves his way through countless monsters like a Viking berserker. He has the ferocity that fans remember, yet the axe makes him mechanically unique from before. For instance, he can throw it and call it back like Thor's hammer. This makes the Leviathan Axe emblematic of reinvention, both of the franchise and the protagonist.

3 Nightwolf - Mortal Kombat

Nightwolf in Mortal Kombat 11

Archetypes inform several Mortal Kombat characters. As such, Nightwolf takes heavy inspiration from Native American warriors, complete with feathers, long hair, face paint, and a tomahawk. Because of this, he immediately stands out from other fighters, most of whom have old Asian or modern military influence. That difference extends to Nightwolf's weapon of choice.

His axe is one of the franchise's few weapons. Many combatants here opt for hand-to-hand battles, albeit infused with mysticism and the occasional projectile. On the contrary, Nightwolf keeps his tomahawk handy, wielding it as an extension of his arm for some vicious combos. He's among the better fighters as a result.

2 Astaroth - Soulcalibur

Astaroth in Soul Calibur: Lost Swords

Unlike Mortal Kombat, weapon-based combat is a staple of Soulcalibur. Astaroth stands out, not because of this, but through his sheer size. He dwarfs other fighters in both his frame and his weapon.

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As if he wasn't imposing enough, he carries an axe as tall as him. He swings the blade with equal parts grace and power, juggling opponents at dizzying heights before slamming them down. Such slick moves shatter any stereotypes of the axe being slow and clumsy. This makes Astaroth a go-to bruiser for many fans.

1 Death Adder - Golden Axe

Death Adder in Golden Axe 2: The Revenge of Death Adder

The weapon in the title would obviously be important. Akin to the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda, the eponymous Golden Axe is the mightiest tool in the land. Numerous villains have laid their grubby hands on this kingly prize. However, it's ultimately Death Adder--the original antagonist and most recurring--where the axe feels the most at home.

With this mighty tool and Satanic silhouette, the giant truly embodies the image of an evil overlord. He amplifies his already-immense strength by channeling magic through the axe, easily conquering the land. Even after his defeat, he rises from death and ravages the realm again. Most iconic video games from this era fashion a monster like Ganon or Bowser for such a global threat; Death Adder distinguishes himself as a humanoid who achieves the same result. The Golden Axe promises godlike power, and it doesn't disappoint.

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