Trailers for video games are effective means of promoting soon-to-be-released titles. They aim to showcase a brief portion of a game without divulging too many details. Sometimes a trailer is terrible, but that does not always mean that the game will be the same. Though it is more common to see an excellent trailer for a terrible game, it is not rare to see a bad trailer promoting an astoundingly good game.

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A video game trailer needs to be exciting and informative to retain the attention of the viewer. If it seems bland or unfinished, the same can be assumed for the full title upon release. There are few things in the video game industry more surprising than a terrible trailer leading to the release of a fantastic video game, but it is more common than one would initially think.

10 Brutal Legend

Brutal Legend

The trailer for Brutal Legend is incredible regarding the game it is intending to sell. Unfortunately, the game that was released after its debut was an entirely different one compared to what was promised in the trailer. The trailer highlights music and world exploration while disregarding the game's most crucial elements.

It would be a great trailer if it presented Brutal Legend accurately, but sadly it does not. Brutal Legend operates as a real-time strategy game, but the trailer chose to emphasize its cinematic nature instead. It showcases an entirely different game from what was released, falsely representing what the game was.

9 Kingdom Hearts 3

kingdom hearts 3 sora keyblade

The long-awaited Kingdom Hearts 3 reveal trailer built great anticipation for eager fans of the series upon its release. Unfortunately, this trailer failed to showcase anything seen in the game's official release.

The trailer's primary goal was to promote excitement among fans of the series, but that does not excuse the unfinished nature of the trailer. The gameplay mechanics shown are unfinished and, in some cases, purely animated solely to promote the upcoming title. Though many consider it to be an epic return for the Kingdom Hearts franchise, it is arguably one of the worst trailers made for an excellent game. Square Enix acknowledged this while creating the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer.

8 Final Fantasy 15

Final Fantasy Versus 13 Not at E3 2012

The cinematic Omen trailer for Final Fantasy 15 promised a great deal more than it delivered. The game was essentially a coming-of-age story intertwined with a love story, but the trailer led fans to believe it to be the first Final Fantasy story to revolve around a villain.

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The trailer presented a much darker story than what fans of the series are typically used to. Its twisted premise was essentially what built hype about the game's release, but unfortunately very little of this tone was seen in the game when it debuted. Though Final Fantasy 15 is an excellent game upon its full release, the trailer told the story of an entirely different one.

7 The Emperor's New Groove

llama kuzco emperor's new groove

The PlayStation trailer for The Emperor's New Groove showcases a cluster of confusing imagery with scenes from the movie inter-spliced. Those unfamiliar with the title will need a great deal of focus at their disposal to keep up with what they are witnessing, but thankfully the video game is not as hectic.

The Emperor's New Groove performed well despite the attempt of its trailer. It is known for being a faithful retelling of the movie with the presentation of its world and its characters. It also incorporates new elements that slightly diverge from the plot, yet retains the movie's charm. The trailer is a jumbled mess, but the official game is a fine example of what a video-to-movie adaptation should be.

6 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

Harry Potter dueling

The Harry Pottervideo game series is iconic for its design of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and perhaps even more so for how it allows the player to explore it. However, the launch trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix showcases nothing regarding its world exploration.

The trailer consists primarily of poorly animated faces and obnoxious cuts. The only real gameplay evident is briefly shown when several characters duel each other, but it is poorly executed. Strangely, this installment offers even more exploration than its predecessors, but why developers chose not to show it is unclear.

5 The Last Guardian

Trico – The Last Guardian

The launch trailer for The Last Guardian informs the viewer very little about the game, all while revealing too much. Though this game turned out to be something of a masterpiece, the trailer came very close to ruining it. Hopefully, genDESIGN does not make the same mistake with its upcoming title.

It aims to draw in fans of the studio with the bold statement "First came ICO. Then, Shadow of the Colossus. And now, a new legend is born." The trailer then plays a combination of nonsensical scenes in which very little is told. It is only upon playing the game that the viewer realizes that most of these scenes contain massive spoilers. The trailer prioritized nostalgia and spectacle over the game's plot, a cheap tactic. Thankfully, the full game told one of the most heartwarming stories of friendship in video game history.

4 Witch Hunt

witch witch hunt shoot

The gameplay trailer for Witch Hunt does an incredible job in setting the tone, but a terrible job in showcasing what the game is. It is clear from viewing the trailer that it is a horror game, but apart from that, not much else is apparent.

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All events that occur seem scripted, diminishing any possible shock value or excitement. The most engaging aspect of the trailer is the jump scare scream heard toward the trailer's end. Though it serves to define the horror element, it is a cheap trick used to entice a potential buyer. Aside from this, the trailer offers little else, which further adds to the surprise felt when one realizes how well crafted this horror game truly is.

3 Animal Crossing: Wild World

Promo art featuring characters from Animal Crossing: Wild World

The Nintendo DS trailer for Animal Crossing: Wild World, an expansive open-world game, does shockingly little with the material it has. For those watching the trailer, it seems that most emphasis is placed on multiplayer capabilities. Of course, a multiplayer feature is enticing, but it reveals very little about what one can do in this game.

The trailer tries to entice the viewer with empty sentiments about relaxation, but there is very little shown to back this up. The villagers, one of the game's biggest selling points, are nowhere to be seen. These missing pieces were all present in the game's release, but it is surprising how popular it became considering the unfinished nature of the launch trailer.

2 Until Dawn

Samantha Giddings from Until Dawn Cropped

The launch trailer for Until Dawn is a disappointing trailer for what led to an excellent video game. It fixates on the game's varying horror elements while only briefly presenting the multiple-choice approach required to successfully beat it. Achieving the best ending to the game depends on the player's choices, but this trailer does not explain this.

The trailer is jam-packed with terrifying imagery but its fast pacing renders it difficult to absorb. It offers little information on the story in favor of poorly executed scares that require multiple views to slightly comprehend. Thankfully, the full game is nothing like this.

1 Killzone 2

Killzone 2

The E3 trailer for Killzone 2 chose to highlight its graphical upgrade as the selling point, but sadly the official game was nowhere near as aesthetically pleasing. The infamous trailer misled once hopeful fans of the series into believing Killzone 2 would be nothing short of a visual masterpiece.

Though this trailer failed to present Killzone 2 accurately, the final product proved to be surprisingly successful. It is an excellent addition to the cyberpunk and sci-fi genres, despite the attempts of its trailer. If developers chose to promote the game's story and combat over graphics, perhaps it would not be as frowned upon as it is today.

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